UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@sss0296, if they rank or at least tell what percentage of the class you fall in, it will be printed directly on your transcript. You can usually get an unofficial copy of your transcript to look at.

Thanks for the advice. Two more thing though. How would you rate my extracurriculars and clinical experience, and I when umkc sees the downhill year, is there a place where I can give a reason for that downhill semester. (A bit of family problems during that semester).

@sandtime4, I think your app is fine, at least with number of hours of healthcare volunteering/shadowing. So most likely UMKC will not look at your transcript with a magnifying glass. It will be mainly based on cumulative GPA at the end of your junior year, taking into account your courseload difficulty. You don’t have to be “perfect” in terms of grades to enter the program, so I wouldn’t sweat that part too much.

Does anybody know if the interview status comes out early or late in December because Im getting a lil apprehensive!


Mind rating my chances. First post on page 320

@Elemelon, what is your class rank? And can you be more specific about your ECs both in school and healthcare ECs?

is there more chance to be admitted as an early notification applicant?

School doesn’t rank

Bronze presidential service award
80 hours at a local preschool doing a Christmas gift drive for a local shelter
40 hours shadowing a VA radiologist
10 hours shadowing a JM pediatrician
25 hours volunteer at the Red Cross mEdical center
4 years varsity volleyball
(A few more I can’t remember off the top of my head)

@sss0296, I don’t think “more” chance is accurate, more like “best” chance. There are already a set number of people they will interview. Since the regular application deadline folks (the ones who got it in by Nov. 1) will be processed AFTER the people who got it in by the Early Notification deadline (Oct. 15), then after the processing of Early Notification applications is complete, and interviews doled out, then the regular application group will be processed for the remaining interview slots in the cycle. So obviously if you’re in the EN deadline group, you have a lot more interview slots available initially to compete for, vs. by the time you get in the second group, when probably quite a few if not a majority of the interview slots have already been given away.

@Elemelon, not even a Top 5%, Top 10%, Top 25%, etc.? No rank at all? Based on what you’ve put down, your health care experience/shadowing overall is actually on the much lower end = 40 + 10 + 25 = 75 hours total, although your volunteering at the local preschool for 80 hours will help as will your participation in athletics over all 4 years. You’re in the most competitive pool, of out-of-state (not regional), but I think based on your standardized test score, you probably will be able to eek it out to get the interview. I would say what hurts your application the most is your total # of hours of healthcare experiences.


Thank you for the analysis. I actually had a typo. I shadowing the VA radiologist for 104 hours not 40… bringing my total to 139. While that is still fairly slow, it’s better than 75.

I have two questions. Firstly, are there any applicants that got accepted with ACT of 30 and GPA 3.7?
Secondly, do the admission officers consider what classes you took during your high school career—specifically how many ap classes you took over 4 years?
I took 15 AP classes and consequently have a lower GPA than other applicants.
Will this lower my chance?

@sss0296, I can’t speak as to how it is now, based on what @Watang has said in this thread w/regards to how grades and class rank factor in for this specific application cycle, but at least when I applied to the program (and I was out-of-state), they definitely went thru your high school transcript to see the rigor of your curriculum in terms of Accelerated/Pre-AP/Honors/AP/IB courses, and that you tried to enroll in the most demanding curriculum available at your school, that you could handle, of course. In fact they had you list the actual courses, as you can see here: See Page 6 -

And yes, there are definitely applicants who have been accepted to the program with an ACT of 30 and unweighted GPA of 3.7.

@sss0296 you can see here:

When does UMKC usually release the interview informations for the normal deadline (11/1) applicants?

@sss0296 I haven’t heard back yet and I was early, so I’m assuming its January.

I think I remember it saying “late January” on their website.

@sss0296, I believe last year for the regular deadline of November 1st (this was always the deadline in the past before all this Early Notification business), those applicants found out in January.

This year was 10/15 and an email from UMKC says by late December

@jhgong, yes, that 10/15 date was the Early Notification Deadline (vs. the 11/1 date which was the Regular Deadline), and those people who got it in by 10/15 will find out in December, per the website.

Hey guys, so I’ve been asked in a PM to kind of put together into 1 post all of the media articles on the UMKC 6 year BA/MD program thus far, many of which you can probably find if you were to actually read and peruse thru this thread from the very beginning (I can’t believe this thread has continued on for eleven years!) to find out everything about the program.

I went and searched thru and included as many as I could find as far as local media articles on the UMKC BA/MD program that might be pertinent to you as an applicant, as well as tried to search for some more. A lot of the links are historical, as u go further back, but as the famous Shakespeare quote goes, “What is past is prologue” (, so it helps a lot to know the history of the medical school.

If you want to look deeper you can always go to the actual websites of the KC Star newspaper, KC Business Journal, KCUR, U-News (UMKC’s university school newspaper), and just type in “UMKC School of Medicine” or “UMKC medical school” in the search function, and find articles on the UMKC Med School that way. Hopefully I haven’t repeated links in the list below. If you have any questions about something you read in these articles, you can always ask any one of us: me, @blugrn6, @UMKCRoosMD, @dogopril, or anyone else.

Some good reading in the meantime while many of you guys are anxiously awaiting to hear back about interviews:


1: (2014)

2: (2014)

3: (2013)

4: (2006)

5: (2002) -- 16th paragraph

6: (1997)

7: (2004)

8: (2004)


10: (1998)

11: (1997)

12: (2006)

13: (2002)

14: (2001)

15: (2006)

16: (2003)

17: (2006)

18: (2006)

19: (2007)


From the university itself, regarding the school’s finances:

UMKC Medical Student bios (these are from the University website):

I just realized some of the articles above are on the UMKC School of Biological Sciences. I included them as UMKC BA/MD students complete their undergraduate science courses and are taught by PhD faculty (Year 1 Anatomy, Year 1 Microbiology, Year 2 Cell Biology, and Year 2 Genetics) in the UMKC School of Biological Sciences on campus, so I thought it was pertinent.