UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@Watang, yes, they will email you the decision for interview in December, if you got it in by Early Notification: - “Applicants selected for an interview or placed on the interview waitlist will be notified electronically. Applicants not selected for an interview will also be notified electronically.”

Hey guys, some more information about the interview change to the MMI format: Apparently it’s been in place since 2013.

Man I’m getting worried about this whole thing. I have no idea if I will receive an interview and I’m honestly just getting stressed

@watang, it’s only December 1st today. Most likely the BA/MD interview invitations, for those who submitted by the Early Notification deadline, will be given throughout the month of December, rather than all on one particular day, since actual interviews this cycle aren’t even until February.

Yeah I’m aware of that, but I’m just really worried that I’m not a strong enough candidate and that I’m going to be rejected

I applied early notification. I’ll keep you guys posted whether I get an interview or not.

CA student (out of state)
ACT- 33 (34,34,34,31, 10)

GPA- 4.10 weighted (3.86 unweighted)

Senior classes-
AP CompGov
AP Chem
AP Stat
AP Spanish 5
Sports medicine
Calculus II/ Analytical Geo (College Class)

5 on Calc AB
4 on Comp Sci

Presidential volunteer service award + many extra curriculars. (2 shadowing expierence in particular and 80 hours at Red Cross medical)

Does anyone know if UMKC favor regional state students? Say Oklahoma?

over further outer states?

@sss0296, as far as I know there isn’t any “favoring” of certain regional states over other states, in the regional pool of applicants. They all pay the exact same tuition* so there is no monetary benefit for the school. There are, of course, trends over the years as to where most of the UMKC BA/MD regional students come from, since that category was first created in Fall 2007 (it was only in-state and out-of-state before that): Most of the regional students do come from Kansas (right next door), Oklahoma, and Illinois, but that is more due to applicant trend, than anything else.

  • -- one exception is if you are an underrepresented minority from a regional state (Black, Hispanic, Native American, etc.), you automatically pay in-state tuition with the Chancellor's Nonresident Minority Scholarship, not regional tuition.

Can anyone rate me please ,rate my chances please, I’m so worried!!! I will really appreciate the help. I’m a senior in Illinois who is applying to this program.



Shadowed a nephrologist doctor for 150 hrs
Shadowed ophthalmologist in India for 15 hrs
Helped rural patients on a medical campus in India for 2 days.
100 hrs+ volunteering at local hospital
Selected to be a candidate to the global youth health summit
4yrs math team and 4yrs scholastic bowl

Roentgen, I will also really appreciate your help

Also another thing to add to my lowish gpa. I took all honors classes and 10 AP classes. Also in my grade trends, there was one semester I did Horrible.

9t grade-3.66,3.66
10th grade-3.16(this was the major blip in my gpa),3.66
11th grade-3.8,3.6

My weighted is around a4.5

@sandtime4, your GPA each year will not be looked at or calculated. It’s your cumulative GPA that will be looked at, if at all, and maybe your class rank. Like all universities, they will want to see a natural progression/improvement, if you have an off semester/year, so it’s not all downhill, solely because of that reason alone. I think esp. with your ACT score, you do have a good chance, although it might be tighter since you are in the regional pool.

Can you guys also rate my chance of acceptance?
ACT 30
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
Weighted GPA: 4.3
I found an ACT tutoring for International Student.
And other medically related activities: research, hospital volunteering, and shadowing.
Do minorities (East asian who has citizenship) have more chance?

I have lower GPA because i took 15 AP classes.
Can you guys also tell me if they will look at how many classes I took as to AP classes?

@Roentgen, I also would like to thank you for the feedbacks.
Your comments help a lot!
Are you a graduate from UMKC BA/MD program?

@sss0296, what is your class rank? Yes, I am a graduate of the UMKC BA/MD program. And no, Asians, do not have more of a chance, although a large percentage of the entering BA/MD class does tend to be of Asian descent.

My school does not rank. But I think I’m top 10%.

I also have another question. My college counselor says the school does not rank, but on the school grade website, it gives you the rank. So do you think my school ranks?