UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Just a heads up, the 7 year BA/MD program for students in Missouri has been discontinued apparently

@Watang, wow, thanks for the admissions update! That was the relatively newer Guaranteed Admissions Baccalaureate/M.D. Program they started, although it was limited to a max of 10 in-state students (don’t know why regionals and out-of-state students weren’t eligible). It’s a shame, as I’m sure there were people this year who checked it off on the application, and were interested in having a more “normal” freshman year of college especially if they were not coming in with a lot of testing/transfer credit, even if it was limited to 10 Missouri residents.

@Roentgen, I checked the UMKC bookstore website, and they don’t have any books listed for Medicine 9115 - Medical Terminology and Medicine 9119 - Learning Basic Medical Sciences, do you know if there are any required textbooks for those classes when you had them?

So @PinkPrincess2014 last year posted what the books were during the 2014-2015 year, you can see here: The book title for Med Term seems to ring a bell, probably just a different edition now. LBMS doesn’t usually have a required textbook that I know of or remember having to buy. I would email the professor directly just to verify, as often times they’ve just forgotten to notify the bookstore, and the bookstore obviously doesn’t have time to hunt down every professor in the university to get their forms in.

Just as an FYI, don’t actually buy textbooks from the school bookstore. It’s usually MUCH more expensive there than what you can get buying the book online (new or used), borrowing from an upperclassman, etc. There’s also Amazon Prime for students:, with a referral system in which you can get $5 back for every person you refer who signs up, so it can potentially pay for itself.

Congratulations to the entering Year 1 BA/MD class who had their InDOCtrination ceremony today and will be starting their first day of school on Monday!

I fall in the out of state category, can someone please let me know my chances of getting into the 6 year BA/MD Program?

ACT: 34
GPA: 3.72 unweighted/4.5 weighted
Class Rank: School doesn’t rank

AP Lang: 4
AP Chem: 4
AP Bio: 4
AP US History: 4
AP Statistics: 4
AP Calc AB: 5

Honors and Awards:
Girl Scout Gold Award (In 11th grade)
Girl Scout Silver Award (In 9th grade)
Girl Scout Bronze Award (in 5th grade)
National Honors Society
AP scholar with Distinction

Extracurricular Activities:
Founder of a state wide implemented music therapy program in a health related environment
Vice President of a STEM awareness program
Student Council Class Rep
South Asian American Student Association
Relay for Life member

Health Related Activities
Volunteer at a hospital and a Children’s Hospital (250+hours)
Shadowing (100 +hours)

Year 2 here, doing my tradition of posting the UMKC BA/MD Online Supplemental Application for 2016-2017 which is now up online.

UMKC School of Medicine B.A./M.D. Program

Thank you for your interest in the UMKC School of Medicine B.A./M.D. program. We are thrilled that you are considering UMKC as an option for your medical education.

Students admitted to the UMKC B.A./M.D. program have the opportunity to earn the Baccalaureate and Doctor of Medicine degrees through a six-year (48 weeks a year) combined program offered by the College of Arts & Sciences, the School of Biological Sciences and the School of Medicine. The combined nature of the program allows you to become a competent physician through a vibrant and innovative medical education, while also providing a liberal arts education to prepare you for great responsibility and social awareness for the community in which you live. This philosophy allows you to spend six years in an integrated program that blends the humanities and arts with the discipline of medicine.

As a UMKC medical student, you can be confident that you will receive a strong foundation in medicine by developing the core competencies we believe are essential for practicing medicine: further development of interpersonal and communication skills; cultivation of professional behavior, including moral reasoning and ethical judgment; expansion of medical knowledge to apply both basic and clinical science; utilization of practice-based learning, to diagnose, manage, prevent and provide continuing care, as well as develop further skills in self-reflection and self-improvement; and employ systems-based practice to actively incorporate psychological, social, cultural and economic factors in the practice of medicine.

The UMKC School of Medicine, along with the schools of dentistry, pharmacy and nursing, is located on our Hospital Hill campus in downtown Kansas City. By joining the UMKC School of Medicine, you will become a member of the greater Kansas City community and enjoy the benefits it has to offer – great cultural events, concerts, food, sports teams, shopping and nightlife. Additionally, Kansas City has been recognized by Forbes magazine as one of America’s best downtowns for its entertainment attractions, rich culture of arts and amazing cuisine.

The UMKC School of Medicine is committed to advancing the health of our community, and we are delighted that you are beginning the application process. We look forward to receiving your application and considering you for admission to our B.A./M.D. program.

For more information about the B.A./M.D. program, please go to

Personal Information

First time applying

Name - Please use sentence case when entering your name:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Preferred Name:

Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy):
Place of birth:


Current legal address (Please avoid using P.O. boxes if possible)
-Number and street:


-Postal Code:

-Home Phone:
-Cell Phone:

Current mailing address (Please avoid using P.O. boxes if possible)
-Number and street:


-Postal Code:

-Home Phone:
-Cell Phone:

Are you a Missouri resident? Yes No
How long have you been a Missouri resident?


Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes No
Country of citizenship:

If resident alien, card number:
Date of issue:

How did you find out about the UMKC School of Medicine? Please check as many as apply:
Medical students at UMKC
Family physicians
High school counselors
Students at other medical schools
UMKC Medical School alumni
Family friend
Family member was/is in program (sibling, cousin, parent, etc.)


Did either of your parents graduate from the UMKC School of Medicine? Yes No
Outside of your parents, are you related to a graduate or current student of the UMKC School of Medicine? Yes No
Are you related to anyone else who graduated from or who works at the University of Missouri-Kansas City? Yes No

Education Information

High school type: Public vs. Private
High school name:

Year of graduation:
High school city:

High school State:

High school phone number:

Have you graduated from high school and are currently enrolled as a freshman in college? Yes No
Please list the institution where you are enrolled as a college freshman:

Statement of Student Responsibility

I understand, as an applicant to the UMKC School of Medicine B.A./M.D. program, that it is my responsibility to verify that my application is complete by the appropriate deadlines. I am responsible for verifying that the School of Medicine has received all application materials necessary to complete my application, including the following: the general application for admission to UMKC; the School of Medicine Online Supplemental Application, including personal statement, high school/college activities and leadership, and health experiences; my high school transcript; my standardized test score; and at least three references provided on the official UMKC School of Medicine online reference form. I understand that my application will remain incomplete until all of the above-mentioned materials have been received.


Technical Standards

Because of our obligation to ensure that patients receive the best medical care possible, certain abilities are required of our students. All students of medicine must possess those intellectual, emotional and physical capabilities which are necessary to participate fully in the curriculum and which are essential to achieve the levels of competence required by the faculty.

Candidates for the medical degree must be able to observe and perform a variety of procedures. Intact sensory and motor functioning is required for accurate observation and the competent performance of procedures. Candidates must be able to observe and evaluate a patient accurately, at a distance and close at hand. This necessitates the functional use of the senses of vision, hearing, touch and sometimes smell. A candidate must be able to communicate effectively, to hear and to observe patients in order to elicit information, describe changes in mood, activity and posture, and perceive nonverbal communications. The candidate must be able to communicate effectively in oral and written form. Candidates must have sufficient motor function to elicit information from patients by palpitation, auscultation, percussion and other diagnostic maneuvers.

Problem solving is a critical cognitive skill demanded of physicians, and it requires the intellectual abilities of measurement, calculation, reasoning, analysis and synthesis. In addition to these skills, a candidate must possess the high moral and ethical standards demanded of physicians and the emotional health required for full utilization of his or her intellectual abilities, the exercise of good judgment, the prompt completion of all responsibilities attendant to the diagnosis and care of patients, and the development of mature, sensitive and effective relationships with patients.

Because of the above essential functions, the School of Medicine strongly discourages the use of surrogates to perform these functions as a reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. While each application is reviewed individually, it is necessary that each degree candidate himself or herself be able to observe and perform each task required by the curriculum of the school. Similarly, the school does not consider the waiver of required examinations a reasonable accommodation for individuals with learning disabilities. Learning-disabled students, when appropriate,* may be granted additional time on required examinations, be examined in separate testing facilities or accommodated in other reasonable ways, but they will not be exempted from the requirement to take and pass such examinations.

The University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine has a standing committee to review qualified applicants who are unable to meet the technical standards for admission as stated above. The entire application file will be formally reviewed by this standing committee of the Council on Selection in consultation with the UMKC Office of Disabled Student Services.

*Contact the UMKC Office of Disabled Student Services for information regarding definition and documentation of learning disabilities.

I have read and understand the above technical standards, and I hereby certify that I believe that I am able to meet these standards if I become a medical student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine.

Select One: Yes No

Personal Statement

What motivates you to pursue a career in medicine?
What would you like the UMKC School of Medicine to know about you that isn’t available in other parts of this application?
[500 words]

Additional short answer responses

Short Answer Instructions

Describe an experience in which you interacted with someone who was different than you. What did you learn from the experience? [250 words]

How have you exhibited resiliency in an aspect of your life? [250 words]

How does your presence on social medical platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram influence your professional image? [250 words]

High School/College Activities and Leadership

UMKC School of Medicine Council on Selection reviews your high school/college activities to better understand you and your involvement and leadership outside of the classroom. Please provide a detailed description of your involvement with school sponsored clubs and organizations; community related activities; volunteer experience and/or community service; work experience; and any honors/awards received. For each activity, please provide the dates of participation and the estimated total hours you devoted to the activity. Please also provide a detailed description of and specific involvement with any activity/organization. Please type your responses in the space provided below. You are limited to 10 activities/experiences/honors, so please select those that you feel best represent your involvement and leadership. Please do not list health experiences in this section, as those experiences should be entered in the health experiences section of the application. (For current college students, please list both high school and college activities if applicable.)

Name of activity (please do not use acronyms):
Leadership Position Held:
Estimated total hours devoted to activity (if applicable):
Start Date:
End Date:
Description of activity/organization and your specific involvement with the activity/organization: (up to 200 characters)

Health Experiences

The UMKC School of Medicine Council on Selection reviews your health experiences to better understand your involvement with health-related activities and your investigation of the medical profession. Please provide a detailed description of your involvement with health-related activities including clubs and organizations; volunteer or work experience in a hospital, doctor’s office, nursing home, or other health-related facility; shadowing experience (includes shadowing of any health-care professional); participation in structured or formal health-related programs; medical or health-related research; and other health-related experiences that may contribute to your interest in medicine. For each activity, please provide the dates of participation and the estimated total hours you devoted to the activity. Please also provide a detailed description of the activity/organization and your specific involvement with the activity. Please do not list experiences in this section that you have already listed in the High School/College Activities section. Please type your responses in the space provided below. You are limited to 10 activities, so please select those activities that you feel best represent your commitment to healthcare. (For current college students, please list both high school and college activities.)

Name of activity (please do not use acronyms)

Type of activity:

School related
Work experience
Structured/Formal program
Other health experience
Volunteer experience

Estimated total hours devoted to activity (if applicable):

Start Date:
End Date:

Description of activity/organization and your specific involvement with the activity/organization: (up to 500 characters)

Recommendation Provider

Please list the names and contact information for 3-6 people who will be submitting reference forms on your behalf. Reference forms should be submitted electronically by teachers, counselors, school administrators or others who can speak to your academic ability and personal character. Reference forms should not be submitted by family members or friends. Those providing the reference must submit a fully complete online School of Medicine reference form. Letters of recommendation will not be accepted in place of or in addition to the online School of Medicine reference form. Reference forms will not be accepted by email or mail, but must be submitted online.

To send the reference form to the recommendation providers listed below, please click “Send Email Request” next to each recommendation provider. Email Requests must be sent before submitting application.

Add Recommendation Provider

First Name:
Last Name:
University or Company:
Confirm Email:
Relationship to you:

Certification and Submission

Thank you for your interest in The University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine. If you are satisfied with your responses to our supplementary questions, we are ready to receive and review your entire application. Once you submit this application, you will be unable to make any further changes.

I certify that the information in this application and associated materials is current, complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Hi, I was wondering, how helpful would it look in an admission officer’s eyes to participate in WashU or any other university’s Mini-Medical School?


So your GPA is a little lower at: 3.72 compared to the 3.81 matriculating GPA for the class entering in 2015, so about one-tenth lower, although that would have to be taken in context with your curriculum rigor. Your ACT score of 34 is above the average ACT of 31, which is good. In terms of your healthcare hours, I think you have enough in terms of volume, although only in 2 activities (I would separate out the adult hospital and children’s hospital in terms of the hours unless they’re the same institution). You do have some time to get a few short term activities to add in before that November 1st deadline (see my posts in the thread this past month/2 months where I break up the application into parts with links that help find healthcare related activities in your area: I’m assuming your shadowing was of a physician(s).

If you were in-state, I’d say you’d have no problem with getting an interview, but because you’re in the out-of-state pool, it’s more difficult to predict with utmost certainty just because the out-of-state pool that is applying to UMKC BA/MD is so very well-qualified and competitive on average in terms of their academics, standardized test scores, breadth of extracurriculars & leadership in school and healthcare ECs, etc. on paper. For the OOS pool - the applicant pool is usually 500+ applications, which they then interview about 80, to get down to the final 10-15 OOS students they take in each class. Even the regional pool has much more leeway, since there are more apportioned spots in the matriculating class for them than for OOS. So in many ways, for OOS students, getting an interview and getting into the program can feel like a crapshoot (

So this is what I would work on, if I were you:

a) I would see if you can get in a few more very short-term healthcare activities that you can participate in before the Nov. 1 deadline - healthcare fundraisers or marathons, blood drives, free healthcare screenings, etc. to add to the healthcare ECs section.

b) Really work hard to write, edit, and proofread your personal statement and the short answer responses. Have someone like an English teacher look over your essays before you submit them.

These are the areas that you still have time to work on and strengthen.

@bladerz1, always coming thru for CC!!! Thank you for posting and hope Year 2 is starting off well for you.

@mli701, it’s perfectly fine to participate in the “mini-medical school” activities that other medical schools offer. It would actually fit under the “Structured/Formal program” category of the healthcare ECs. One activity by itself will not push the needle one way or another in terms of receiving an interview or not, but I think it would qualify as a healthcare EC that you participated in. The fact that it’s at another medical school institution would not be seen as a negative.

UMKC has ED?

@sampil, no, the UMKC BA/MD program does not have the Early Notification Deadline (which was only for being notified of the interview earlier) anymore. This website link from the main university has not been updated and is inaccurate for this year: You can see the actual application timeline from the UMKC SOM webpage here: Deadline for receipt of all materials is November 1st – meaning they have to have a completed general application, a completed supplemental application, transcripts, standardized test score reports, completed online reference forms, in hand by that November 1st date.

Do you know what the interview calculator bases your chances off of? Are there real people behind the calculator? How accurate have you heard it to be?

THANKS MUCH :smiley:

@Sona3599, I actually didn’t hear about this UMKC Interview calculator in the thread until after this past cycle was already over. You can go here: I have no idea what it bases it off of since I can’t access it. You can only apparently access it if you have an email or an email. I know there are private schools that give their students institutional emails so they’d probably be able to access it. If you go to a public school, that usually doesn’t give their students’ school email addresses, maybe if your teacher or counselor is very nice and you explain the situation, they can submit whatever that website asks for on your behalf thru their .edu email. Just make sure that you take a look at the disclaimer at the bottom of the webpage.

Hey guys, so there has been some confusion on the third short response question. I think they meant to say, “social MEDIA platforms”, which they then give examples of in that question - Facebook, Twitter, etc., not “social medical platforms”. You can always call over to ask, but thought that might help make the question a little clearer.

@Roentgen Thanks! I was also wondering if it is better to submit an ACT score with scaled scores of:
English: 30
Math: 36
Science: 35


English: 34
Math: 34
Reading: 33
Science: 35

Both of these ACT scores have a composite of 34 but as you can see, the second one is all rounded but the first one shows more superiority in certain subjects but also shows inferiority in English in particular. Which of these ACT scores would be better to submit to UMKC BS/MD in order to improve my chances? Thank you!

@sampil, does the ACT have a score choice option similar to the SAT? (I’m not as familiar with the ACT). Based on the UMKC Med website itself, it doesn’t look like it makes a difference in your case:, as they review the best composite score, which is the same score, 34, in your case.

You can see the percentiles here:, which I have put in parentheses below:


English: 30 (92)
Math: 36 (99)
Reading:35 (99)
Science: 35 (99)


English: 34 (98)
Math: 34 (99)
Reading: 33 (97)
Science: 35 (99)

Either way, at UMKC, if you were to get in, an ACT English subscore of 30 or greater satisfies the Discourse I requirement, so you’re fine with either one, really. Just looking at that, if I had to make a decision of which one to send, I would (personally) go with #2 just because the other percentiles for other sections are either exactly the same or within 1-2.

Hi, I’m from Los Angeles and I would also like to know my chances for the program… also, thanks @Roentgen for always replying to people’s comments/concerns. I’ve been following this thread for over a year now and you’re on every page basically helping everyone LOL.

ACT: 35
GPA: 3.66 unweighted (extremely cutthroat public high school with 4000 students)
Class Rank: School doesn’t rank

AP’s taken/taking:
AB Calculus
English Language
U.S. History,
Comparative Gov/politics,

Honors and Awards:
CSF (California Scholarship Federation)
100 Hours Pin at a hospital I volunteered at
AP Scholar with Distinction
1/8 high school students to be chosen to participate in a meeting with Paul Andersen, founder of Bozeman Science

Extracurricular Activities/health-related activities:
Chemistry Club VP
UCLA blood drive (hosted it at my school)
Senior Men and Women Leadership
HIV research at USC (will be working on a microRNA/HIV project after February at USC as well)
Volunteered at a local hospital for 100 hours
Started my own sneaker business
Apache News Film/Broadcasting
Speech and Debate
Pre-Med club (regular club member)
Muslim Student Union President
Played basketball for 13 years
CPR certified (idk if this will help or not but who knows lol)