UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@american99 Overall looks good. Here are some feedback.
As you rightly pointed out, the GPA is very low. School also does not rank, so the onus is on you to some how to show you are not bad but school grads very strict. Do you know (even if informal) where do you stand. Are you in the top 10 or 15%? Is there a way which can show that, in that way you have communicate that clearly in the app or some where. Also colleges will get to know if your school is top notch and give grades this low all the time.
Second, physician shadow is missing. Is it possible to try even for few hours and mention it. (i know you are in CA and with no friends or family in healthcare field, it is hard to get shadowing)

Plus side, you have research and also leadership.

Finally suggest to apply to some top schools for regular UG in addition to BS/MD. GL.

One more quick question! I was selected into a biosciences and medicine academy. i basically had half of my classes there and then went back to my regular high school for the rest of the day. Could this go under health experiences as a structured formal program? Thanks tons!! :smiley:

Ha, thanks @American99!

Only possible due to the inventions of the iPhone and iPad. I’ve been trying to “retire”, but there seem to be no takers who want to stay thru an application cycle or at least for an extended period of time to answer questions/give their opinions & experiences that inevitably come up on a variety of issues about the combined program from both applicants and parents. I’m sure I’ll get tired of it eventually and move on. I would be more than happy though if more voices entered (from those who graduated and those who are currently going thru the program), but I understand why that may not be feasible for everyone.

Your standardized test score is absolutely excellent with a 35 on the ACT. As you probably know that 3.66 is much lower (the average for entering 2015 was 3.81 - and that’s of EVERYBODY in the class together, not only just out-of-state which is likely to be higher). It’s hard for the med school to evaluate different high schools, in terms of how cutthroat they can be, from those schools that are out-of-state. The application process is much more standardized now, which doesn’t always lend itself as much to subjective judgement calls. For example, in a non-standardized process, someone could look at the 35 and 3.66 and see the discrepancy and wonder why this is the case, call you for interview, and then find out, but I don’t know how often that is the case now, especially in the out-of-state pool that is already so competitive to begin with in terms of academic stats and CV ECs. The med school has stopped using class rank as a metric, because many high schools have stopped sending out class rank or say they don’t rank their students (w/no indicator on a transcript or thru a school profile sheet). When you have a plurality of applicants whose high schools don’t give a class rank, while the majority of of applicants do have class rank, it’s hard to use that as a factor to take into account that you can’t apply to everyone. This is why the unweighted GPA from the 17 core requirements is more important now, along with consideration of the rigor of those courses.

Do you have the total number of hours for each of your healthcare activities? I agree with @GoldenRock, have you shadowed any physicians, even in the private practice arena? While research is a great thing to have, and UMKC Med is trying to increase that somewhat now, the truth is that UMKC Med is not a high-flying basic science/clinical research type of school, so your research won’t mean as much vs. having more healthcare experience/exposure through physician shadowing, hospital volunteering, scribing, etc.

Thanks for the feedback! Actually, someone who just graduated from the UMKC ba/md program also went to my high school, so hopefully the school knows.

@Sona3599, yes your biosciences and medicine academy would count as a healthcare experience. It can go under “School related” or “Structured/Formal program”. Each healthcare activity allows up to 500 characters to describe it. The academy probably has in their documentation the number of contact hours, so I would just use that number in your application if it’s too confusing to calculate.

Hey guys, thought I would post this from another thread in the forum for those who want tips on the personal statement which effectively discusses, “Why Medicine?”

It’s from the people at PreMed HQ:, which you can see that they have a BS/MD category. It’s a webinar on August 27th from 1-2 pm Central Time that you can sign up for. They will discuss the purpose, tips for writing a powerful essay, what to avoid while writing, Good and bad samples, and how you can get started on your essay.

Does anyone know what is asked of the recommenders on the forms sent to them? I’m just wondering because I feel slightly guilty of my recommenders having to submit separate forms just to UMKC and I want to make sure it isn’t anything too extensive.

Hey @chocolatina1001, you can go here:, to see what the reference form has looked like in previous application cycles, to see more or less what characteristics are being looked at, that your evaluators are asked to evaluate you on. The reference form is now completely online and will be submitted by them when you enter their information along with email into the application.

@Roentgen Thanks! The reference form looks a lot simpler than I imagined so that’s relieving!

@chocolatina1001, yeah, the actual reference form, now online, sent to the evaluator isn’t a long one to fill out, I don’t think. I’m sure that by now it’s been modified somewhat from that PDF from the 2008-2009 application cycle, so it isn’t an exact replica, but overall it’s the same concept in terms of evaluating you more on your personal character which is usually gained by getting to know you during the school year (vs. solely based on seeing your grades appearing on a transcript). Letters of recommendation can vary A LOT in terms of word choice used, the writer’s actual meaning, and how it’s interpreted on the admissions side, so this is sort of a way to standardize that and compare you on a level field with others in your class/age group/grade level that the teacher, counselor, etc. has come in contact with. I would keep in mind #3 on my post in the link above so that you get the strongest references that you can.

Hi All,

I am planing to apply to UMKC 6 yrs med program OOS. I want to know my chances.
I have SAT score but have never given ACT exam
MY SAT score of 1 sitting is 2230 :
Critical Reading: 680
Writing: 750

I have a GPA of 3.6 unweighted

My school which is a biomedical magnet school and does not rank.

I have 70 hours of hospital volunteering
100 hours of shadowing
50 hours of community service
I am a certified EMT and have 200 hours of service
and have completed a research program at Rutgers University.

I am president of a environment related club and am president of the state board as well.

What are my chances as an OOS student?

Hi Everyone,

I’m currently filling out the supplemental application for the BA/MD program. It’s my number one pick and I’ve been aspiring to attend this program since the 7th grade, and wanted to know my chances. Here are my credentials:

Applicant Pool: In-State, MO
Gender: Female
GPA: Unweighted: 3.92
Weighted: 4.68
ACT Score: 27 (I’m taking both the September and October test)
Class Rank: 5 of 409

International Baccalaureate Full Diploma - Classes Taking/Taken
-Psychology SL (received a 5)
-Biology HL
-Literature HL
-Spanish SL
-Mathematics SL
-History of the Americas HL
-Theory of Knowledge

High School Activities, Organizations, and Clubs:
-Academic Team - Co-President/Varsity Captain
-A+ Tutor
-Foreign Language Club
-International Baccalaureate Program

-Key Club
-Link Crew
-Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society)
-National Art Honor Society
-National Honor Society
-OHS Writing Center Tutor
-Science Club - Treasurer
-Science Olympiad - VP
- State Qualifier for Protein Modeling and Anatomy
-Club Volleyball through 11th Grade

Work Experience:
-Employee at Comet Cleaners - 15-25 hr/week (and the occasional 40 hr/week)
- Currently PNR

Community Service/Volunteering:
-James River Church Volunteer, including but not limited to:
- Designed For Life Nights
- DFL Women’s Conference
- Children and Student Ministries Worker
- Project Partnership
-Care to Learn
-CCCC Sertoma Member
-Kiwanis International
-150+ hours a year through National Honor Society and other extracurricular activities through school

Health Related Activities:
-OHS Blood Drive
-Medical Explorers (Volunteer and Shadowing at Local Hospital(s))- 100+ hours
-ACES (AHEC Career Enhancement Scholars) Workshop Attendee
-Physician Shadowing at Local Clinic
-ONE Clinic - 1 of 2, in 2015, and only 1, in 2016, in Missouri to be selected as an intern for the Ozark Neuroscience Educational Clinic (ONE). The 4 day clinic involves speakers from around the country giving forth new advancements in the neuroscience, as well as hands on cadaver labs to Physicians, Surgeons, and Nurses in Missouri.


So your SAT score of 1480 (~33 ACT) puts you above the average of an ACT of 31 for the entire class (although the OOS pool is likely going to have even higher scores than the 31 - the med school hasn’t released stats by applicant pool). Your GPA is lower than the 3.81 average.

Your health ECs are good. I’m assuming the 50 community hours is in something health-related. The only big problem in your application seems to be in your level of involvement in school activities. Is being President of an environmentally related club the only thing you have in terms of school involvement & leadership? No involvement in anything else in terms of non-healthcare related school ECs?

I do think your chances of getting an interview are lower because a) you happen to be in the OOS pool (so you’re already competing against a very competitive group of students whose CVs tend to be very strong in all areas and b) because of your lower than average involvement in school activities compared to other BA/MD applicants, at least based on what you’ve typed. The lower GPA compared to the 3.81 average doesn’t help, although it will be taken in context of the rigor of your curriculum. I would still apply anyways, see what happens, but try to smash the personal statement and short essays out of the park.


Only 7th grade? That might be a problem. Usually the school is looking for applicants who show more commitment at an earlier age, which involves having the 6 year program be your dream program since at least the elementary school level, so 5th grade, at the very latest. i*

I think your GPA is excellent at 3.92 which is above the class average of 3.81. As you figured out, your ACT score is much lower than the ACT class average of 31, which you’re working on now, I’m sure. If you are extended an interview, you can potentially also take the ACT again in December to still be able to be used in the final calculation (that December test date wouldn’t be used for interview selection) - you can see here under “ACT/SAT Score”:

I think your level of school activity & leadership involvement, community service, and health-related activities are excellent in terms of overall breadth, depth, and variety. And since you’re in the in-state applicant pool, which is the largest pool, your chances of receiving an interview are probably pretty good assuming your personal statement and short response essays are good, which it probably will be. All this being said, crack down to get your ACT score at least to that 31 if you can, as that is the main glaring weakness in your application by far. UMKC is not as standardized test score obsesssed as other more competitive Bachelor/MD programs can be, but it it’s still important since Bachelor/MD programs have very few objective high school metrics to go by as to how successful that person will likely be in a combined program such as this (class rank is no longer used by UMKC Med in the applicant process since many high schools no longer release class rank). It will also help, I think, with your application to other Bachelor/MD programs in the state, as well as outside Missouri, if you’re applying to those.

Hi! I would like to apply to the BS/MD program, but I’m still a junior, but I’ve been reading through all the posts for a while, and this is my top choice! Here are my stats:

Applicant Pool: In-State, MO
Gender: Female
GPA: Unweighted: 3.86
Weighted: 4.28
ACT Score: 31
Class Rank: None

AP Classes I’m currently taking:
AP Bio
AP English Language
AP Calc AB
AP Government/Comparative Politics

AP Classes I’m planning to take senior year:
AP Chem
AP English Literature
AP Spanish 5
AP Economics
AP Statistics

AP Classes I’ve already took:
AP Physics (Score: 3, physics was awful)
AP World (Score: 4)

High School Activities, Organizations, and Clubs:
-Academic Team
-A+ Tutor
-Spanish Club
-Model UN (Secretary)
-Key Club
-Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Advisory
-Mu Alpha Theta
-Symphonic Orchestra (Highest level orchestra)
-National Honor Society
-Make a Change
-USA (United Saviors of Animals, Vice President)
-SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions, President and Founder)
-Chess Club (Secretary)
-JV Tennis

Community Service/Volunteering:
-St. Louis Chinese Language School Teacher Aid: 100+ hours
-St. Louis Chinese Language School Math Tutor: 25+ hours
-Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House Guest Services: 100+ hours
-Festival of Nations: 2014, 2015, 2016
-Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Feed My Starving Children Volunteer

Health Related Activities:
-St. Luke’s Hospital Volunteer: 50+ hours
-Substance Abuse Prevention Volunteering and Events: 1000+ hours
-Maryville University Body Basics Institute: 20 hours
-Sole Student Representative on Rockwood Drug Free Coalition Executive Board-2 years
-Tobacco Free Missouri Youth Chair of Advocacy- 1 year
-Missouri Youth Advocacy Ambassador 2016-2017

-ACT Missouri Outstanding Youth Prevention Award Winner 2016
-Active Coalition member and Sole St. Louis County high school student on a coalition that passed Tobacco 21 legislation in St. Louis County

I would love to hear any suggestions/help since this is my dream program!!! Thanks loves!


So since you’re a junior, your stats could easily change in the time from now until you apply next fall. Your current GPA is slightly higher than the entering 2015 3.81 stat (but not by much) and your ACT score is right at the average of 31 for the entire 2015 entering matriculant BA/MD class (in-state + regional + out-of-state together). Your curriculum is rigorous in terms of classes, so that shouldn’t be an issue. You’ll definitely be helped in terms of getting an interview by being in-state, solely due to the total # of available interview spots allocated to that pool, and eventual # of in-state spots in the matriculating class, which is still the highest percentage at 58%, even with the regional category added.

Some weaknesses that I can see that you may want to improve on throughout this year till next fall before you submit:

  1. In your School ECs & Leadership, I notice a lot of clubs and organizations (your non-healthcare community service counts under here). You’re limited to 10 on the application, so make sure you put down the ones in which you’ve had a significant involvement and/or leadership position. You’ll have to make clear in your descriptions showing this.

  2. In terms of your HC related activities, I think 50 hours in terms of patient clinical exposure isn’t enough. Try to get it at least to 100-150. I also don’t see any hours of physician shadowing either. My question would be as someone reading your application is how much you’ve gotten your feet wet in terms of actually being exposed to real, live patients (since the goal of the school is to put out clinicians who practice clinical medicine) as well as the actual specific HC career path of a physician in terms of day-to-day life (vs. just as great careers like: NP, PA, Optometry, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, etc.) that you’ve already committed to at such an early age. UMKC Med tends to value these type of experiences a lot. Your other HC activities while they do count under HC activities, don’t really show me this.

All healthcare activities are not created equal. That’s why that section of the UMKC BA/MD application has you categorize the activity: School related, Work experience, Structured/Formal program, Other health experience, Volunteer experience, Shadowing, and Research. So, for example, at UMKC Med, because they’re not a research heavy medical school, compared to others that have a lot of great research going on, having research won’t be as critical or even necessary.

The last thing that the med school wants is a student who is fantastic academically but when it gets to actual clinical rotations/clerkships, it is such a huge culture shock for them (it’s a baseline adjustment for all med students) that they realize that they actually hate day-to-day clinical medicine. This would have been found out whether he/she likes it or not, by the student sooner, if they had had those experiences — hence the emphasis on those experiences by the med school.

Hey guys, so I noticed in the overall Multiple Degree Programs CC forum there is ANOTHER PremedHQ seminar you can sign up for: It’s more geared towards high school seniors who are applying this year. They will present on how to decide which schools to apply for, as well as decisions regarding applying to any supplemental BS/MD programs — since most high school seniors apply to regular undergrad institutions by default, and also apply to Bachelor/MD programs in addition to that.

The webinar will be this Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Central Standard Time.

They also have a Bachelor/MD list which is pretty organized, although I haven’t checked if it’s all comprehensive: Just something to take advantage of.

Can someone please let me know my chances of getting into the 6 year BA/MD Program @ UMKC?

Regional, Asian, Male

ACT: 34
GPA: 3.85 unweighted
Class Rank: School doesn’t rank

AP Eng. Lang: 5
AP Bio: 5
AP Calc BC:: 5
AP Chem: 4

Co-founder of the Tutoring Club, National Merit Semifinalist, Co-Captain of Scholastic Bowl Varsity Team, Mathlete in Math Team, Member of Aspiring Medical Professionals, Member of INTERACT, Member of Science Honors Society, Member of Science Olympiad, and CPR Certified.

President Tutoring club
Head volunteer at Hospital
Lead at Children’s Museum
Co-captain of Scholastic Bowl Team

COMMUNITY/VOLUNTEER: (since 9th grade)
More than 300 hours at Nursing Home, PADS, Feed My Starving Children & Museums

Volunteer at a hospitals (500+hours)
Hands-on Project with Cardiac physician 11th grade summer (200 hours)
Dr. Shadowing (200 +hours) with different specialties

Research:10the grade summer at state university on biophysical technology (nothing published)

@sampil You have an equal chance in the out of state pool. You have strong exposure related to health care activities, though your gpa is on the lower side. Focus on the application process for now. GL.

@GoldenRock… thanks for your input. Is Regional have better chances than OOS?