UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@Roentgen. I was looking at last year posts and they started sending interview requests by dec30th.

@rsmith0208, yes, that is because last year there was an additional Early Notification deadline of October 15th (along with the usual regular deadline of November 1st) in which you could get to find out your interview status earlier by the end of December. This year, since there is no longer an Early Notification deadline option and just ONE regular deadline for everyone of November 1st (which is what it’s always been in the past), everyone finds out at about the same time at the end of January. Hope that clarifies things a bit in the difference from last year to this year.

@Roentgen - Thank you for the explanation. it makes sense

My UMKC ‘general application processed’ status changed to green check mark on 3rd Jan. Looks like they started reviewing the apps.

Upon further review of their admissions site, i found an UG acceptance letter which was sent last week. I haven’t received email/snail mail yet. My transcript was sent on 30th Oct and submitted all info on time. Here is the exact letter-

Congratulations! Your general application to the University of Missouri-Kansas City has been evaluated
and you meet our university admission criteria. Your application information, transcript, and test scores
have been forwarded to the School of Medicine.
You have now completed the first two steps in applying for admission to the B.A./M.D. program.
Instructions for completing the remaining steps, including submitting your supplemental application and
references, as well as checking the status of your application can be found at:
The admissions process for the B.A./M.D. program is a four stage process. The first stage is meeting
university admission criteria which you have now completed. The second stage involves completing your
School of Medicine supplemental application and submitting all supplemental materials. If selected, the
third stage will include an invitation to interview. Interviews will take place between January and March,
and you will be contacted directly by the School of Medicine regarding their decision as to whether or not
you will be offered an interview. Following all interviews, the final stage involves the School of
Medicine selecting students for admission to the program. All School of Medicine admission decisions
will be mailed to students on April 1. You can find a more detailed Application Timeline at:
Again, congratulations and best wishes on your continued high school success.

Did anyone get the UG acceptance?

@brucewayne1998 Yeah! i got it too! but i received mine quite a while ago ~ 3-4 weeks ago. its probably cuz we’re in different pools. r u oos?

probably. I am regional. I got ‘received all information and forwarded to med school’ few weeks back.

Hey guys, hope everyone is enjoying the start of the new year. As mentioned previously, based on looking at the UMKC BA/MD website, the decision about whether you received a UMKC BA/MD program interview will be coming towards the end of this month.

If you want, you can start looking at what I’ve posted previously in the thread in last year’s interview cycle from 2015-2016, regarding the interview:

Interview Dress Code:

Toledo Chemistry Exam:

Multiple Mini-Interview:

Traveling from Outside Missouri:

Traditional Interview Questions:

Medical Ethics:

US Healthcare System:


Practicing at Home:

I’ll try to update these for this year, although there likely will not be any huge changes.

I am also working on a short primer with regards to understanding how the physician educational pathway is structured (especially for those who do not have a relative, or know anyone, in the physician profession), what questions to ask, what information to be gathering when it comes to evaluating/comparing Bachelor/MD programs, as some of you may be in the position of having several Bachelor/MD program acceptances from which to choose from.

when do you guys thing interview decisions will be announced?

@bunny101 : They suppose to come this week or next week

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i got waitlisted. what is the chance that I will still be able to interview? also, how many people usually get put on the waitlist? thanks

@baddyop Hi, are you from OOS, In-state or regional? Do you mind sharing credentials. I am just waiting. Curious to weigh in my chances

nvm haha i got it good luck to everyone

You mind sharing your credentials @bunny101 ? Just curious about my chances

waitlisted OOS. what are the chances to get an interview?

@DADINUSA, So I think it varies from year to year. There have been instances on the thread in which people have gotten off of the interview waitlist in years past. Not everyone accepts an interview to this program (contrary to what you may believe) and thus rejects the offer. Keep in mind there are 3 pools, for all intents and purposes: in-state, regional, and out-of-state. So someone from your pool would have to turn down the interview, in order to choose someone else from that same pool. This is so that at the end the relative numbers in each pool don’t wildly fluctuate - both on the number of people interviewed in each pool, and then the eventual people in each pool who are accepted.

I don’t know when people have to accept their invitation for interview by, but when it comes to getting off the waitlist, it’s probably more of a rolling basis.

I am OOS and I go to a top ten high school with full IB diploma course… 34 ACT (No sat), 3.87gpa and 4.19 weighted gpa but i had a really amazing rec from an emt i worked with who wrote all about my personality and all so i think that helped me the most. i had a lot of volunteering and a little shadowing and research but nothing that amazing

Thank you @bunny101 . Congratulations on getting interview. Happy news. Did you have lot of AP classes?

nope i go to a full ib school but my school is ranked top ten in the nation so it helped maybe?? @hoping2017 but thank uuu

I got waitlisted. My stats are 33 act 4.3 weighted. Do you guys think sending a letter of interest, as you would do if you were deferred from Michigan or another college of the sort, would help?