UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Are you OOS? Also I think UMKC looks at unweighted more than weighted gpa. Roentgen is probably more authentic voice here to advice you on the question of letter.

@hoping2017, UMKC only looks at the unweighted GPA as determined by the University along those 17 core courses. This is looked at along with the rigor of courses taken in your high school curriculum.

@rbellam, A letter will likely not help, as they probably already have the waitlist numbered depending on how many people reject the offer and they will just go down as many spots as they have to, along that list for that particular pool, depending on how many people reject the offer in that specific pool.I don’t see how a small mailed note would hurt though in still expressing interest.

when will be UMKC interviews starts?

UMKC interviews starts the week of Feb 13

From regional - 3.7uw gpa, 4.32wgpa, 34act, 1540sat new - any chances from what you all have seen this year, or am I doomed? still no email :slight_smile:

Hi I am new in this website. I am a parent. My son got email from umkc , he is on waiting list. Does anyone know when will he hear from umkc?

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He really wants to go this program. Is there anything can we do to get interview?

What is his chance to get interview?
How it works?
Can someone explain please?

@Jack500, I’ll paste again what I’ve pasted above regarding the waitlist:

“So I think it varies from year to year. There have been instances on the thread in which people have gotten off of the interview waitlist in years past. Not everyone accepts an interview to this program (contrary to what you may believe) and thus rejects the offer. Keep in mind there are 3 pools, for all intents and purposes: in-state, regional, and out-of-state. So someone from your pool would have to turn down the interview, in order to choose someone else from that same pool. This is so that at the end the relative numbers in each pool don’t wildly fluctuate - both on the number of people interviewed in each pool, and then the eventual people in each pool who are accepted. I don’t know when people have to accept their invitation for interview by, but when it comes to getting off the waitlist, it’s probably more of a rolling basis.”

“they probably already have the waitlist numbered depending on how many people reject the offer and they will just go down as many spots as they have to, along that list for that particular pool, depending on how many people reject the offer in that specific pool.”

Thanks so much Roentgen. Thanks for helping me. I am trying to help my son. I am not that educated to helphim. Bless your heart

Thanks so much for explain. I am not educated well. I am a simple worker. I am trying to help my son. This is his dream program.
I will take any advice.

Does anyone know what is the last day of interview acceptance?

Bless your heart Roentgen

jan 24

@jack500, no problem at all. Please feel free to ask any further questions about the program or the UMKC BA/MD application process that you’d like. This thread (and this forum in general, really) isn’t just for applicants, but also for parents as well, so I and others appreciate contributions from both.

As someone who completed the program, I very much understand why this program can sometimes be seen by some applicants as a “dream program”. That being said, I would say the actual reality of that on the ground is much more varied and complicated. These Bachelor/MD programs are very much an ALTERNATIVE, not THE route to going to medical school.

Is UMKC portal down? I can’t access the portal. error 500…

@sampil - Yes, it seems to be down temporarily. It will likely be resolved relatively quickly.

@Roentgen - thanks

Roentgen , I am so glad I met you in this website. I wish too many people would like you. So many thanks. I am praying for my son to get interview

Does anyone know when the interviews are done by ?

Our D got an interview letter yesterday and to reply before next tuesday. But the portal has been down since yesterday evening and keeps showing an error message. Is there any other way to schedule the interviews?

Roentgen! Cannot thank you enough for all the super helpful posts. Really appreciate it.

The interview dates are Feb 13 to 16.