UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program


How long should we wait for interview being on waiting list? When will be sure he will not get interview?
Thanks everyone

I am very sorry for bothering so much. My son is so upset , he is even not much eating and sleeping since he got email telling her is in waiting list. I am very worry about him.

@Jack500: Is your son/daughter from in-state or OOS?

Hey @jack500, if you want, you can private message me thru College Confidential. Click on my username on the left hand side, then click on the orange “Message” button.

We live in OK

Thanks so much Roentgen. You are blessing for my child

@Jack500, no problem at all, glad to help. I’ve been getting quite a few messages from parents (so you’re definitely not alone), so I’ll try to address this and give my perspective/hindsight on the thread later on today or tomorrow.

@Jack500 , May I know your son’s stat. Act and gpa . We also got waitlist

30 and 3.7

3 kiddos,What is your child act and gpa?

Act 30 gpa 4.0

Did anyone heard interview who was on waiting list?

Can some one shed some light on UMKC interview? How to prepare? what are the type of questions the candidate should prepare?

Dear Rontgen , do you know about did anyone receive interview while on the waiting list?
Thanks so much

Hey guys, sorry it took me way too long to respond, so let me address this waitlist issue:

First, as I’ll repeat again, I have no idea how far UMKC Med goes down the waitlist for each specific pool - in-state, regional, out-of-state. The reason for this is that it can vary a lot from year to year, depending on how many people in each school accept the interview offer, and contrary to what people believe, not everyone will accept the offer for a variety of reasons, one of the major reasons being the unusually high cost of the program (compared to other Bachelor/MD programs and even regular undergraduate options going thru the traditional route). Even for in-staters (who in theory, their parents’ taxes subsidize higher education in the state), the cost of the program is still relatively high, because in this program you pay tuition at the School of Medicine rate (rather than the undergraduate rate for the first 2 years) for all 6 years (or longer, if you were to extend in the program). That being said, the Year 1-2 SOM rate per credit hour (which is higher than the undergraduate rate) is lower than the Year 3-6 rate.

So I have to emphasize this – Bachelor/MD programs are an alternative route to go to medical school. They are not THE route to go to med school and never have been THE route. There’s a reason most medical schools don’t offer a route like this and why the AAMC does not endorse this pathway over the traditional pathway, you can see that at the bottom of this article here (although a little dated): The AAMC allows medical schools to decide their own admissions policies (within reason) and gives them a little leeway. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not come in with the view that this is the ONLY way to do this or even the BEST way to do it because it isn’t. The quality of Bachelor/MD programs can vary A LOT across the spectrum. In many ways, I wish I had made the harder comparison between UMKC and regular undergrads thru the traditional route (my only Bachelor/MD acceptance was UMKC, as I only applied to 6 year programs which were NEOUCOM and UMKC bc I hyperfocused on the time issue, which, in retrospect, nobody cares): As I’ve mentioned before in the thread, I would have made a different decision: You can also see other people’s experiences in the thread as we’ve had more recent input from current students as well. I’ve said it once and I’ve said it again, the no MCAT aspect (in a profession that has TONS of standardized exams) and 6 year aspect, are not good reasons, by themselves, to go into this program, as those things are readily replaced by other things you have to do in the program, often at an earlier age.

I understand the rose-colored glasses ( that applicants come in with when they first hear, see, know someone who is in the UMKC BA/MD program. As someone who applied, went thru, and finished it, I just want to say that it’s not that simple. This isn’t a program where everyone is happy 24/7 (no program like that exists really). There are real compromises you make, by doing a program like this. I know this will also shock you but there are TONS of great professions out there, including in healthcare, many of which a lot of us never got to explore & would have been just as happy in AND just as successful in (probably with a lot less debt and headache). I realize a lot of high schoolers think being a physician is the only way to hitting the happiness lottery - both mentally & financially, but that’s not really true (not just my observation, but others in the profession whom I know as well). This latter point may be hard to understand even for some parents who may not understand how medicine/healthcare in the U.S. has dramatically changed in the last few decades. I understand this is very hard for Type A high school seniors, such as yourselves, to see at this age of your lives when you may think there is only 1 best path which is thru this program, but it’s really not true. Especially now with our healthcare system changing in terms of payment reform/reimbursement for medical services, more and more students will more readily approach alternative routes in healthcare that may not involve the physician route - which is more and more changing at least in academic medicine towards being a “member” of a “team” vs. the sole captain of the ship (won’t go into detail here as it’s beyond the scope of this specific post).

So PLEASE DON’T not eat or not sleep over this. It is SO NOT WORTH IT (and more importantly, it worries your parents who really care for you & will feel absolutely awful because they feel helpless to help solve the situation), trust me, especially since your higher education journey is just beginning, it’s not the final pitstop - it hasn’t even started. I realize you might be thinking, that’s easy for you to say, because you made it in, but you’ll have to trust me, that after having completed it, it wasn’t the winning the SuperBowl moment that I initially thought it was as a high school senior. If you guys have any further questions you can private message me.

This thread has been so helpful as a parent. My son received an interview from UMKC program and we couldn’t be more happier. He has been preparing for this interview since December!!!

Also, does anyone know why UMKC interviews are happening so much earlier this year?

@kkfields, do you know when the UMKC BA/MD interviews are for this year? I’m getting conflicting messages from applicants/parents.

feb 13-16

It seems like they’ve moved the dates of the UMKC BA/MD interview much earlier for this year. I believe last year it was at the end of February/beginning of March. Offers of admission are extended at the same time as last year though: