UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@Roentgen just to clarify, UMKC only has mini interviews? Also, how many students interview per day? And do parents attend the interview along with kids? And how much merit aid is given to students out of state?


Yes, UMKC Med only does the Mini-Multiple Interview now. This will be the fifth interview cycle that they’ve done the MMI.

About 88 students interview per day.

Yes, parents can attend interview day. Last year, they had activities for the parents to do to find out more about the program, ask their questions, etc.

Just from personal experience, UMKC wasn’t that great in terms of merit aid, especially to out-of-state students in the BA/MD program, even during Years 1-2 of the program. The overall university is quite dependent on tuition revenue collected through the medical school, so many major scholarships that were sponsored by the main university, we were ineligible to apply for as BA/MD students. You’ll have to check and see if that has now changed. You can see a list of School of Medicine sponsored scholarships here:

For those asking about preparing for interview day, including the MMI, you can go here:

It looks like the interviews are happening significantly earlier this year. This thread was so helpful when I was applying. As a current UMKC student, things are busy but I’m try my best to answer questions! I know I had lots of questions when I was in your shoes.

Good luck to all of you!

My son received an interview invitation from the UMKC program and we have bought a few of the suggested books on the MMI. We have looked at the posts by @Roentgen. We are also signing him up for practice interview sessions now to help him as best as we can. Is there anything else we can do. What are other parents doing? We would like him to be as prepared as possible. Thanks for any feedback

@jessapen , Where do we sign up for interview tips and courses?

I’ve been getting a lot of private messages asking how to prepare for this interview and where to go for free practice questions, so thought I would make a post for everyone.

How to prepare? I think @Roentgen has provided excellent tips in the posts referenced above. How much interview practice you need is going to vary from person to person so it’s difficult to say.

As to practice questions, here are some additional FREE questions I used on top of my one-on-one sessions when I was preparing for my interview:

Practice as much as you can but keep in mind that you also need to get feedback too. Especially from those who have gone through the process recently. Bug as many of “those” people as you can for their input on your answers.

Hope this helps!

@krimanTX if you’re going to sign up for anything, it should be one-on-one interview practice not an interview course because whoever you work with needs to listen to your answers and critique them. It’s unlikely you would get that kind of attention from an interview course where you’re sitting around in a group. Just my 2 cents.

Thanks @UMKCPanda for all of your help!!! To those PMing me, I’m actually unable to give any first-hand advice of my own about the MMI, as I’ve never actually experienced it for myself. This is only the 5th year that UMKC Med has adopted it for their medical school admissions process. Previous to this, it was 2 “make-or-break” traditional interviews.

For some reason, the dates of the UMKC BA/MD interview this year are significantly earlier, compared to last year & in previous years, in which students got about about 1-2 whole months (depending on whether the interview offer came in December or in January) to actually fully understand and prepare for the MMI. It seems like this year, students have a little less than a month, with interviews starting February 13th.

I honestly don’t think an actual formal MMI prep course is necessary and people in previous years seem to agree with that for the most part. What applicants need to do is constant simulation under timed conditions. Nothing else will replicate this for you. I think @UMKCPanda is right - If you do a course (and you do not have to, just to emphasize again) find a course that has you practicing and getting acclimated to how the MMI operates, since the MMI is not a group effort on interview day. You don’t want to be only sitting around discussing the MMI as a group, you want to practice it under real timed conditions. After that, hopefully you can get some feedback & critique from the person. You can also practice with your parents at home or with school faculty (some people last year at their high schools had this option) who can also give you feedback. At the very least, this will all help with the “nerves” and “butterflies in the stomach” feeling aspect of interview day.

I will try to update this post I wrote last year for more resources on the MMI: In the meantime, here is one link from Cornell University that I just found as a quick primer:

You can also see other posts from the 2015-2016 interview cycle, which I highly recommend that people go thru, to see what happens on interview day, for all intents and purposes:

@Roentgen his invite is for the 13th. Thanks for all your help to the parents and applicants in this forum!

@krimanTX my son is getting one-on-one interview practice with Advisor Prep. Like others have said, I’m not sure how helpful an “interview course” would be.

For UMKC, do the MMI only ask you to respond to scenarios or do they also ask traditional questions like ‘why do you want to be a doctor’?

@Jjaa1234, it is possible that there may be some MMI stations that have more of a traditional interview question bent or feel to it. You can go here under “Traditional Interview Questions” for that:

Anyone going to the feb 13th interview date?

What does student panel mean?

@Jjaa1234, could you give the sentence the word “student panel” appears in?

I’m an OOS applicant with an Interview w/ UMKC. I have had previous MMI interviews & can tell you you really don’t need paid courses or anything like that. Just do some timed practice at home.

@Roentgen @UMKCPanda Do you know if the MMI will include medical ethics / bioethics? For most Undergrad -> Medical School MMI’s it is focused on bioethics? But considering we are high schoolers…

I’ll defer to @UMKCPanda on medical ethics / bioethics in terms of UMKC’s MMI, since I’ve never experienced it myself. Whether it’s the traditional interview or the MMI now, UMKC does tailor it somewhat for the population that they interview, since most graduating high school seniors will not have the life experiences or the CV that most college seniors will have by the time they apply to medical school.

I will say that even when it was traditional interviews, there was a chance that the interviewer could ask you questions on controversial topics like - euthanasia, abortion, parental decision-making for children (i.e. a lifesaving treatment for the child which parents don’t want because it’s against their religious beliefs), etc. The goal wasn’t really for you to say a “right” answer (because often time there isn’t just one answer), but get you to actually defend your position that you take, well.

IMHO, I don’t think UMKC will go expect you to go too deep into nitty gritty details. The link I pasted above will take you to the Bioethics/Medical Ethics section, with the University of Washington website which has pretty good summaries.

Does anyone know how many oos applicants are invited for interview by UMKC?

@thatcho I don’t remember my interview being ethics heavy at all but I did try to incorporate a few ethics examples in there for 2 of the stations. It def doesn’t hurt to have a basic understanding of common bioethics.

good luck everyone, only 12 days till the first interviews are done :).