UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Yeah, they only accept 10, usu ~8 are from MI. Keep me posted if you receive anything too. GL on your upcoming interview.

antique- if you were able to get into either of those schools, which one would you choose?

I didn’t apply to UMKC. My parents won’t let me go out of state (or at least are strongly against it). I applied to a couple of non BS/MD univs as well like Ann Arbor so at least I have decent alternatives.

What other BS/MDs or univs did you apply to?

NEOUCOM, UMKC and MSU were the only combined programs that I applied to, although I don’t think MSU is a combined program, but if I had my choice I’d like to make it into UMKC or the MSU med scholars.

Hi, I don’t want to interupt this thread, but I am getting a little worried about my application for the 6 year med school at UMKC. I am in-state, have been all my life, and still have heard nothing back from them about an interview. They did send back my application payment, claiming it was wrong and that I needed to pay the out of state fee($50). It was reviewed and after talking to them found out it was a mistake, so I sent back in with the same in-state payment.($35) Do you think I should call them?
My stats are 26 ACT
3.7-3.8 GPA
Good EC’s
Coming from a Catholic High school
Lots of service hours
What do you guys think about my acceptance? Thanks for the time, Evan

definitely call them…calling can never hurt…in fact whenever in doubt: call.

Let me know what they say. I am in the same boat and have also been wondering if and when they will contact me.


Kaj, so your in state also and have not heard back yet about an interview? I think I’m going to call them today.

Well my guidance councelor called for me two days ago. They said they were going to call back but have not yet. Everyday so far she has called back again but they still have not called back, or responded to any messages. I’ll keep you posted.

Got a letter in the mail today that says I’m accepted to UMKC, step 1 of 3 in applying to the med school, my application has successfully been sent to the med school, and I will be informed directly by them as to whether or not I have an interveiw.(step 2) It also says they have the interviews from December through March, and after an interview you will know if you are accepted or not in April (step 3) Again, I’ll keep you posted as to any interview date.

For some odd reason, it seems as if UMKC is giving out far more interview’s than it did last year. Last 50% of those who applied got interviews. Does anyone have statistics for this year…or at the least does anyone know of anyone what has NOT recieved an interview?

What I heard at my interview was that 290 people will be interviewed (and that there were many qualified applicants but not enough interview slots) and they’ll accept 120 people…

Where did you get 50% from? That is odd…
Anyway… UMKC is really big on personality it seems… from what I heard, interviewers are always worried about “missing” perfectly qualified and sincerely passionate people that may not have stood out on the application…

I mean come on… everyone was president of every club and was homecoming king/queen… lol It’s hard to set yourself apart.

… but yeah… everyone that <em>I</em> gave advice too got an interview. :smiley: Ha Ha just joking…

… good job you guys. :slight_smile: Hope you get in.

It seems that being in state is by far the biggest advantage in applying to the program. Approximately 90% of the positions are reserved for in state applicants, so that leaves ~10-12 spots for people out of state. Any one know how many of those 290 applicants are in state. 75% maybe? That seems like a conservative estimate (217 people). So out of 120, 108 will be in state, of 217 applied. So it seems ( total ball park estimates) that 1 out of every 2 in state applicants will be accepted. I guess I’ll just wait and see if I get an interveiw. Best of luck to everyone else applying, Evan

If i remember correctly i believe this is how it works:

400 in state applicants
200 instate interviews
110-120 instate accepted

200 out of state applicants
100 outofstate interviews
20-30 outofstate accepted

In in the last two years UMKC has admitted about 140 students each year.

k…well I am an instate applicant and was kinda concerned because I too haven’t had an interview yet. So I called them and they said they are not even close to giving out all the interviews yet. Also, they said they havn’t had time to call many people to schedule interviews because the office is shorthanded at the moment.

My interview is on Feb 9th…(They were going to call me at the end of the week)

Hey…my interview is also on Feb. 9
could you e-mail me (my e-mail is my s/n at; patelakshar at, thx.

does anyone know what the Toledo Chemistry Exam is? Exacly what does it test?

If you have had at least 1 semester of chemistry in high school you are fine.
I think it is the easiest chemistry test ever invented honestly… they just use it because there are some foreign/home schooled/unique applicants that may have awesome stats but remedial chemistry skills… If I remember correctly, it is just basic questions from HS Chem I and a little bit of algebra.

Your score doesn’t count against or for you. They only look at your scores if the computer says that you have failed…

You won’t. :slight_smile:

Just wanted to ask anybody attending the UMKC 6 year med program: I’m a sophomore and was just wondering if you have any suggestions on how to become more competitive for the program.

Thank You