UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

So if I was on waitlist originally and got an interview later, would it affect my selection, even if I do really well in the interviews

Anybody got interview from waitlist? Please update .

@pinkclover, no it would not. Your MMI would be scored and calculated like anyone else’s and same with the overall scoring of the entire process at the end.

I apologize for my post above which should say, “Everything else can be shared re: interview day as was done very well last year which helps clarify any confusion and what people should EXPECT” (not accept).

Congrats to all those who finished the interview yesterday !!! @pohlmo like @Roentgen suggested, its a possibility so I would be prepared for anything.

It looks like post interview reflections are starting to pop up. This one was an interesting read and will likely help calm the nerves of those still waiting to interview.

Good luck to everyone :slight_smile:

I interviewed Monday and I am glad it is over! Good luck to everyone for the rest of the week. My advice is to not think about the previous interview while you’re prepping for the next one. I often caught myself either thinking about how poorly I felt I did, or about things I should’ve said to the interviewer in the last one while I was prepping, and then I would get distracted and off track. I personally though the chemistry test was super easy, too. The presentations were very informative and honestly changed my mind about the program. Going into the interview day, I was pretty sure I was not going to do the program if I got accepted because I worried about the lack of time off. However, everyone said that during your first two years you get plenty of time off, so I feel so much better about it and really hope I get accepted now. Like I said, good luck to anyone interviewing Wednesday and Thursday!

@pohlmo I would not post anything until the entire interviewing event is completed by Thursday. UMKC is watching this board and they know who you are and you may get rejected because of doing this. It happened before. Just be safe and enjoy with your family and friends, but stay away from this board until all is done.


We’ve made it pretty clear on the thread not to share actual MMI questions and scenarios, same as last year. Outside of that specific request (and if anyone does post MMI ?s/scenarios, I will ask the moderators to delete it), there is absolutely nothing wrong or unethical about posting what happened on your UMKC BA/MD interview day in terms of events. We did that last year without a problem, and it is my belief that overall it lessened the nerves that people came in with, people felt much more comfortable as to what would happen on interview day, things could be explained a little more in detail, parents were more informed about the process as well as about the program and what to ask, etc. All that is left to be “graded” for students is the MMI which is standardized. As far as “they know who you are and you may get rejected because of doing this” and “it happened before”, this is a thread (which has been running since 2004) in which students/parents can and should ask questions, voice concerns, etc. and I and others will do my best to address them. The UMKC admissions office has a lot on its plate and don’t have time for treasure hunts. You can also ask the UMKC Med admissions office if you or your parents weren’t able to ask them on interview day. Doing this does not affect the final result. I don’t think scare tactics and paranoia help esp. if not true. So let’s sort of cool the temperature, and people can discuss, just don’t put in MMI questions/scenarios on this thread.

Logistical question:
If not attending tours, what time does the interview day event end?


You can see here how it was last year in terms of timings: The tours last year were from 3:00 - 5:00, so I imagine the day ends by 3, if you choose to not do the tours.

Hi everyone,

I’m sorry but this thread is so long and idk where I would find what I’m looking for! But I would very much appreciate anyone that can give me some advice. I’m currently a junior in high school. I didn’t do so well sophomore year due to trying to work and attend school at the same. That’s no excuse but does anyone know if they’ll over look my sophomore year? My grades so far are straight As and I can maintain those grades this year and senior year. I also have a few honors classes that I’m taking this year. I take an anatomy and physiology course and I’m taking an extra science class (forensic science). What classes should I take senior year to give me a boost? I also have 6 work experiences, played volleyball, founded a club est 2016, joined Red Cross, plan to volunteer at a medical center and even shadow a CNA most likely this summer. I will take my SATs and ACTs around may and June this year and then probably take them again after I get my results just to try to get a higher grade! Does anyone know if this is good enough for admission to the bs/md program?

@4beardolls - tours start at 3pm.

Had my UMKC interview on Monday! It was a super pleasant experience and the whole event was very well-organized. The MMI was pretty fun imo. It was also wonderful to meet all the other applicants, who came from such diverse backgrounds. Good luck to everyone!


So UMKC doesn’t look at any one particular year. They go by cumulative GPA along 17 core requirements. There isn’t one particular aspect that makes you a shoe-in for an acceptance as it’s not just GPA and your ACT/SAT score, but also your school activities (w/evidence of leadership), healthcare experiences, online reference forms from at least 3 people, personal statement, written short responses, and an interview which is the Mini-Multiple Interview. It explains it further under “Holistic Review of Applications”:

What date do you guys think the decisions will be out?

We have been told during the interview day, results will be released on 24th March eve.

@sampil, you can see the timeline here: It says April 1st, but in the past it has been a few days before April 1st, with last year people being notified electronically about a week before that date.

@Roentgen, Thanks

@brucewayne1998, Thanks.

You are all crazy for even considering this program. My daughter got in last year and it’s the worse decision ever.