UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@Roentgen if umkc doesnt look at sat 2s then should i not waste money sending them even if i did really well?

@aachaNJ, correct. Don’t bother sending SAT II subject scores as they’re not used. Neither are AP exam scores (which are only looked at AFTER you’ve matriculated).
“SAT subject exams are not used in the admissions process.”

so I had started the UMKC application and I realize that there are two supplemental essays but only one space with a 500 word limit for those two supplemental essays combined. Does this mean that I am supposed to address both prompts in one essay. Or does it mean that I can choose either essay. Or does it mean something else? If anyone had this same problem or knows what I am talking about, could you guys help me out

@medskooloneday, so I’m not sure how the application looks like, since I don’t have it in front of me, but there should be a separate space for each prompt. In the past I believe it’s 1 personal statement (500 words), w/2-3 short essay prompts (250 words each). So each one should have the appropriate space.

is anyone else having issues understanding the meaning of the short answer questions about social media?
“What are some long-term implications of your current social media use, such as Instagram or Snapchat, on your professional career?” Like outside of not posting controversial things that could get me in trouble, how else is my CURRENT social media use going to have any impact on my professional career

@Roentgen, Do we have to submit the supplemental application before we can request references? Can we submit transcript through naviance? or Does the cousellor need to snail mail the transcript?


So my understanding is that with the reference form section, you have to insert an email for each person in the supplemental app, so that the online reference form can be sent to that person to fill out.

See “Step 4: Reference Forms” - - “After entering the information for each person providing the reference, a student will need to click “Send Email Request” in order for the person providing the reference to receive instructions for completing the online UMKC School of Medicine Reference Form.” You have to have 3 completed reference forms, in order to have a complete file, although they’ll take up to 6.

So I’m not sure what Naviance is but the main admissions office for the university at the main Volker campus has to receive it. (Step 2: Submit Transcripts & Test Scores). I would snail mail it (it should have your grades till the end of your junior year) to that address at the administrative center which is on the Volker main university campus, as they likely want an official hardcopy.

hi my daughter is a second year medical student at umkc school of medicine.I just want to know what she needs to get in to a top residency.high scores in academics during six years or higher grades in her steps. does she needs to do research and be the president of clubs.i you can help me with this i would really appreciate it .

Hey @wsobia,

Feel free to private message me where I can answer your questions in a lot more detail and depth, since your daughter is already in the program as a Year 2, just to keep this thread on track. Click on my username on the left hand side, then click on the orange “Message” button to write a message. Will be happy to give any advice to help. Thanks!

Thanks @Roentgen

Hey @medskooloneday, see my answer from last year, as someone had asked about this question (I’m assuming it’s the same social media question from last year - How does your presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram influence your professional image?")


My stats are:

SAT: 1360 (1400 superscored)

Bollywood Dance Team
National Honors Society
Spanish National Honors Society
DFW Red Cross Liason
Key Club

Professional Experience:
Kumon employee for 2+ years
Independent Study of Cardiothoracic Surgery for 2 Years
2 Years of a mentorship program with a cardiothoracic surgeon
3 week internship (avg. 90 hours per week) with ann OB/GYN
Primary author and project leader with a publication on aortic valves in The Englineering and Science Technology: An International Journal

I know my SAT/ACT/GPA aren’t great, but how good of a chance do I have to get into UMKC School of Medicine?

@CVsurgeon IMHO - most unlikely. It looks like you are of Indian Origin (Sorry to prejudge based on Bollywood Dance.) If that is the case, you need to compare the statistics of the fellow Indian American candidates where this will be at very low end. How tough are your courses (how many AP courses?). Yes you have very good and extensive medical field related work experience. But I don’t think that alone will cut it. Good luck and nothing wrong in applying and if you get an interview then you are in the game!

@CVsurgeon Agree with @WGSK88, your relatively low GPA and standard test scores would be huge disadvantages compared with other applicants.

I have taken just about every single AP class available. Out of my current 7 classes, I have 6 APs and Anatomy and Physiology. Is the medical experience not enough?

@dadofd I am also OOS, if that gives me a possible boost?

@CVsurgeon Actually for OOS, it would be much harder to get into the program since there are certain quota for regional and OOS respectively. There are not many reserved for OOS as I believe.

@CVsurgeon - I guess your school probably doesn’t offer many AP choices. Typically I tend to see/hear 11 to 13 AP courses which shows solid rigor. Also, School matters how many students, etc. and the rigor of the curriculum they offer. Though UMKC Medical school doesn’t reveal publicly (may be one can inquire?) the breakdown of in-state (maximum number taken like 60 to 70% admittance), regional (5 adjacent states - But I see mostly Illinois - Chicago land dominates in the regional category!) and out of state allocation. I would tend to believe OOS will be more tougher to get in low percentage like 5% or so. Only negative is $90K to $95K more for OOS in Fees compared to Regional which is $90K to $95K more compared to in-state (For all the 6 years combined.) May be number of applicants might be less from OOS? But look in this thread I had seen people from OOS with solid record either wait listed or didn’t make it to the program!

In my other posting in August, with a typo in total number wrongly stated 1450 but for the class of 2023, actually 1400 applications received which was narrowed to 900 applicants and 352 was actually interviewed and 106 admitted/accepted into the program! About 7.5% acceptance rate.

Can an OOS person who is currently in the program post their statistics?

Also, what are some suggestions for actions to take after submitting my application?

@WGSK88 Where does the data that a student takes 11-13 AP classes come from?