UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@bsmd1826 Thank you.

Ugghhh getting so restless, what is with the delay this yearrrrr

@futurestudent100 Hang in there… am hoping it will come next week ! :-))

Got waitlisted, OOS
Can anyone tell me what the process is for me, what to expect, how likely to get removed from the waitlist etc


I got an interview! It’d be great if someone could give me an idea of how the interview works :slight_smile:

DC received an invite! We are OOS and very excited!

@priyaluvsbooks its multiple mini interview format which means you have many short interviews that are timed and you go from one station to the next until you’ve completed them all.

@Rainiertx thank you! I am also OOS, so its great to get an interview!

im oos, and i got waitlisted too

does anyone know how likely i am to get an interview?

What are the interview dates for UMKC? Thanks

Feb. 12-13, 26-27

Regional is also out. One of our Friend’s son didn’t make it with perfect unweighted 4.0 GPA (with 13 AP courses); 35 ACT, shadowing hours, volunteering, and NMSF!!!

Again, we don’t understand the holistic process. I know a friend’s child who is regional, act 34, Asian Indian, 4.0 uw, 12 AP classes, and all the pertinent extras, and got a callback. @WGSK88. The whole process is a crapshoot, positioning, marketing, and applying widely.

@ppst Yes, I understand the holistic process and went through this with my daughter last year. The above case is also an Asian Indian from suburbs of Chicago! Will go through this again with my son next year…

Do you have any advice for interviewees, and is your D happy in her program? @WGSK88

@ppst - Thanks for asking. Yes, she is extremely happy and doing excellent so far. First semester (Anatomy/Antomy Lab) are tough one (again 4th semester (Human Structure & Functions (HSF) will be the toughest - of course 3rd and 4th years are also critical). She tells me that her high school prepared her well so far. She wanted to be in Chicago near by us but that didn’t happen. But my goal was her to go to UMKC always and eventually she realized that now after in the program. She flies back every other weekend to be with us! Luckily in her case that has not distracted her from her studies.

Regarding the interview, honestly she never prepared for the interview. She was nervous of course. One thing they advise is that not every one does good in all the 8 or 9 interviews. So, they advised not to panic if you don’t do one or 2 well. They divide in to 2 groups of students. One group will do the interviews in the AM session and the other group will take the Toledo Chemistry test and vice versa in the PM session after the lunch break (Note: Toledo Chemistry test is not used for the selection process. If you don’t do well (min required points) in the Toledo Chemistry test and if you are admitted to the program then you need to take a Chemistry course in the Summer before you start the program.)

Good luck and Congrats to all those who got interviews (first step!) now you have roughly about 25% chance to get in (I understand depending upon instate/regional/oos the chances will vary.)

Thank you, @WGSK88. This will help reassure all of them. I’m just glad they all get a chance to try for this. They also meet other kids like them with similar goals and backgrounds.

So they haven’t released interview offers for in state students yet?

@WGSK88 - Any idea about chances of OOS waitlisted students getting interview call…Thank you

@2018bsmd - Sorry, I have no clue regarding the waiting list for interviews. In fact I came to know only yesterday that they even have waiting list for interviews!