UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@priyaluvsbooks - For the class of 2023, interview email came out on Jan 18, 2017 and were given 4 dates to choose from Feb 13 to 16! Good luck. Results came out on March 24, 2017 around 4 pm CST including wait list notifications. 352 applicants were called for interview out of 1400 applicants and 106 were actually accepted/admitted (no breakdown of local/regional/out-of-state were given). About 14 to 15 addmitted/accepted from regional are from the Chicago-land!

@priyaluvsbooks UMKC did not give applicants much notice last year. We had just over 2 weeks notification if I remember correctly. I think this was done on purpose to try and minimize the amount of professional help applicants could seek out before their interview to try and level the field more. Luckily in our case, our DC had been practicing for a while in anticipation of the invite and ultimately was accepted !!

@kkfields how did they notify you? was that by email or you had to check online?

Wondering if anybody else in the same boat…The Application status page continues to show the General Application App received but not processed. The reason given is a change in the platform being used and 'not to worry". Wondering if this could adversely impact interview decisions…bit nerve racking for kids involved. Thanks.

I’m in the same boat. My General Application App is received but not processed. I’m also nervous about it, but hoping for the best.

Here is our status for UMKC
Application Category Application Status Notes
Submitted Application submitted on 10/29/2017.
General University App Received Wednesday, November 01 2017
General University App Processed Wednesday, December 13 2017

@m22499 @Bond99 @millipede37

  1. They notified me by email & it was also updated on their portal.
    2 & 3) I was in the same boat, but my application was processed on January 8th. I called in and asked, and they told me not to worry about it :slight_smile: They just have a lot of applications to process through.
    Wish you guys good luck!!

Does anyone know if Cincinnati’s MMI interview for the Connections BS/MD program is similiar to UMKC’s?

Has anyone received an interview notification from UMKC yet?

@Driven99 Nope. Learned from the other discussion thread that it may be delayed comparing last year. “School of Medicine is expecting to send out invites for interview by end of January this year with interview dates in Feb and March. They had some trouble with the new General Application, so the interview invites are going out later than last year.”

@netopspin Interesting! Could you link that post? I’m trying to find that info too

@samiham Here’s the link

Hey @Rainiertx, I honestly have no idea, but the MMI, as a concept and how it’s done, is relatively standardized. Feel free to use the resources in the thread with regards to preparing for the MMI. See post above #6318.

Wait so is there any known date for when UMKC will extend an invitation for interviews?
I’m OOS, (not regional), so does it take longer for me?

@futurestudent100, I don’t think applicants are officially told a specific date. Just which month it will be in: It shouldn’t take longer now that it’s all electronic thru the student portal.

@Roentgen Thanks… which student portal you are referring,

@abduljavid, correct.

@futurestudent100 - All are notified at the same time by email invitation for the interview and given a 4-day time frame to choose from. Doesn’t matter whether you are in-state/regional or oos. Refer to post #6321.

Anybody got notifications for Interview?

@abduljavid Based on last year’s notifications, everybody get’s notified by UMKC on the same same day. Refer to post #6321.