Dear @Roentgen -Many thanks again for a detailed and a very balanced view on this program (there are some strident voices for- but also many against UMKC- which distract from the issues!). A couple more questions for you:
i) You note that $300-$400K debt (or even if it is saved cash on hand) for med school is enormous. Sure. But my computation is that if you get into a private school for undergrad (which most BS/MD accepts can) the total cost for 4 years attendance is $200K (assuming limited financial aid, given income brackets). Plus, say, if one does an MBA/ Masters from a reasonable school, it is another 100-120K for 2 years at least, I would think. If you add up, that still is 6 years spent in school @ cost of approx. 300K. The BS-MD cost seems to me in a similar ballpark ; and the “minimum assured salary” I understand is probably a bit higher for doctors (even in less competitive branches) than for MBAs/ Masters in Engg. etc (where variability can be quite large, between a struggling mid-level engineer vs. a guy who rises to become senior VP/ CEO in 10 years). For instance, the salary of Duke MBAs with 5-9 years of work ex is about $125-130K as per (there could be other stock options etc, which I am not sure about, and of course, the highest salaries are almost double of this- but let us compare “average” candidates across professions). So, from EXCLUSIVELY an ROI standpoint, it seems to me the expected value of a BS-MD investments is somewhat better than other alternative career investments. Does that sound right? Or am I misinterpreting salary numbers majorly here?
ii) Do most UMKC BS MD students manage to get a loan waiver in their eventual jobs? What if you expect to be in top 1/3rd of the batch? How likely is loan waiver from employers then?
iii) I understand that research for competitive specialties is a weakness of UMKC; so some students do research elsewhere. How do they land these research opportunities? Does the school enable or are there hidden sources of differential endowments (e.g., parents who are doctors or at NIH, who then arrange for their kids to research with colleagues at clinics etc)? Or does UMKC help with research gigs? Or are your GPA/ other scores in the program the relevant factors.
Having parents who arrange these would seem to be a BIG problem for someone who cannot arrange these opportunities for their wards; that deprecates the value of this program for such students.
Thanks @Roentgen !