UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@whitecane From what I heard is that the interview makes a huge contribution to get selected in to the program. There are 7 to 8 interview scenarios (they also advise not everyone does every step good, so if you stumbled in one don’t let that to bother you and do the rest well.) Good Luck!

Hey @whitecane, it’s all a part of one rubric in which stuff like GPA, test scores, essays, your CV, etc. all contribute. That stuff is already tabulated. The only thing left is the MMI which will also be tabulated to contribute. It’s very much holistic.

Thank you ! @Roentgen and @WGSK88.D has interview today afternoon slot hope she nails it.

Thanks @ Roentgen…wish us best of luck we have our interview tomorrow…

No problem, @sajju786!! All the best to you guys!!! As @WGSK88 mentioned, don’t freak out if you feel like one station doesn’t go well and let that impact your performance in other stations. They’re not expecting perfection. Here is how it’s gone in the past in terms of logistics:

Thanks @Roentgen

For future applicants:

Application Statistics for class of 2024:
Number of Applications Received: 1576
Number called for Interview: 350
Instate Number Admitted/Accepted: 66
Regional Number Admitted/Accepted: 31
Out of State Number Admitted/Accepted: 12

For Class of 2025 they had similar number of Applications like class of 2024 and they are interviewing 352 applicants! About half of the applicants invited for interview are from in-state.

A good number of applicants increased in the last 2 years as Class of 2023 had only 1485 or so applicants.

How are the interviews going?

In the parent session a question was asked about the yield rate (how many are offered admission and how many enroll). They mentioned that yield rate is close to 90% overall and per historical data only around 10 to 15 students overall are offered admission from wait list.

@WGSK88 You said that about half of the applicants invited for interview were in-state. Similarly, do you know about how many applicants were invited for interview who were from regionals?

@Ridhikulous Nope. They didn’t provide that data! I think it’s probably 1 in 4 chance for Regional interviewees to get admitted! Just a guess from the numbers!

Missed out class of 2024 Admitted/Accepted students average:
ACT - 32 (26 to 36)
GPA - 3.91 (unweighted)

@Ridhikulous generally ~100 from regionals are invited and about ~33 get selected. What I have observed is that college is trying to keep acceptance rate equally spread out (~33% each) among In-state, regionals and true OOS, Difference is in quota, actual number of seats for each one, 60~65 instate, ~33 regionals, ~12-15 true OOS, total ~110. If you do little reverse engineering, you can figure out approximate number of interview invites for each category.

@PPofEngrDr not true… I asked the people who gave orientation during the interview day and they told me that they called 85 OOS for 15 seats but not all the time 15 gets filled. Last year only 12 got filled

@Mahikesh so are you suggesting OOS acceptance rate is 85/15 = ~17%?
how many actually gets filled can be vary as that depends on Students choice and is a factor that few seats among categories skewed yoy.

I agree that this year they called approximately around 90 OOS applicants for interview.

it seems my comment back in January turns out to be applicable w.r.t. this year cycle.

@PPofEngrDr , I was repeating what UMKC told when I was there for my D interview

@Mahikesh Did you also, by any chance, ask the people who gave the orientation during interview day how many people they called for interviews from Regionals and/or In-State, and also how many seats they’ll seats they have for Regionals and/or In-State?

@Ridhikulous , nope… sorry didn’t ask…

They told me 65 for instate and 30 to 35 for instate