UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program


I got one too!

My DC got the email for the interview :slight_smile:

Are interviews out for all groups (in state, regional, and out of state)?

I believe so!

Can anyone share some thoughts on what kinds of MMI questions might they ask at UMKC?

No one will share the actual scenario or questions asked during their MMI interview process as it’s UMKC SOM policy is not to post or discuss the scenario presented during their interviews. Also, scenarios presented during MMI might be similar but it’s not going to be the same. The below summary might help. Good Luck

To prepare for MMI - @Roentgen has previously posted his/her links to MMI/Toledo test preperation, which I have given below:

For Applicants:

For Parents (and applicants who may have questions):

@WGSK88 Thank you for your information. I am new to CC and was seeing very generic information as all this is very new to us. Appreciate your help.

@staycalm123 the biggest difference between the MMI format is the strict time limit. This makes it more challenging because you only have a very specific amount of time in each station (i believe it’s still 6 mins after the initial 2 mins to read the prompt). The questions can range from scenario based to traditional (why med, why ba/md etc…). If you have more questions, you can send me a PM.

@Roentgen: similar to the ping you gave to @15match, can you ping me as well. I am looking for advice for BS/MD programs, specifically how to create a unique profile. TIA!

Hey y’all, I’m a student from south Texas who got the UMKC interview and I’d really like to go! My high school only offers 2 days for interviews, and I’m doing an interview for the Yours to Lose program the Friday before, so I’ll be in Missouri the whole weekend. However, when I tried securing my spot on the Monday interview, it was already filled up, so I had to pick Tuesday. I can’t stay in Missouri until then because my parents have work and I only have those 2 interview days excused. Can someone please let me know if they can change their interview date to another day so I can interview Monday? Preferably someone who lives in Missouri so it’s not too much trouble ?

@wannabemed - Did you send a request to SOM ( They respond quickly. In situations like this they might able to accommodate. Good Luck.

@WGSK88 Yeah, I called them and they put me on a waiting list. Hoping to find out soon!

Do any of you guys recommend to take physics in highschool? I am a junior right now with a 4.0 UW and im scheduling by scheduling for my senior year and I am debating it. I already have a rigourous draft (calculus, ap sats, anaotmy and physiology II, ap chem). ive heard that alot of people who take physics at my school lose their 4.0.

Hey y’all, I’m a student from south Texas who got the UMKC interview and I’d really like to go! My high school only offers 2 days for interviews, and I’m doing an interview for the Yours to Lose program the Friday before, so I’ll be in Missouri the whole weekend. However, when I tried securing my spot on the Monday interview, it was already filled up, so I had to pick Tuesday. I can’t stay in Missouri until then because my parents have work and I only have those 2 interview days excused. Can someone please let me know if they can change their interview date to another day so I can interview Monday? Preferably someone who lives in Missouri so it’s not too much trouble ?

@wannabemed are you still looking to change to Monday? If so, what day did you have that you need to change from?

@ngjeuf yeah I haven’t been moved from the wait list. I’m booked on a Tuesday but still hoping for Monday

To all successfully students, who got interview…
You did the best and that’s why you got an interview. And read all advice here, but rest assured, trust yourself more, you will do best in MMI.
It will be pressure, but keep calm and answer!

Anyone had their UMKC interview already?

I could be wrong but I don’t think they’ve started yet. I think the first date is 2/10?

@staycalm123 - Interviews are from Feb 10 to 13. In any case, as I stated no one will share any information of MMI scenarios asked during their interviews. You are not going to get any thing out of any one (if they follow the rules and guidelines set forth by SOM).

Just be yourself in the interview and focus and answer the questions asked or explain what you will do, given the situation/scenario. My daughter in 2017 didn’t prepare and didn’t know much about MMI and still she did pretty good (Note: once you are admitted SOM does share your MMI interview details with you - If I recollect.)

Good Luck!