UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I forgot where I have seen to bring a picture to interview. Does UMKC ask students for pictures to interviews? Thanks!

DD just came back from the interview yesterday, It was draining, but not as bad as she was thinking it would be lol

Do you think it is possible for final decisions to come back early (sometime this week-- Wednesday or Thursday) just like last year?

@luc2020 - If it’s similar to last year schedule, yes it might come out this week. But except for last year, if you look at the previous years schedule, it should be hopefully by March 26! I know and understand very anxious moment for all who interviewed. Good Luck to All.

I have noticed, earlier in 2016, intervierws were taken during 4thweek of February and Admission decisions came out on 26th March at 4.00 PM through email.
But latter, now in 2018 and 2019, since last two years, interviews were in 2nd week of Feb., and Admission decisions came out on 13th Feb. Wednesday, 2019.

So hoping now it should come on any day at 4.00 pm. (in 2nd week of March).

As per the past, Admission emails are coming out on 4.00 pm.
May good luck shower on all!

So, will admissions be released today at 4:00 pm (central time) then?

Most likely…, yes,…Let’s wait for one more hour! And normally, 4.00 PM is time (as per past).

If not, we will have to wait for any day of next week.

Could they release it around 5-5:30? Wasn’t that the time they released the interview decisions at?

Decision will most likely come out next week. They probably have other urgent issues to take care due to coronavirus.

@Bill0112 May be you are correct. Priority issues should get more importance. I got to know, during this coming Residency Matchday (on next week friday, 04/20/2020) UMKC allowed only students who are appearing in Matchday, to participate. Their parents are also not allowed due to coronavirus.

It is better have a virtual gathering in the current situation than have a physical assembly. Midwest may not be immune from this.


Would anyone know if results coming out today evening??

@sajju786 : I doubt anyone will know of the decision until someone actually gets an email and someone posts here if they got their decision. Definitely will happen before next Thursday. Keep biting your nails people.

I’ve been so anxious!

Yes… @BzewT …, not only you, all are riding in a same boat !

I have been quite anxious as well! I wonder if decisions may come out today at 4:00, since decisions last year also came out on a Wednesday. However, we won’t know until the email comes out.

Good luck to everyone!

Hey guys! While you all are waiting for BA/MD decisions to come out, I just wanted to add this piece of information about the medical school.

It looks like the medical school has (finally) given their data & metrics to US World News and Report to be included in their annual medical school rankings (before the medical school, I believe, was in the “unranked” category as it had chosen not to participate in the USWNR rankings), which you can see here:

UMKC School of Medicine:
Best Medical Schools: Research (tie) #88
Best Medical Schools: Primary Care (tie) #75

Just thought that might be a good additional data point to have when evaluating programs. If you all have any questions about the BA/MD program itself, feel free to ask here.

@Roentgen : Thank you for really providing amazing facts about direct med programs. So in your opinion, do you think it matters if you go to a school that is ranked let say 55 vs. UMKC ranked 75 in Primary care? I am curious about your thoughts on this matter since many kids are concerned about ranking.


So I think a 20 point ranking difference between 2 medical schools is pretty stark, regardless of whether it’s in the Research rankings or Primary Care rankings.

I think medical school ranking is something that should be used in conjunction with other criteria that you’ve looked at when it comes to characteristics of the medical school in question, which you can see here:

Good to see finally UMKC SOM decided to get into the Ranking system. Though 75th in Primary care, might not seem that high but considering, first time they are getting ranked, it’s not that bad. The actual thing comes to is Matching, today if you had seen the matching of the 2020 graduates, UMKC students proved that they are second to none with matching at (to name a few) Stanford, Harvard, Brown, Wash U, Mayo Clinic, Univ Of Chicago, UCLA, UCSD, U Mich (Ann Arbor), Cleveland Clinic, Baylor, SLU, etc. Congratulations to all the 2020 Graduates! Stay Safe.