UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Hi, has anyone received any emails about waitlist decisions yet? I figure 1st round was sent on 5/4, Monday, so after 2 weeks, I’m hoping that second round decision emails were/would be sent today? Does anyone know?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi, the second round was sent out yesterday.

Thought so :frowning:
Congrats to all who got in!
I guess it’s time for me to move on.

Thank you @pkumar02 for confirming for me :slight_smile:

@goalworker, if you’re on the waitlist, the UMKC School of Medicine, will send a final email/message through the portal once the Year 1 BA/MD class has been finally filled and there will be no more offers extended. The waitlist process runs in cycles of 2 weeks so that people have enough time to think about it, discuss with parents, go through finances, etc. to make an informed decision if an offer is extended.

@Roentgen - makes sense. Thanks for replying. Yes i’m on regional waitlist. Now after 2 cycles of waitlist emails, with no invitation yet, it is not very encouraging to keep hoping for the last round. Just keeping it realistic for the brain to cope when that final email comes through :neutral:

Life goes on. Yes, very very disappointed, but know for sure that - New day, New opportunities will come through.

@goalworker, good luck for the next round email.

Thank you so very much for your kind wishes!

Please share stats for those who have gotten in.

I’ve had some mixed signals about UMKC’s BA/MD program but after thoroughly reading through this thread, I am having a more positive view on this program. I will be applying this fall and I want to know what my chances are in.

I am a Nigerian/Caribbean female: INSTATE
GPA: 4.0 UW, I don’t know what it is W, maybe around a 4.3
Class Rank: 1 of 300
ACT: 26 currently (retaking it in July and September)
Honors Geometry
Honors Algebra II
AP BIO: dual credit
AP Chem
AP Euro
AP Stats
PLTW Biomedical Courses

Varsity track since 9th grade
Spanish club officer
HOSA competing member
100 hrs of shadowing at the hospital
Work at my parent’s private clinic
Volunteering at a retirement home
Medical summer programs at Yale

Earned an undergrad credit at Johns Hopkins Medical School Intensive camp

3x perfect attendance
4x academic conference

This is just from the top of my head.

I strongly want to know what my chances are and be included throughout this thread during the 2020-21 admissions cycle

@speedyliv All things considered I think you have pretty good chance of getting in, assuming you get a higher ACT score. Not sure if UMKC is test-optional or not, but if it isn’t then the 26 barely meets minimum for applying (as I’m sure you know). Considering you are in state, your chances are much higher than you think as 70% of the program kids are in-state/ surrounding regions. If you are very interested in BSMD apply widely. I think you have good EC’s otherwise. Did u have scores for those AP classes or did you not take the exam?

@melslemonade, just to give more context to your question to @speedyliv, AP scores do not factor into the BA/MD admissions process at UMKC (that’s more for AFTER you’ve made it in), so it wouldn’t really matter what the scores were since they don’t factor in. I do recommend that people take the AP Chemistry exam, as depending on the score it can give more flexibility in the Year 1 & 2 curriculum & even if you don’t make it into the program, it’s a good practice for when you take General Chemistry I & II + Labs as part of the premed requirements.

@speedyliv, I actually think you have a pretty good chance of getting an interview due to your in-state status, academic achievement, and URM status. The only huge weakness you have is your ACT score. The average in the program now is like a 32 (but that’s everyone in the matriculating class together, and it isn’t further divided by applicant pool). So I’d definitely try to retake it to achieve a higher score.

So I’ve gotten some PMs from entering UMKC Year 1 BA/MD students (Class of 2026) in terms of where to find required textbooks. You can go here to the UMKC bookstore website. There is a UMKC Volker Campus bookstore ( and there is a UMKC Health Sciences bookstore (

The 2nd link is for courses that are labeled MEDICINE (MED) or BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES (BMS). So for the Fundamentals of Medical Practice I, Learning Basic Medical Sciences (LBMS), and Medical Terminology courses, any textbooks would be found in the Health Sciences bookstore link. All other courses would be found in the first Volker Campus undergraduate bookstore link. Needless to say, we never bought the actual required textbooks from the UMKC bookstores themselves, but directly from Amazon, Ebay, or another online bookseller.

The Year 1 Anatomy textbook for the lecture course is:

Principles of Human Anatomy by Tortora (14th edition)

The General Chemistry I textbook is:

Principles of General Chemistry by Silberberg (3rd edition)

Both books also come in e-book/PDF form, as do most textbooks these days.

Can my partaking in PLTW Biomedical Science curriculum in high school count towards medical activities as I am always performing lab experiments/doing research? It has built-in shadowing hours as well with my local hospital. We get to leave 2x a week and use our entire school day at the hospital?

@Roentgen Project Lead the Way Biomedical courses “PLTW Biomedical Science students are taking on these same real-world challenges – and they’re doing it before they even graduate from high school. Working with the same tools used by professionals in hospitals and labs, students engage in compelling, hands-on activities and work together to find solutions to problems. Students take from the courses in-demand knowledge and skills they will use in high school and for the rest of their lives, on any career path they take.”

Im in my final year of the courses and my class gets to shadow at my local hospital 2x a week during the school day

@speedyliv, you most definitely can include it under “Health Experiences” on the application:

I would go into great detail on what the program encompasses and maybe even include the weblink for the program in the BA/MD application as well. Also what I would do is on the application, is split the hospital shadowing separately from the other activities when it comes to listing it. It may be best to split the PLTW program into the 4 courses listed, so you can go into great detail on each one on what you’re doing.

@Roentgen Should I list it under “school related” or a “formally structured program”?

UMKC also says to describe any activity that is not generally known, like high school clubs. Should I list what PLTW is as the introductory sentence for all 4 courses, I.e principles of biomedicine, human body systems, medical interventions, and biomedical innovations?

I also won’t have space to list additional shadowing hours from PLTW as splitting it into 4 will get me to 10 activities if that’s okay

@speedyliv, I would put it under “formally structured program” under Healthcare Experiences.

The website for this program has course descriptions for each of the 4 courses, so I would just paste that directly into the UMKC BA/MD application. Whichever course you do hospital shadowing in, I’d include that particular aspect in the entry’s description so whoever is reading it is well aware of that part.

@Roentgen does that take up characters? I am at the max for all my descriptions of the course.

Hello! I am interested in applying to the 6 year med program, and I was wondering if anyone had advice for extracurriculars and community service amid COVID-19. I had plans for research and volunteering, but I can no longer do these due to covid. I want to be competitive for the UMKC BAMD program, so if anyone has any advice about activities in the midst of a pandemic, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time and help!

@bamd - What are the costs for OOS over the 6 year period ? Is there a strategy to bring down the fees ?

Anyone else has experience about this ?