UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@LibertyK, it depends on which applicant pool you’re in, in terms of movement, but I have seen people in the past get off the waitlist when it comes to getting the interview

Hi @Roentgen thanks for the reply. Well we are OOS, which is less probable, I think.

@speedyliv, is it a traditional interview virtually or is it an MMI done virtually (I don’t even know how they’d do that although I guess it is possible)?

If it’s still the MMI, here are resources from my post in a previous year to help guide you all:

It’s virtually going to be in MMI Format

Thank you! Do you have any specific tips to study for? Whether it’s a test that you have to actually study study for etc…

Are you talking about the Toledo Chemistry exam?


So if you see my old post from above, the Toledo Chemistry Exam is basic chemistry (if you’re in AP Chemistry right now, you’ll be fine):

So the test is only used AFTER you get an acceptance, as to whether UMKC Med wants you to take General Chemistry I + Lab over the summer or not. It does NOT in any way factor into whether you get an acceptance or rejection in the process. I really don’t think you have to “study study” for it. Concentrate more on preparing for the MMI (although virtually which is probably easier in some ways).

Thank you!

For those who got into the program and are regional, can you share some stats for future applicants?

No problem!!! Here is an answer that sort of rehashes what I said but in more detail from an applicant in the 2015-2016 cycle on the Toledo Chemistry Exam (with the new formatting of the CC forum, click on the arrow below that points up in order to go directly to the post to see the full post vs. just the small preview you see here):

Rather than start all the way back in 2004(!) from when this thread started, I’d say to everyone that the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 application cycles in this UMKC BA/MD thread are really helpful if any applicant wants to know what’s good for interview day. The thread was REALLY active during that time and I think it gave really great information (and not just stuff you can find in university websites and brochures) that was of value to applicants & matriculants. UMKC has been using the MMI (Multiple Mini Interview) format since 2013.

Is the UMKC program on a block schedule or is there class everyday?

Hey @speedyliv,

So unlike high school where you have 7 class periods a day each weekday or in block scheduling (4 by 4 type block scheduling, A/B type block scheduling, etc.), undergraduate classes usually meet on specific days at a specific time throughout the semester. A class can be scheduled MWF, or TTh, or any host of combinations. You can see that here w/different courses in the class schedule:

The number of credit hours for a class is usually based on the number of contact hours per week. As you progress up towards medical school level basic science courses, the number of contact hours per week tend to increase, and so naturally the number of credit hours increases.

So for example, the Year 1 Anatomy lecture course (lecture courses and lab courses in college are usually separate) usually meets MWF from 11:00AM - 11:50AM so it’s assigned 3 credit hours at the end of the semester.

Okay, thank you!

@Roentgen, thanks for sharing the link. I’m also looking for interview prep guidance for UMKC BA/MD. Clicking on this link takes to a page with a message it’s either missing or private. Is there another link that will work? Thanks in advance!

@karmayogi, if you go to my message above talking about the MMI and click on the arrow pointed up, it will go to the original post and show it to you in full

So I have a question for current applicants as you all probably got this electronically in the portal. If parents and students have detailed questions about the program, how are those answered on interview day? Or is it just left to emailing the admissions office? Also do they allow tours of the medical school (or at least modified somewhat w/following COVID precautions)? Feels a little weird for students to do the MMI and possibly not be introduced to or understand every nook and cranny of the 6 year BA/MD program.

The questions aren’t answered on the interview day, but rather through a panel on the Monday before the interviewing days. I don’t think they will do a virtual tour of the campus; it was never specified in the email.

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@Roentgen in past years, were you allowed to take notes on the prompts?

Wondering if @Roentgen has any positive things to say about UMKCSOM?