UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

may 1st

Has the first round of waitlist offers been sent out yet?


Anyone accepted out of waitlist from OOS?

We have not heard anything yet.

so looks like no one on CC has heard on waitlists. Have they started offering spots, or still on hold/wait status?

My D got accepted last week - in state.


That’s good to hear. So may be they started in state waitlists.

Where is @Roentgen 's match list analysis?

Thank you so much for your detailed response! I think it really helps prospective students. What was the specialty you really wanted? Why was this not available to you?

Do second round of waitlist offers come out today?

I haven’t received anything yet :frowning:

so can we assume that waitlist process is all over or its still in progress?

Hey @Roentgen and others who have been through the program,
I wasn’t accepted to UMKC 6-yr this year but am going to Umkc as UG and going to apply to the program again this fall.
Any recommendations for specific classes to take this year? I am already taking Bio 108+L to get a head start in the summer.

Also, any recommendations to improve my stats?
GPA: 3.84
WGPA: 4.52

ACT: 33
SAT: 1480

Ethnicity: Indian/Asian
Status: Regional

Health Experience:
Hospital Outpatient Volunteering - 200+ Hours
Research Project - 50 hours (no pub) - this project was informal and it kind of died now
Shadowing - 120+ hours
Health Fair Volunteer - 3 hours
Clinic Job - Front Desk/registration - 80 hours
Foundations of Medicine class - semester
International Clinic Observation - 10 hours

Varsity Debate - State Qualifier - 300 hours
First Degree Black Belt - 250 hours
JV Tennis - 200 hours
Science NHS
Science Bowl - Team Captain
Muslim Student Association - President
Sunday School + Summer School volunteering - Teacher Assistant - 350+ hours
Cricket Club - Founder/President

National Merit Finalist
Multiple GPA, ACT, and AP scores based awards
Debate Varsity Letter 3x
Math League National Championship Qualifier
BLS CPR certified
Gold Presidential Service Award 3x

Hey @chiefmd,

I think you’re off to a good start in terms of taking General Bio I + General Bio I Lab in the summer semester (and it’s online so you don’t have to worry about living expenses!). You want to have a somewhat normal summer break w/o getting too bogged down, as courses do go at a faster pace in abbreviated summer semesters, while also doing well academically.

What undergraduate major are you pursuing at UMKC? A lot of UMKC BA/MD Year 1 undergraduate required coursework is taken along w/fellow UMKC undergrads, so you’ll be able to knock off a lot of requirements if you were to make it into the program next fall.

In terms of your stats, I think they’re fine, your academic performance during freshman year will be looked at more closely when you submit your undergraduate transcript in January 2022 to UMKC Med. If you can do more/continue your healthcare activities, that would be great, although I realize that may not be an option due to COVID.

@Roentgen any progress on the match list analysis?

@Roentgen do you know if UMKC publishes how many in-state, regional, out of state apply for 6yr BA/MB from each pool i mean. I see around 60% are taken from local , 30% regional and 10% or so out of state get selected but is the competition more for in-state students than out of state students. Since In state student population apply more locally, am assuming being in state has only low fee advantage.

@Roentgen I think the in status status not a factor during interview selection… i might be wrong. I was thinking that all applicants will be looked as one pool its only after interviews during selection that in state or regional or out of status is looked…

@Roentgen hasn’t started yet as of today!