UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Yeah… TBH, she was not worried :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: we had very little hope (based on data/numbers) at UMKC

She is in line with other colleges anyway in coming weeks…

GL with your kid.

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For those who received an interview waitlist… has anyone heard back yet? Just curious :slight_smile:

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nope. we got waitlisted for interview.


Same here


Okay gotcha… wondering when we might hear back lol


I guess most likely anytime between 15-25 February which are the date schedules for those who were invited for the original batch of interview

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Ohh okay, this gives a good general idea. Thank you!

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For UMKC, after the interview stage, does the admission committee only look at the interview performance or will they also consider the other application details like ACT, GPA, ECs, etc…

They have published on the process
Based on what I read, its both… below gives you that context taken from council page

School of Medicine applicants are evaluated holistically using the following application components:

** High school or university grade point average*
** Standardized test score*
** High school or university curriculum*
** Personal statement*
** High school or college activities and leadership*
** Health experiences*
** Letters of recommendation*
** Results of the medical school interview*

Thank you!

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Hey, do you guys know about any good resources to study for the Toledo Chemistry test?

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Welcome Racheal. There’s this book ACS General Chemistry Study Guide you can try from Amazon

Hey Racheal, please see my post above here. Click on the arrow pointing up.

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Thank you!


Good luck to all who started interviewing today.

Anyone in here already do the interview and have advice or tips?

Hi, do they let you take notes during MMI interviews?

I had my interview 2/22 and it went really well. Just remember that the interviewer is an actual person and just to carry on a natural conversation.

When addressing the prompts, make sure to relate your response to the core competencies (empathy, compassion, flexibility, etc.) be thorough in your response and be ready for follow up questions.

Don’t worry, you’ll do great!

Are you from Missouri?

Has anyone bet let in from the waiting room yet?