UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Could anyone tell me how the calendar works at UMKC? I know it is a 48 week year, but when is vacation? Is there any place where I could actually look at the calendar? I couldn’t find it on the school of medicine website. Thanks.

I just found out about my interview date (i’m out of state) Is the final decision for who gets into the program based only on interview, or do they review the entire file (stats,extra curriculars etc) along with the interview?

also, really stupid question, what are we supposed to wear? is it really formal, like suits? or just nice clothes?

that’s not a stupid question, i was actually wondering the same thing

I’m not exactly sure woohoo, but since you can’t change your stats or extra curriculars at this point in the game, just focus on your interview.

Suits are swell if you have one (for girls also). If not, nice dress clothes are perfectly acceptable too.

O! And about the calendar…it changes so I would ask at the interview. For my year we get winter break (2 weeks), spring break (1 week) and 1 week off in May (this break is different for each person depending on when you have hospital team). Summer classes end at the end of July, and then you have break until school starts around August 23rdish. Past year 2, I believe different groups have a different month off, but I could be wrong.

Hope this helps.

So with the calendar do you have time to spend Christmas with your family if you’re from out of state? I don’t have a problem with spending most of my time away from my family, but I would really have to think about giving up the chance to spend Christmas at home.

Of course!! The two weeks fall during Christmas and there are plenty of opportunities (3 day weekends) to go home.

They close the dorms during winter break anyway so you have to get out. :smiley:

O! And there is thanksgiving break too!. It’s really not a 48 week year until you get to year 3…

Thank you so much melodious04! I really appreciate all your help, i’ve been reading all the posts that others have made and your posts are always very informative and make me think that i can get through all this stuff!

Is it cold in Kansas City right now? I’m from CA so basically anything at 70 is cold…:confused:

Um… evening classes were canceled the other day because we got 7 inches of snow in about 20 minutes. As I write this, it is currently sunny and 18 degrees.

It is <em>cold</em>. :slight_smile: But sledding is fun!

I had my interview yesturday. First went pretty well…Second one went awesome…So it is just a waiting game now

haha!! well then…i guess that just put me in my place lol, 18 degrees…lol.

cooldude-did you like the campus/tour? was the chem test hard? did you do anything to prepare? also, did they ask any questions about current health/medical concerns?

I’m getting nervous about my interview, is there anything you can do to prepare for it other than having someone ask you questions? I was planning to study using my ethics book, is this a good idea? I am also interested in the chemistry exam, how do you prepare for it? What is passing? I really want to get into this program, so I’m really curious about how to give the best interview possible.

I have still heard nothing about an interview and I am in state, I’m starting to get worried. I did turn my application in the day before the deadline, so perhaps I am one of the last on the list for those interviewed. What do you guys think? When did you people that are getting interviews now turn in your applications?

I turned in my app a few days before deadline. im out of state and heard from them at the end of january for an interview

any updates?
anyone hear anything?

updates with what? at the interview they said april 1st would be the day everyone should be notified

well I didn’t get in…I guess I’ll be off to four years of undergrad crap. Good luck in the program all of you who did get in.


Whoa… chill… you will do fine on the chemistry test! If you have had ANY chemistry you should be able to pass it. And if for some strange reason you don’t pass it, if you have high scores and grades and a good interview, they will still accept you as long as you do well in Chem 1 over the summer… They decide who gets in first, THEN they look at the exam scores, not vice versa.

In all honesty, the test is in your best interest. They don’t use it to weed more people out, the use it because if you don’t do well on the test you WILL struggle a LOT and it probably won’t be worth your while to attend the program.

I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t get in TwinTurbo, but just remember: undergrad is not crappy (no parents I mean seriously)! :slight_smile: It doesn’t matter where you go, just make the best of wherever you are, stay true to yourself, never let go of your goals, and I’m sure you’ll be TwinTurbo MD someday!

…But I bet you already knew that dear… :wink:

Are they still doing interviews? Anyone know when the last interview is?

I don’t know if they are still doing interviews, but some of my friends said that they didn’t get interviews until the end of March…

Make sure that you call them to check on the status of your application since scheduling interviews at UMKC is not the most organized process… :rolleyes:

Some of my friends called to ask for an interview and apparently they received, “o when would you like to come in?” as a response. :slight_smile: