UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

march really? April 1 is when they tell us who’s in…so when do they decide?

April 1st is just a suggestion…

… but don’t tell them that I said that… :wink: (maybe they’ll be on time this year… who knows?)

If they’re not on time, do you still get the decision by the time you would have to commit to any other school? I know I would go to this program if I am accepted, but I don’t think I would go to UMKC if I weren’t.

I don’t remember having any problems… and a school is not going to flat out reject you if you are waiting to get letters from other schools… just call and they will most likely work with you.

umkc is not organized at all! melodious i called them up and they said they never sent in my application to the medical school and the medical school said they never got my application either; this was about first week of february; then i call liek 2 or 3 days later and they say when do u want to come in!!! but this is definitely a good school, curriculum is innovative, great teaching from what i have heard…i don’t know how good their match list is but the program is good…on a superficial note, melodious how is the area around umkc? are the facilities nice? when i think of umkc i think of the middle of nowhere because i have never heard of it; my dad went there 10 years back and said they had a really cool mall called the plaza or something; what can u tell us about umkc social life or things to do or if its fun and people are happy there? Thanks

Yes, you are correct.

UMKC’s admissions process is NOT organized at all… at ALL. :slight_smile: But nobody’s perfect I suppose… And it gets a LOT better to deal with the disorganization once you are in and have an awesome advisor who is always your advocate when things go crazy… which so far has not happened to me yet (except for that one time, but that is a different story…).

Anyway, Kansas City is definitely NOT in the middle of nowhere! There are way too many places to shop in the plaza (which is gorgeous by the way)… my closet is overflowing with clothing that I should not have purchased. When I am bored, it is usually because I’m too lazy to just GO somewhere and do something… never because there is nothing to do.

Like I said earlier, I have never seen nicer dorms before. The fire alarms do get pulled about once a month at 2 am… but I’m not sleeping then anyway and neither will you. :slight_smile:

And are people happy? Overall it seems that people have no problem having a great time. Of course we complain a lot, but any group of people under a lot of stress have the tendency to complain about silly things. :slight_smile: Do I sometimes stay awake at night wondering if my life would be better at Wash U or Vanderbilt? Sometimes… but if I were there, I guarantee you that I would be doing the same thing about UMKC.

And the match list? I’ll provide a link to it as soon as I get back from O Chem… and if I remember where it is of course. It’s probably not like Yale’s match list or anything, simply because people there tend to want more academic positions and people here tend to lean more towards primary care. But do people match in competitive specialities? Yes. Do people match in non-competitive specialites at competitive places? Yes. Do people get competitive research positions? Yes.

If you want to talk more about the crazy shenanigans that the med students get themselves into… just IM me. :wink: For now… I need to avoid getting addicted to CC again… way too many exams.

Hey melodious, quick question: OK, my friend and I haven’t heard anything about an interview from UMKC yet…however, another girl from my school who applied AFTER the deadline and didn’t have the minimum ACT for out-of-state (28 I think) was just contacted last Friday to schedule an interview…urghh, what is going on??? I feel like calling UMKC to see what’s up, but I don’t want to look desperate…I wish they would just send me a decision though…whatever it is. If you have any suggestions, holla back…

call them…its the best option

Yes you have to be assertive!
Calling and asking (a lot of) questions does not seem desperate at all.

And sometimes deadlines and cutoffs are just as much suggestions as the whole April 1st deal will probablly be… :slight_smile: There isn’t a singular magic formula to being admitted to the program… so that story doesn’t surprise me.

Hey melodious can you please put that match list link up. Thanks

By the way…you are really really really helpful. Thanks for all your help!!

Here’s the match list from '04:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

… no problem at all… I love to help.

I forgot to add that I’ve called them up three times already (once in January, twice in February), and I have a slight tendency to be overly aggressive at times! But i took your advice, melodious (and patelakshar), and called them up on Wed., and I’m still COMPLETELY confused. Because when I called, some woman answered, and told me that everyone who recieved an interview had already been notified, and then proceeded to tell me that I wasn’t offered one. OK, so I’m here about to throw away all my UMKC stuff when my friend tells me that when she called yesterday, supposedly a woman from the med school told her that our school “has some of the strongest out-of-state applicants”, and that all three of us were offered interviews. So, once AGAIN, I call them up, and now I can’t reach anyone…what gives? Am I in or out? I swear, this is too much stress for my head…sike, naw j/p :)…ok, j/had to whine real quick about UMKC’s unorganized admissions office, and I guess i’ll have to wait until next week to get a final answer-but what does everyone think?

I would ask for the name of exactly who said that and try again if it means a lot to you. Next time you call, ask for the person in charge (Mary Anne??) to look up your name in the computer system…

And I just got some insider info…

Apparently they are working on a way to notify you guys of acceptances electronically, either through a website or email. That way you will know if you are in ON TIME this year.

Lucky. :slight_smile:

Oh and just FYI… the admissions process is totally crazy, but that is not really the med school’s fault… in-campus mail just doesn’t work very well for some reason… I don’t know what the deal with that is, but it does get better. :slight_smile:

I actually took the campus tour on the 21st and heard about their 6-year program. Frankly, I was unimpressed with the facilities and seclusion of the med students.

Also, they said that the med students have no life. Strictly speaking in terms of admission, the average ACT is still 28 for the 6 yr program. It is a pretty wack system if you ask me- not as competitive as you may think (for in-state, that is. out of state is tough)

I asked her what the higher end ACT scores were for the 6-yr program, and she says they run across a few 31s or 32s, and the highest score they had matriculate in the 04-05 year was a 33.

I have a 34 as of now, so I think I’m a lock.

Who was the “she” who told you this?

JEZZ…stop dissin’

I’m going to try not to be rude and defensive, even though I feel that your post pentensa was not very tactful in the slightest…

I would also like to know of the “She” that you speak of especially since there are people here that got into Columbia or Brown’s PLME and still choose UMKC. I do not have the official break down of scores from the class, but there are definitely more than a handful of students who score 1450+ on the SAT and 30+ on the ACT. I definitely feel that I have a life and that the facilities are great, but maybe my standards are too sub-par.

And with that, I will stop defending the program because (lightbulb) I just realized that I shouldn’t have to since every med school in the US has the ability to make you into a great physician. Honestly kiddos, life is not always going to be about being the “best”. Eventually you will have a family and other concerns, so being in the top 5% at Harvard will probably not be one of your main goals… The prestige of medicine fades fast, and if you have to base your self worth on how many letters are behind your name or where you graduated then you will be disappointed. Being a doctor is too hard of a job to do it for the prestige… And if money is your game (I hope it is not), an MD in private practice from No-Name School of medicine most likely makes more money than a MD, Ph.D from Yale…

I know it seems like the end all be all right now, but 10 years from now, no one is going to care about your ACT scores, your patients are not going to ask you what the highest standardized test score of your med school class was. All that they will care about is if you can heal every aspect of them: emotionally and physically. There comes a point when there will be no more tests and no more rankings… just you and your patients and how hard you are willing to work to get them better.

I’m sorry that you feel this way about the program. Definitely do not come if you think it is “wack” or if you base your education on standardized test scores. There are plenty of other people who want your seat if you get one since a 34 on the ACT will not insure your acceptance. I sincerely hope that you find a great school that you will enjoy.

I’m off my soap box now. For those of you that get in, make sure to email me so that we can go have some fun in August. :wink:

thank you melody, you’ve been nothing but inspiring and kind to all of us on CC :slight_smile: thank you again and good luck :slight_smile:

only one more month! oooh i can hardly wait:)

I know. March is going to be tortue. Sigh.