UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I got waitlisted too! I’m so disappointed. Let them know if you got accepted and are not planning on attending please. Does anyone know about how many people get waitlisted?

yea, i really wanna know when i’ll be called, it’s making me more anxious since they don’t reveal the ranking for the waitlist or how many people were accepted total and waitlisted this year

I was waitlisted last year and re applied this year and got accepted. You guys on the waitlist have a really good chance of getting in this year. Last year admission offers were sent to 150 kids and they wanted the class size to be about 120 kids. They only waitlisted seven of us instate (i’m not sure about how many out of state kids were waitlisted) around 128 kids accepted the offer so they didn’t take any of us off the list. They over accepted so that’s why they had to take a lot less kids this year. From what mary anne told me they only sent from 100-110 acceptance letters and that’s the size of the class they want. So for every person who decides not to attend a spot opens up for someone on the waitlist. Unlike last year where they already took into account the kids who would not attend. But they also put a lot more kids of the waitlist than they usually do because of this. good luck to all of you but have a good back up ready in case.

nc101, how do u reapply? I didn’t know you could do that.

you can re apply the following year as long as you don’t exceed 24 credit hours the semester the application is due, but the program is mainly for students out of high school, so they will only take 4 or 5 first year college freshman and this year there were about thirty who applied, so it’s a little intense. they look at your first semester course load as well as how well you did that semester before giving you an interview. if you want to consider this its a good idea to go to a University of Missouri school to do your first year of undergrad since the classes are almost identical and will all transfer as well as go into your g.p.a. I wouldn’t be so worried because this year a lot of the kids on the waitlist will probably be given admission compared to last year where no one was. Especially if your out of state you have a pretty good chance.

how do u have a good chance if ur out of state

Are the SAT II tests required for UMKC. If so, which ones are required.

well out of staters are more likely to turn down the offer of admission than someone in state. A lot of out of state kids apply to other med programs that they wait on and some decide not to go because of tuition and such. Last year the out of state waiting list had double the amount of people than the in state list because out of state kids typically decline the offer of admission more often than someone in state.

mirsad05: only ACT/SAT scores are required for UMKC

thx, nc101.

hmm…out of stater (accepted)…Can anyone in the program from out of state tell me how you made the decision to come to kansas city and how you like it so far. Do classes morning, afternoon, and night give you anytime to live? and about how many hours do u spend in class on an average day? t

I made the decision to come to Kansas City based on the program solely. I got into two others, Penn State and RPI/AMC (Penn State would have had better college life, but I thought the requirements were a little strict; RPI is closer to NYC, but way too cold for my California self), and thought that UMKC’s program was easier, shorter, and I knew a successful graduate from there. I am in my fifth year here, and I’ve liked it all right. I would not say KC is the most fun place, but there are things to do. Class schedules change from year to year. First year, you are in class in the mornings if you take General Chem, and you have Anatomy in the afternoon and possibly some humanities classes at night (I AP’ed out of Writing/English, so I took an art class on Wed nights); second semester I think you have Micro instead of Anatomy (I also took a statistics course, there are certain requirements you have to finish, and you should try to do these early or take a lot of APs, college classes; then you can take whatever you want). One or two days a week, you will go to your hospital to following an internal med doctor and psych doctor; this takes up a lot of your “credit hours” but really requires no work outside of going to the hospital. Somehow, I had a lot of time the first year, but I spent most of it studying because A. I wasn’t 21 and B. we were all probably scared of failing. There are sororities and frats, and they will occasionally have parties on the weekend, but not that many. In the summer, you have Cell Biology and Organic chemistry (this is only for the people who took General Chemistry and Chem II; some people took Chem II and Organic in the Fall and Spring, respectively, instead). That was the first year, you have lots of time, there are a bunch of service organizations to get involved in, the campus is close to the Plaza and Westport areas where they have a lot of restaurants and bars. KC has a lot of sports teams, and since the Royals suck, their tickets are pretty cheap. As you get into your rotation years (Years 4-6), you are more busy on certain rotations; Surgery, OB/GYN, DoRo (Internal med) you are working all day, and a lot of weekends. I am on my rural med month this month, and while I am in clinic from 8AM to sometimes 7 PM everyday, it is easy, and I have weekends off. I think your clinical rotation hours are probably similar to other schools.

Some potentially bad things: our school focuses a lot on primary care (int medicine, family medicine), so you will do a lot of internal medicine. We don’t get that much counseling in other fields, but you have chances to do rotations in any specialty you want. Sometimes it feels like you are doing everything on your own. You will be with your class of ~120 for 6 years; this is very small; people will probably know your business.

Congrats for getting in, hope that gave you a better idea of what UMKC is like.

Yes…you did. thank you very much for the information, it was veryy helpful.

who of everyone who said they were wait-listed are out of state?

i am oos and waitlisted : o (

oos and waitlisted!

oos and waitlisted, too

so that’s 4 of us just right there…i wonder how many are on it.

I am OOS also waitlisted. I received an e-mail from school today informing me of my rank on the list as EXTREMELY HIGH (in the top 5). The e-mail in part states … “This year, unlike previous years, we only sent offers of admission to the exact number of positions available for the class; we therefore fully expect to utilize the alternate list when finalizing the upcoming medical school class. Although we cannot disclose your exact position on the list, we hope that this information will be helpful to you…”

why did they email you? Did you send them an email asking about your ranking?