UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

airk36, do u know if ur going or not?

polo gal, no I did not ask for my ranking.

so they just told u? That’s awesome for you. I really wanna know what rank I am

has anyone who got accepted received anything else from the school of medicine. like the orientation packet

is there anyone other than hoopaholic who is oos, accepted, but not going to attend?

Hi does anyone know what the average USMLE step 1 is for UMKC?

I am most likely going to attend. Just waiting to hear from some other colleges.

Wordwritten: It’s not a number to be extremely proud of. I’d google it. I’ve heard the number before. It’s like at the average for America.

does anyone know how many oos people were offered seats? and instate?

im oos too and i got waitlisted…really anxious to find out…im in the top ten on the alternate list apparently but i wanna know if there are two different lists, one outof state and one instate…cuz that would suck…please lemme know if you know…thanks!

how do you know you’re in the top 10? Did you call and find out? or did they send you an e-mail? ya, i just wonder how many oos seats they offered, to better judge my chances. And i was wondering if there were two lists as well, but I think there are…

btw, AP Scholar, did you hear anything back from them after that last e-mail? and could you post stats please :slight_smile:

um ok. im new to this forum. im instate and got accepted into the 6 yr med program. im wondering if there is anyone who can help me with some of the ap transfer credit stuff. like, if you havent taken ap chem, do you have to take chem 1 in the fall? is it smart to take chem 1 or something like itduring the summer so you can take chem 2 and organic during fall/spring? or would it not be wise…since you might get stuck in a class w/o many classmates?

also, do ap lang and ap lit (4 or 5 on the exams) transfer for like eng 1 or 2 at umkc for some of the “basic reqs”?

also, psych is one fo the health science classes you ahve to take. i took ap psych and got a 5 on the exam, so does that mean i dont have to take that as well?


I have some questions for you

  1. For your first year undergrad: What were your UMKC scholarships that you had to pay for the expensive non-resident tuition?
  2. For your second year and onward: Have you been qualified for resident tuition?


they emailed me… out of the blue, and they asked me to reply via email if i was still interested in being an alternate…which i am
but i actually think(and hope) that there is only one list cuz in the email they just said “here is where you are on the alternate list”…they didnt say the out of state list or specify anything other than there only being one list…of course there could be two…but im pretty sure they dont have a quota, they just prefer MO residents, but there doesnt have to be a 75 to 25 ratio…

there are actually 2 alternate lists
one is for in-state and one is for out of state. if someone from in state turns down the offer of admission someone from the instate list will take their spot and the same works for someone who is from out of state. this is how they keep the instate/out of state ratio in tact.

hoppinpanda: if you haven’t taken ap chem, you’ll need to take chem 1 & chem 2 before you can take orgo. You have the option of either taking chem 1 this summer, or this fall. I’m a Year 3 right now. I took chem 1 my freshman fall semester.
there were about 20-30 or so medical classmates in the same boat as me. Everyone else will take orgo the first spring semester, but I took orgo with my bunch over summer semester. I’m not sure how many people take chem 1 the summer before their freshman year. If you decide to do it, realize that it will be an accelerated course. I try to reccommend to people coming into this program to enjoy their summer before, as its going to be your last full summer break. I’m personally glad I took chem 1 fall semester, chem 2 spring, and orgo over the summer because all 3 courses are taught by one professor (Gounev), who you get used to over time. If you do chem any of the other ways, you’ll have a different professor each time.

I think AP lang is English 1, but AP lit is not equivalent to english 2 (instead it will count as a humanities elective). AP psych should take care of psych for you.

Inguye02: I’m OOS, but I used the Nonresident Taxpayer Scholarship (which pays for the difference between in state and OOS tuition)-- which I think is actually changed now. I would suggest calling UMKC FinAid to ask more about that, as well as if you’ll be able to switch to in-state tuition after your first year (when I entered, we had to sign something saying if we came in as OOS, we’d stay OOS tuition-wise for our whole time at UMKC, but that may be different now).

  1. Does the limitation of not exceeding 24 semester credit hours apply only
    for students out of high school?

  2. If HS students have more than 24 semester credit hours from community college, are they still elligible for this program?

red90, i did not get any further e-mail after i sent them a reply expressing my continued interest. Today, i got acceptance into rpi/amc program. I am going to let umkc know that i may no longer be interested.

oh congratulations, apscholar! ya, i got the top 5 email too, and they haven’t given me anything additional yet. i guess we’ll see what happens