UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

congrats ap scholar and red90…you guys are doing much better than me!

and n101, thanks for the info but this spurs another question, do my chances really really suck then since i potentially need 10 people to drop umkc from a group of about 30?

hey apscholar, can you post your stats please? :slight_smile:

I’m OOS and got in but I think I’ve decided I’m not going to go…this could potentially change come April 1 but idk…good luck to the rest of you!

auralfixation: how much time do you have to hang out w/ your friends and stuff? if i wanted to go to concerts, would it be possible?

cookiefairy, i’m class of 2013 and i’m currently using the non-resident taxpayer scholarship. it’s actually helped out big time b/c with that and the med dean scholarship (that was given to me out of nowhere ~$1,000 / yr) i am pretty much paying instate tuition. so, if one of ur parents works in MO, trust me, it is really worth it.

oh yeah, and hoopinanda, from what i hear, taking chem 2 in the fall is pretty hard. groener teaches it in the fall and i’m sure that no more than a 5 of the med students who were taking the course last semester received an A in lecture. (i’m not trying to scare you.) but everyone who took chem 1 with gounev had it pretty easy. both ways has it’s adv and disad. gounev teaches chem 1, 2, and orgo and the general consensus is that his expectations are reasonable and that he teaches the material well. also, if you took chem 2 in the fall, u’d take orgo in the spring, which would leave your summer with just cell bio and some undergrad classes. up to you, either way you’re going to get something out of it.

sparkles12: there’s definitely time to hang out with friends. I’ve also had time to go to concerts, operas, plays, jazz clubs, etc. I of course won’t go to a concert right before a test-- but I suppose if you new ahead of time about a concert, you could study accordingly. some semesters are more demanding and busy than others. you will probably spend more time studying at umkc som as opposed to at a normal university, but with good time management, you will have time to hang out.

If I took chem 101 @ community college, would I be able to take chem 2 in the fall and orgo is spring?

Inguye02: I won’t lie, UMKC has been expensive. It costs a lot of money to go here, and here’s a website that breaks it down:

<a href=“Cashiers Office | Cashiers | University of Missouri - Kansas City”>Cashiers Office | Cashiers | University of Missouri - Kansas City. Recently, they changed the rules and you can apply for instate tuition, which has helped out a lot. You just have to prove (with bank statements, utility bills, etc) that you are a resident.

yeah, I got in but I’m not considering this program at all. Too expensive for me, quality seems to be too low.

inguye02:1) Does the limitation of not exceeding 24 semester credit hours apply only
for students out of high school?

  1. If HS students have more than 24 semester credit hours from community college, are they still elligible for this program?

For Question 1, are you planning on taking more hours? Otherwise, I don’t really get your question. Question 2, I came in with 40 hours of credit from APs and community college, they took 30, I think–don’t know if they changed that policy. I didn’t have to take English 1, Psych, so I took some electives that went towards my humanities credit (which is a UMKC requirement). You have to take whatever number of credit hours they require for each semester (like, you can’t take 10, while everyone else takes like 22…but it’s been a long time since I did this…so don’t quote me)

sparkles12, I have a lot of time to hang out with my friends. First of all, you are around each other all the time, and after class you can do whatever you want…I suggest studying for a little bit each day, and they enjoying whatever time you have left. And lots of people go to happy hours on any given day. I go out just about every weekend; it depends on what rotation you are on, because a lot of them are more time consuming and tiring than others. If you like concerts, you can go…I went to 10 the first year, and probably a total of like 30 over the 5 years; kansas city does draw a lot of good bands. I went to a strokes concert before a micro test year 1…and still pulled at 96, so it is possible with time management. I wouldn’t worry about the off time…there is plenty of it.

thanks auralfixation and cookiefairy! that was kind of my biggest concern, that i wouldn’t have time to still experience college and enjoy it and that i would be burned out all of the time…btw is calculus a required course?

ty very much cookiefairy!

illinois187, tiptop1:

  1. What are other BA/BS-MD programs that you applied?
  2. Which one that you got accepted?


Well lnguye02 i got waitlisted from UMKC but i got accepted into Northwestern HPME

congratz, carlili, r u going to go to Northwestern then?

Are there any1 else who got in but will not go to UMKC?

sparkles12: calculus is not required, unless you plan to major in math or something for your BA (most people do liberal arts, everyone has a chem minor; i know some people who try for psych, spanish, bio, math)

just wondering, what were the average stats for those accepted this year '08 including ACT/GPA

in state, accepted

ook…thanks cookiefairy=) so if u major in liberal arts, what exactly does that mean? like what areas can u focus on?