UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

oh and carlili, can you please post your stats? thanks so much!

oh and one more thing cookiefairy, how hectic would it be if i wanted to major in something like criminal justice? or would it be better if i just minored in that?

sparkles>>> my stats are…
GPA: 5.96/6.0 (Hinsdale Central High School)
ACT: 30/36
SAT:1440/1600 (2080/2400)
SAT IIs: Math II 800 Chem 730

sparkles12: liberal arts just means you’ll need so many humanities, social science, and science credits. the science credits will be chosen for you by the med program, but you’ll get to choose what classes you take to fill in your requirements.

as for majoring in something like criminal justice, i’m not sure about that, you’d have to talk to an advisor. If you want to do something like that, I’d reccommend having chem 1 and 2 out of the way before you start in the fall, if you already don’t. you get Year 1fall/spring semester, and Year 2 summer/fall, as well as one semester your 4th year to take classes for your BA. so basically you’ll have to find out the requirements, and see if it’ll be possible for you to complete all of them in that given time.

you may end up needing to take more than the typically allowed number of credits in order to complete your degree, and you’ll have to petition to do that.

basically, its is more work to major in something other than liberal arts, but if you’re willing to do the extra work and planning, you might be able to make it happen.

thanks carlili! if you don’t mind my asking, what were your grades like?

weaddddddddddddddd uppppppppppppd

sparkles>>> I got A’s in honors and AP classes and an A in health class because Illinois requires students to take Health which is only offered as a regular class in my school

i know i’ve asked this before but i wanted to hear from several different people (so this open to anyone in the program)…what kind of grades did u get your second semester in high school? can umkc/have they in the past revoke your acceptance? thanks so much for your help=)

I don’t know if they will revoke your acceptance, but why would you want to put yourself in the position where you’ll have to find out?

By coming to UMKC SOM , you’re embarking on a expedition where you simply cannot let your grades fall, or else you’ll be threatened with extending and retaking courses. And you have to maintain a certain science GPA. To be frank, if your grades are falling the end of your senior year of high school, doesn’t that make you concerned at how you’ll do in medical school? I don’t mean to abosolutely scare you, but this is serious business.

cookiefairy: i didn’t mean it like that, like it would be something drastic…i was just wondering if my grades went from straight As to As and Bs if they would think i was slipping or something…that’s all

okay, jc. i think you should be fine.

so i know i’ve asked this before, but i thought there might be more people now that some more schools have given decisions. is there anyone else out of state accepted but not attending?

Has anyone heard back from the waitlist yet?

no…nothing since the top 5 e-mail :confused:

they’re probably holding off until after the april 13 deadline that they specified in the top-5 email

sorry - it was april 10

hey someone should make a umkc class of 2014 facebook group so we can all get to know each other. I would but i don’t know how to make one

so… I definitely got rejected… and I though my stats were pretty good… oh, well… congrats to all of those who got in, and good luck!

what were your stats banana?

so anyone trying to find roommates yet…so we can request them on the form?