UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

hey nawab saab i’m actually looking for a roommate right now. you should message me

Hey, when will the waitlisted applicants know the final decision?

im a bit confused on the housing thing. we still have to fill out the housing form and all, correct?

but do we have to select a particular dorm? i do remember them emphasizing that all the med students are in the same dorm…but which??
and should we be filling out the forms now? i would hate to have a nasty little dorm in some inconvenient area etc etc.

i havent had any chance to meet up will all those accepted into the 6 yr med program and have no idea for preferences! x)

yes…if anyone has created a facebook group for this year’s 6 yr med program, please tell me the name of the group so that i can find it. that ways, it might be easier to communicate.

btw, im going on the april 18th tour. =) perhaps meet more umkc 6 yr students that got accepted…

you check the oak street dorms…med students have preference anyways…also, roommate thing, i requested my roommate and we met off of facebook. we’re both of the same religion and have a lot of the same interests. so it worked. but other people who didn’t request still ended up being highly compatible.

plus cherry sucks/stinks (literally)…oak is a bazillion times better…they’re nicer than most college dorms…like ku or mu…

Hey, when will the waitlisted applicants know the final decision?

I was waitlisted but received offer of admission on April 10th. I was on top 5 list. I am going to turn down the offer though as I’ve decided to accept RPI/AMC program.

Anybody else on the waiting list get accepted?

I was also on the top 5 list and received an acceptance email on April 11. I will be attending. I’m los

Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to minor in spanish and do a BS in chemistry?

If you want a BS in Chem and a minor in Spanish, you’re going to need to extend a year or more… in which case, it would probably be a good idea to let someone off the waitlist take the 6 year seat and you can take a more traditional route.

if you got accepted off waitlist, post your stats plox =0

kykel044, you must have been waitlisted by the sound of your last post. Trying to free u up a spot huh.


I decided that a traditional route was better for me - I want to major in neurobiology.

Sorry kylek044,

I just thought by the post that you made on 3/23/08 at 5:03 PM stating “i am oos and waitlisted : o (” that you must have been waitlisted. Guess I must have misunderstood what “i am oos and waitlisted” means.

kskiallday & kylek044: if you’re future doctors, i hope you don’t continue to speak to your collegues that way. it won’t get you very far, and its just going to make life hard for you.

whoshoo: if you want to look into minoring in spanish and doing a BS in chemistry in this program, you’ll have to speak to an advisor to see if this is possible. most people major in liberal arts and minor in chemistry, but i have classmates who majored in chemistry or biology or math. realize that you are only alotted 5 semesters to comeplete your bacehlors degree (unless you extend). this program definitely puts emphasis on the sciences and your medical degree courses, however, you can petition to take more than the “allowed” number of credits each semester to complete the bachelor degree of your choice.

i personally would only recommend majoring in something other than liberal arts to someone who is coming in with a lot of credits (including chem 1 & 2, and in your case it’d be nice to come in with spanish credit), but that doesn’t mean you can’t try. Just remember that you have to maintain I think its a 3.0 science GPA in order to promote each year.

Not to discourage you, but I have classmates (I’m a Year 3 in the program) who had the intent to major in a certain subject, and ended up only minoring in it because sometimes it becomes difficult completing the requirements in only 5 semesters.

This is a very unique program; its not like your traditional route of medicine. Our school definitel feels your clinical experience, clinical skills, and sciences are more important than anything else.

what are some of the req’s for majoring in a science cookie? how many credits and such

How important is it that someone comes into the program with chemistry credit? Does anyone know how many credits most people have?

az1698: click on this: [UMKC</a> 2007-08 Catalog (CHEM 1.0 2007-06-13) - Bachelor of Science: Chemistry](<a href=“]UMKC”>

blue415: you don’t have to come in with chemistry credit (i didn’t). in fact, i think taking chem at umkc benefitted me in several ways (it boosted my GPA, helped me get a feel for how the program would be later, i kept the same professor for chem1/chem2/orgo). but coming in with chem credit has its benefits too (you only have to take one science your first fall and summer semesters so your class load is lighter and/or it gives you an opportunity to take more electives).

blue415: people come in with different amounts and kinds of credits, and not all of them will count towards your degree. for example, AP Bio and AP Calc are useless for a Bachelors of Liberal Arts (UMKC med students skip bio and go straight to anatomy, unless they decide to major in biology).