UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Cookie, you are so helpful - I feel like admissions should pay you.

I just got an email saying that I am in the top 5 alternate list in state. Has anyone in state been accepted off the waitlist yet.

By the way my stats are
ACT 34, SAT 2240, 3.9 GPA UW, 3 SAT II’s w/ 700+, national merit finalist
idk if there’s anything else

I was pretty surprised that I was waitlisted but I probably shouldn’t have told them that I already got accepted to Wash U at the interview.

SelenaM08: Did you name Wash U as your top-choice college in the National Merit form? If you get into UMKC medical, would you prefer that over Wash U?

yeah i got in off the waitlist but i didn’t mention wash u :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks a lot, Cookie!

By the way, did you take Calc in high school? Also, do one of my recommendation letters have to be done by my counselor? I know some schools require it but I couldn’t tell whether UMKC would like the applicants to (within the 3 rec forms) or not.

rwishka: yes, i took calculus in high school. umkc requires applicants to have 4 units of math (algebra I and up). I would look at the actual application to see the recommendation letter requirements.

OK, I just got accepted off the wait-list (I’m the second person who uses this account… Kyle) the other person who uses this is not attending, but wanted in on the discussion, so I shared the info - sorry to skiallday… he got a little nasty. I appologize - I shouldn’t have shared my account info.

I was just wondering, any other out-of-staters, how are you paying for this? I don’t think I’m going to be able to go because the cost is just so high. What lenders are you using? I need to figure this out if I want to go to UMKC.

Yeah I put Wash u as my top choice on the national merit form because they give money fo it. Has anyone in state been accepted off the waitlist?

The only reason I asked that Cookie was because I was wondering that the reason you may not have taken calc at the university could be because you already took calc at your high school.
I will have four units of math anyways, but the highest math I’ve taken is trig and pre-calc material. So I was just wondering…

Just got accepted and will be attending. I’m oos.


Please share your stats as the followings:
State of residency
HS Rank
Essay, Recommendation letters, Interview
List of BA/BS-MD program that you applied
Others …


I just got accepted also. I listed my stats on the last page. I guess I’ll add to them.

SAT1: 2240

ACT: 34

SAT2: physics, math 2, english all 700+

AP: US gov/pol, Comparative gov/pol, comp sci, english lang, english lit, biology, physics mechanics and e&m, psychology, calculus bc, and spanish.

HS Rank: doesn’t rank

Essay, Recommendation letters, Interview: terrible, like I said, I pretty much told them I was going to Wash U (even though I’d rather go here), I didn’t really write much of an essay, and my recs were bad

ECs: volunteer at zoo, hospital, national honors society, math team, science competitions

List of BA/BS-MD program that you applied: none but I applied to Wash U, Duke, Johns Hopkins, U Chicago

BTW I am in state.

I hope everyone on the waiting list gets in! I am probably not going to go to the program but I am going to wait to see how much it’ll cost. Its always been my dream to graduate from Wash U, Johns Hopkins, or Harvard’s (my 1st choice) medical school!

just got accepted too, im regional…dont know if im accepting yet…probably will…not sure

Hi Cookie Fairy, I was wondering where do the first year medical students live. Thanks

the first year med students are required to stay at the Oak Street dorms.

I guess I’ll do this, too:

Accepted off wait list

State of residency - NJ

SAT1 - none

ACT - 30

SAT2 - none

AP - bio (3), lit (3), ushistory(3), chem, language

HS Rank - we don’t rank

Essay, Recommendation letters, Interview - one of my interviews was AWESOME, the other went very well, strong recs from teachers/counselors and a physician, and I thought my essay was pretty great

ECs - volunteer EMT, hospital volunteering, eagle scout, nursing home volunteer, some shadowing of physicians

List of BA/BS-MD program that you applied - none, i applied to bs/do programs, though

Hi cookie fairy. What does a bachelor in liberal arts mean? Does it mean that with this major I can choose any concentration in the liberal arts like political science?

coldg44: I’m not sure if I know the answer to your question, so I’d ask an advisor if I were you. For a Bachelor if Liberal Arts, you have to complete at least 21 hours in humanities, 21 hours in social sciences, and 21 hours in natural sciences/math. You don’t really get to choose your natural sciences/math credits as all of those are chosen by the med school. Political science falls under social sciences. See general details about the BLA by clicking here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Click here if you’re interested in minoring in political science: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

I’ve been reading a thread on the advantags of BS/MD program hoping for help on my dilemna. I posted this on that thread but I am posting it over here too, hoping that someone has advice.

I applied to UMKC’s 6yr med program without even considering Brown or Northwestern’s programs because I wasn’t really think about accelerated programs at all anyways and I only applied to UMKC’s program because my parents told me to and I know some people going there.

Well, I got into Wash U and now have until May 16th to decide between the two programs. So far I have been a very high achieving student and so its very hard for me to accept a program whose average act/sat, gpa, and in general students have done less than me. However, I also see the advantages of going into this program. I simply wouldn’t have to work as hard as I would at Wash U, I could skip two years of my undergrad with ap credit, and I enter into a residency early.

On the other hand Wash U allows me to do so much. Furthermore, I have the philosophy that children should do better than their parents. Seeing as how my parents may about 150K a year, I am worried that if I graduate from a low caliber state school med program, I may not be as well regarded by residency programs and hospitals.

Does anyone have any advice?

Well, that was mildly insulting…