UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

heyyyy i got one too today :D…i was actually really surprised too i have really low stats and am oos

wow, that’s quite a few people! when did you guys send in your application?

I sent my application early. I don’t think that is a factor. I got friends who are in the program and some of them turned in their application on the last date. They got accepted.

Thanks football09! I turned in my application around early October.

Will they also notify us immediately if we are not accepted or will we have to wait longer before we receive our rejection?

Mohandas: I’m not worried about getting rejected for turning in the application late, but I wonder if they give out interviews in the same order they received applications. In that case, I’d have to wait a while since I turned mine in pretty close to the deadline :(.

Coca Cola Addict: I’m not sure about that, but I think you’ll have to wait until all the interviews have been sent out, so probably around early february.

can you guys post some stats as well? lol :slight_smile:

My email said it was first come first serve. Who ever picks the dates first they get to go on that date. Earliest interviews are in jan 20th

so does that mean that if we don’t get an interview by the 20th, we got rejected?

According to the FAQs, <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

“The application deadline is November 1 and interviews occur in January and February. Interviewed applicants are notified in March whether they will be offered admission.”

For those looking at rankings of medical schools:

2009 rankings:
Research: [Medical</a> Schools - Research](<a href=“]Medical”>
Primary Care: [Medical</a> Schools - Primary Care](<a href=“]Medical”>

What are some of your stats… act scores and gpa for you guys that have already gotten interviews?

Hey HappytoGraduate,

One of the questions on the AAMC website if you could answer, as I had difficulty finding the answer on the UMKC website: [AAMC:</a> Applying to Medical School: Thirty-One Questions I Wish I Had Asked](<a href=“]AAMC:”> is #4: Is there a note-taking service? If so, is it university-run or student-run?

Also, when I researched the Baylor College of Medicine program - At Baylor what is very nice is they video/audio record ALL the lectures for every course and put them on the Internet for students to view (podcast). Harvard Medical School does it also: [Harvard</a> Medical School](<a href=“]Harvard”>

Does UMKC have something like that as well?

To answer your first question, no there is no note-taking service at UMKC.

University of Kansas Medical School (KUMed) in KC, KS, however, does pod-cast lectures and I think they have a student run note-taking service: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

When we had asked about starting an official note-taking service and/or videotaping lectures, citing KUMed as an example, we were told that it wasn’t going to happen because they were afraid of too many students skipping lectures.

With the new renovations of the medical school theaters, they say they will have the ability to podcast if you see on page 8: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

“and all three theaters will be equipped with a Tegrity system that when fully functional will allow course webcasting and downloading recorded lectures for podcasting.”

Whether, they actually will start using the podcast system to fully record all lectures, I really don’t know. Based on their answer to us before, I think they would still be concerned about student attendance to lectures as they were when we asked, so they may not record a lecture in its entirety but only a part of it, just so that students still attend class. The Scunyon might know more as he is in basic sciences now, so he might know whether they are now using the podcast system for all coursework. Any comments Scunyon?

They just did the pilot run of the tegrity system in my clinical skills class last semester. I used it and found it pretty handy. It’s accessible through the blackboard site.

As far as a mandate to implement the system in all classes, I am not sure what the status of that is.

HSF started today, so I’d be curious to see if they were using it today in HSF from one of the students.

from a patel to a patel i’d have to say wow that is impressive…why not do Harvard med or John Hopkins?

Well, I’m not a Patel, or even Indian, but thanks. LOL.

Harvard Medical School and Johns Hopkins do not have combined BS/MD or BA/MD programs.

I am researching combined Baccalaureate/MD programs now, so that next year I know which ones to apply to when I’m a senior. Besides that of course, I will also apply to normal undergrads as well, so that I can choose to do the usual route of 4 years of undergraduate work and then 4 years of medical school, if that’s the best option.

In regards to the Podcasting abilities, etc. in the Theaters…the ability is there for any Faculty member who wishes to utilize it; however, that is…and will be (currently) for now…the deciding factor whether a certain class(es) are recorded and made available to students, etc. via Blackboard or another distribution method, per a Faculty member’s request.

There are several Faculty members who are embracing this ‘new’ (to them) distribution model of lecture captures, and I am unsure if it will ever be forced upon them (due to various professional and personal reasons/concerns - we have had these discussions over the past couple of years), but as more and more Faculty continue to use this technology, you will start to see a healthy domino-effect and increasingly more active participants. There is currently training for the Tegrity system on the Volker campus, and our Faculty are encouraged to attend it if they are interested in Podcasting/etc. for his/her respective courses.

This will take some time to continue developing and up the numbers using and most likely there will simply be Faculty that will not feel a need to participate at all, unfortunately - but that is just how things are, for now.

My recommendation is to please keep positive attitude about these sorts of advancements as our capabilities are only going to improve and get better for all involved.

I received notice of my interview Friday (Jan. 2), responded yesterday and they scheduled my interview on Tuesday, January 27th.
Does anyone else know which date they will be interviewing?

Here are my stats: (in-state student)

Liberty Senior High School - 2009
-GPA (unweighted): 3.7
-GPA (weighted): 4.2
-ACT: 32
-Activities: National Honor Society, Band, Varsity Debate, SADD, Peer Helpers, A+ Tutoring Program, Liberty Alliance for Youth (community coalition, Co-Chair), JV Swim, Spanish Honor Society
-Dual Credit Courses: College Chemistry through UMKC (earned an “A” both semesters), AP Chemistry through UMKC (still in progress, “A” first semester)

Maple Woods Community College
-GPA: 4.0
-9 Credit Hours Fall 08

Out of School Activities/Community Service
-Kansas City Youth Commissioner 2007-2008 (1st District Representative, Treasurer)
-Youth With Vision - Youth advocacy and drug/alcohol prevention organization (Co-Chair)
-Northland Coaliton - Coalition comprised of members from Ray, Clay, and Platte Counties (Youth Advisory Board)
**150-200 hours/year

Community Awards/Recognition
-Fox 4 Reaching 4 Excellence Award Recipient, Feb. 2008
-Roundtable discussion with President Bush and John Walters (Head of ONDCP), Dec. 2007

Could other people post their stats as well? Thanks and congrats to all who made it to the interviews!

Ive got an interview on January 20th…anyone else goin that day??

W gpa: 4.1
ACT: 31
out of state: IL

Loads of ECs…and 500 hours of volunteerin at a hospital as well as additional volunteer hours at a homeless heler and other various things

do most people get an interview? or is it really selective? are there any stats?

woot majaha i guess i will see you on the 27th haha

out of state
33 ACT
4.4 weighted
3.93 unweighted
lots of hospital volunteering/clinic volunteering, club stuff, community service, etc…

so…i haven’t taken chemistry since soph year… >___________________>
does anyone know what kind of stuff is gonna be on it or what kind of stuff is gonna be on the short answer?

im guessing since they say 16 students to an interview date and theres…8 interview dates…then they accepted 128 people for the interview or no?
don’t they usually accept over 100 people? so…O_o

anyway…so excitedddd!!! :DDDDD