UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

do they seroiusly accept over 100 people?
and whats up with this essay thing now? any idea what kind of questions are gonna be on there???

and i dont think you should worry too much about chem and reading tests bc it says that they don’t use it when they make the decision…its just for afterwards so you know if you have to take chem in the summer before you come


lol, :-).

oh, and here are my stats:

ACT: 35 + 10W
SAT: 2310(1530)
GPA: 3.85sh, unweighted
AP English 5
AP Stat 5
AP Psychology 4
AP US History 4
AP Human Geo 4
AP Enviro Sci 4

National Merit SemiFinalist
Health Occupation Students of America–Missouri State President, speaker at leadership conference, placed 2nd in biomedical debate, 1st in HOSA bowl (team events), member of Missouri HOSA executive board
Muslim Students Union-President
2nd Degree Blackbelt
Participant in Tomorrows Healthcare Elite program at MU
Nanotechnology research at Rice University in TX and MU in MO
One of DeBakey HSHP’s freshmen delegates to Teens Summit on Race Relations by the InterEthnic forum of Greater Houston
About 250-300 volunteers hours in all, about 90 one summer in India.
Bunch of other small stuff: National Honor Society, National Spanish Honors Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Knowledge Masters Tournament, Beta Club (freshmen year)

I don’t know if this has a positive or negative effect, but I skipped tenth grade…

pink tennis
i was talking about the number of people they accept for the interview
because i think they finally accept around 100 people (after interviews), having 128 people to interview doesn’t seem right but they said in the email 16 people a day right?
i don’t know
i’m not sure what the short answer is on either hmm but it seems like it counts toward admission since it didn’t say it wouldn’t…so i assume it would, lol

Hey, sorry to change the subject, but…
I know it’s late, but do any of you know what the deal is with submitting transcripts from colleges that you have credit at? Do I have to send transcripts for colleges that I earned credit for through dual credit high school courses, or does this only apply to courses taken directly at the college?

Also, if I do need to submit college transcripts, will this prevent me from receiving an interview?!

CocaColaAddict, usually they don’t need to see those transcripts yet, not until AFTER you’ve been accepted, so that your advisor can see it to see whether that credit will be accepted by UMKC and apply towards your degree. Although your high school dual credit class, it should also be on your high school transcript too bc it’s dual (HS and college) right? You are not officially enrolled in college right now, as you are required to graduate from HS first. It’s like you’re taking an AP class and exam, if that makes any sense.

I don’t see how submitting a college transcript would prevent you from receiving an interview as MANY students bring in some type of testing credit: AP exam, CLEP exam, IB exam or transfer credit: through another university/college or community college. The only people who would have to send in a college transcript are MD-only applicants and college freshman who are applying into the program for Year 1 in the upcoming fall.

If you have a question on that, just in case, or at least to calm your nerves (lol), just call Mary Anne Morgenegg at 816-235-1783.

Is the essay(s) evaluation on the interview date a new thing or has this been done in previous years as well?

How much shadowing experience do you all have?

thanks, Happy, for answering my question.
oh, and btw, I meant if I didn’t submit the transcripts would it affect my admission. I do, however, see what you’re saying. The classes will be on my hs transcript as well, so i guess no worries.
thanks again!

anyone know how many applied and how many out of those got the interview

For those PMing me about my posts: #1747 & #1754, as to whether I was able to get a response back answering my email regarding the UMKC mean Step 1 scores for the past 5 years, the answer is no I was not.

and is it true that once you get to the interview stage everyones academics are on an equal scale so the interview is really really important???

I’m curious…are there only 8 interview dates in total? Because 16 applicants x 8 interview dates = 128 students.

I think theres actually two rounds of interviews, and interview send outs are random

last year like 300 people got the interview and a little bit over 100 got in
and I think its harder for OOS to get in

See posts 52 and 55.

They very well may be interviewing less people as compared to post 52 and 55. However, those who don’t get in are placed on the waitlist, and based on posts here quite a few got off the waitlist. Before it seemed like people heard the acceptance or rejection on April 1st, so people interviewed in January - March. Now they only interview in January-February and you find out March 1st. One less month to interview students, hence less students interviewed:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
[University</a> of Missouri - Kansas City Message Board](<a href=“]University”>

There are quite a few OOS actually - makes sense as academically their requirements for admission are higher and they pay much more money, although of course most are from Missouri as UMKC is a public Missouri university.

No interview yet, is that a bad sign?

I didn’t know what exact date in March that we would find out. March 1st sounds great! The earlier the better.

So I guess there are less people getting interviewed this year.

az1698, you have great stats. I’m sure you will get called soon. :slight_smile:

Oh, I’m sorry it may not be March 1st exactly, as I assumed that since it was April 1st before in past posts, in March it would be the same date. From the FAQ link though:

“The application deadline is November 1 and interview occur in January and February. Interviewed applicants are notified in March whether they will be offered admission.”

So probably anytime in March as I am sure the last Feb interview date is at the end of that month so they need time.

Hey az1698, It’s only January 9th, so actually I’d wait a little bit. I would not be surprised if it is takes near the end of the month. The winter semester hasn’t even started yet on campus, just to give you an idea.

Check to make sure that your application is complete and they actually have it. I don’t know that it is online whether they tell you the status of application that they have everything and it is complete. The stories I could tell of my classmates and their almost lost application - I could write a book.

But just hold off, as mail is getting out, with in-staters probably getting the earliest invites (as they are closer to KC than you are), with out-of-staters, I’m talking like far states like CA, TX, NY, NJ etc. it will be a little bit.

OldDominion, the last interview data offered to me was on February 13, 2009. I don’t know if they will offer additional dates to those who get called later to use the full month of February.

Are they sending invites out through the mail? I live in KC and I did not receive any paper invite - only e-mail!
It seems as though fewer people may have applied this year than in previous ones. Hopefully this doesn’t mean fewer will be accepted.