UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

So they have nothing the last 2 weeks of February? That’s very unusual. Do they only do it certain days of January and February (like Friday)?

With the way the economy is right now, and the effect on banks able to give student loans as well as the effect on the number of federal loans available (which have lower interest rates) it would not be surprising to me if there were less applications. More and more people are looking to their state schools or are being more selective with how much debt they are willing to take.

If the average amount of debt for graduates at the end of medical school was ** $139,517**, according to the AMA, then coughing up **$164,454<a href=“for%20in-state”>/b</a>, **$243,018<a href=“for%20regional”>/b</a>, or **$321,554<a href=“for%20out-of-state”>/b</a>, in UMKC tuition alone for 6 years, is a very bitter pill to swallow.

They added additional interview dates.
My interview is on Feb 16th…and some of you guys didn’t get that option

Was that the latest interview date they offered to you, pinktennis92?

OldDominion, the selected dates occurred on any weekday but Thursday.

I hope I get an interview…

I highly doubt there are only 8 interview dates. With pinktennis’ date of Feb 16th, that makes 9 dates and counting.

Another possibility is that certain dates are only reserved for certain students (out-of-state vs. in-state), and so you may not have been privy to all interview dates to change it to if needed, only certain ones. It’s obviously much easier for those in Missouri to have their interview date rearranged than someone from out-of-state who has to miss a full day or two from school and fly in for an interview, so certain dates may be reserved for them.

OldDominion, yes, you’re right, like when I interviewed, we found out through snail mail April 1 (the date all colleges that you applied to have to give you their decision by). Our interviews went from January to March, but it looks like they’ve tightened the schedule a bit. I guess it gives you more time to think about your decision as May 1st is the national date that applicants have to decide whether to enroll at an institution if given an acceptance.

the last date I got was February 20th, and that was the option right after the 16th. so ya I think the interviews are still coming…

10 dates and counting…lol

10 x 16 = 160 interviewees already and counting…

I got my interview beginning of this month.

Dates i was offered:

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009
Wednesday, February 11th
Friday, February 13th, 2009
Wednesday, February 18th
Monday, February 23rd
Friday, February 27th, 2009

I’m assuming about 16 dates all together?

Some of those dates overlap with what I was given, so there are around 12 dates and counting.

12 x 16 = 192 interviewees so far

im still gonna guess 300 interviewees and a little over 100 accepted…comparing to previous years

Good luck to you guys interviewing.

I’ve noticed that I guess now they take exactly 100 students. When I started, the brochures all said 100, but they took about 120 students. Of course, back then, MD-only students were only allowed to be Missouri residents and it looks like now they take out-of-stater MD-only applicants for those positions as well (they enroll starting in January now) which would bring in more revenue.

I found out that they are giving interviews until the end of January


Thanks for the pathology tip.

They do take out of state for MD-Only now. We had 10 last year and I think 4 were out of state. This year they enrolled 12, not sure on the stats though.

As has been noted, we are just filling a seat for a 6 year who has left the program for whatever reason.

i asked and was told about 275 students will be interviewed and exactly 100 accepted

These are annual figures of tuition PLUS fees, so you can see the difference every year due to inflation, etc. They only have resident and non-resident figures (not regional): [AAMC</a> Tuition and Student Fees Reports](<a href=“]AAMC”>

They even have it in HTML and EXCEL form so that you can sort it in order on EXCEL to see where UMKC ranks in costs.

Resident (In-state)
1996-1997: 20,129
1997-1998: 20,794
1998-1999: 20,794
1999-2000: 22,139
2000-2001: 22,894
2001-2002: 23,681
2002-2003: 25,963
2003-2004: 26,180
2004-2005: 27,059
2005-2006: 28,435
2006-2007: 28,102
2007-2008: 29,195
2008-2009: 28,810

Non-Resident (Out-of-state)
1996-1997: 40,092
1997-1998: 41,376
1998-1999: 41,376
1999-2000: 44,018
2000-2001: 45,473
2001-2002: 47,028
2002-2003: 51,274
2003-2004: 51,491
2004-2005: 52,372
2005-2006: 53,678
2006-2007: 53,398
2007-2008: 56,128
2008-2009: 56,279

what to people wear for these interviews? should it be a formal suit or is a nice shirt and dress pants good enough?

what time did you guys find out that you got an interview (when was email sent?)

Wear a nice suit & tie. Interview invites started in December.

haha, I meant like time of day lol