UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Call the Med School Admissions office & ask.

o :cry: see the problem is that my school only offers 4 AP classes so i was gonna take those as a senior and i have worked about 50 hours at a doctors office and am going to volunteer at 2 nursing homes this summer and my scool is not private.

Well then that’s something you need to mention on your application about only 4 AP classes TOTAL being offered at your school. Do you not have sort of a track for GT (gifted and talented) students in 9th and 10th grade (Pre-AP, Honors, Advanced, etc.) as I noticed you have a lot of regular classes in general like for Biology, Geometry, Social Studies, in which most out-of-staters are in the Pre-AP/Honors/Advanced section of that course.

nope we dont have anything like that… the 4 ap’s are the most advanced classes :frowning: sigh

Well, then you need to put on your application that only 4 AP courses total are available at your school and that there are no Pre-AP/Honors/Advanced tracked courses available at your school (i.e. Pre-AP Biology I or Honors Geometry, etc.) only regular, so the admission committee knows you are taking the most demanding curriculum that is available at your school and not just slacking.

Very unusual though, as I don’t know of schools that have you enroll in regular version of courses and then jump into AP courses. Usually it starts as Pre-AP, Honors, or Advanced in 9th and 10th grade and leads into the AP course in 11th and 12th grade, so for example:

Pre-AP World Geography -> Pre-AP World History -> AP U.S. History -> AP U.S. Government; AP Economics.
Pre-AP English I -> Pre-AP English II -> AP English Language -> AP English Literature
Pre-AP Algebra I -> Pre-AP Geometry -> Pre-AP Algebra II -> Pre-AP Precalculus -> AP Calculus
Pre-AP Biology I -> Pre-AP Chem I -> Pre-AP Physics I -> AP Bio, Chem, or Physics
Spanish I -> Spanish II -> Pre-AP Spanish III -> AP Spanish Language -> AP Spanish Literature

Are you taking AP English Language now your junior year, or is it regular English III?

hey smartnab19
first of all i think that 4 ap’s are fine. i got an interview this year and that is all i had as far as ap’s. just make sure you use all the opportunities that are provided for you.

being a well rounded person is helpful too. i think umkc likes genuine people. they look for personality as well as stats. so when you apply next year make sure you get across who you are and why you are different but still suited to go to the school.

i agree with radracer, though, wanting to go to a school because your friends go there is not a good idea. so don’t ever say that again. you will be called out for it.

Volunteer work is a great idea, but if you can look into doing some research with a prof or something,or maybe talk to your school about an independent study next year. that would look really great and it would give you a lot to talk about.

lastly i think that getting a couple more points on your ACT would help.
but i think your on the right track, just be yourself, and good luck applying

Ananas is right, UMKC needs to know that you are at least trying to take a rigorous schedule that’s available at your school (whatever that is - hence the explanation to put on your application) as every school offers different opportunities to their students what’s important as he said is that you’ve used all the opportunities that are provided to you.

Sometimes the counselor’s office has like a summary sheet, which you can include with your application: explaining the grading system, demographics, class size, average SAT/ACT scores, classes available, etc. So check and see if they have that.

Work on things you CAN HELP:
Try to get that CV expanded MORE, see if you can bump up your rank by 1, **just in case **, they strictly apply a percentage cutoff (they probably won’t as you only have like a 100 people in your class where your top ten people ARE the top ten percent), and most importantly, send in your application early. Download this year’s application, and write comprehensive answers to all of them. Ask at the end of this year for your teacher’s to write a letter of recommendation so they are ready by the fall. You can then be prepared to send in the application the earliest possible.

By the time the interview comes along, that’s to show how you are as a person not your academic stats - as they have that already. It’s more holistic in nature.

Can anyone enrolled in the bs/md program chance me:

I’m an international Student currently living in Toronto, Canada.
I’m an “asian” student with an American Citizenship.

ACT-33 ( & 9/12 on essay)
Math 2c-800
Physics -800
Korean with listening - 760

AP Physics B - 5
AP Calculus AB -5

IB Program:
English HL - 6
Biology HL - 6
Chemistry HL -7
French SL -5
Geography SL -7
Math SL -7
TOK & Extended Essay -2 (IB Diploma)

Top 5% of

Extra Curricular:
Played school basketball team for 4 years
Played Houseleague basketball for 5 years
School badminton team -1 year
15 Math Contest Certificates and 1 Science contest certificate and 1 biology contest certificate.
Volunteer at Library 100+ (hours)
Volunteer at hospital as a translator for patients 100+
Raised money for Cancer Research, going about neighborhoods 50+
French award (highest mark in grade 10)
Math award (I don’t know if this counts b/c i got it in my gr. 8 grad)
Went to Tijuana, Mexico to help needies 150+
Went to native village to help needies 100+
School Orchestra for 4 years
School Chamber (Advanced) Orchestra for 2 years
LEADER of Church Orchestra for 2 years
Track & Field for 2 years
Math Club for 1 year

I’m applying to a BS/MD program.
Considering my stats and the fact that I’m an “asian” international student with an American Citizenship, which universities(With the particular program) would be realistic for me? (please)

Appreciate the help people.

I graduated from the program recently, and as I don’t think there is anyone enrolled currently that is also active on CC, so I’ll take the bait.

Class ranking:
What is your actual class rank and out of how many students?

Standardized testing:
Excellent ACT score, excellent SAT IIs, you’d be coming in with a lot of credit:
[UMKC</a> Registration and Records - Credit by Examination](<a href=“]UMKC”>

Excellent - one to note for all people on CC, is that your extracurriculars show a long involvement/commitment of several years, not just lukewarm involvement in music, sports. Your volunteering activities are diverse. Especially nice, is your helping in international health causes for those less fortunate - Went to Tijuana, Mexico/Went to native village.

Awards/Honors - Academic and Non-Academic:
15 Math Contest Certificates and 1 Science contest certificate and 1 biology contest certificate, French award (highest mark in grade 10). Nothing below high school counts. Do you have any other awards? It is difficult to amass awards but each different contest event can be listed separately. Scholarships also count as well.

Other things to add to your CV as we can always improve no matter how well our CV may look - getting involved in medical or basic science research at a local university or medical school. Go to this website: [</a> - Home](<a href=“]”> to get ideas from people’s applications, to get ideas.

“asian” international student with an American Citizenship = So in other words you are a U.S. citizen. You just happened to go to high school in Canada, correct? Being “asian” in ethnicity/heritage is not a disqualifying factor. lol.

All in all I would say you would have excellent chances of getting accepted into a highly competitive BA/MD or BS/MD programs. However, you would not qualify for UMKC as according to the application: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;, one of the requirements for admission is “graduation from an accredited United States high school”. However, I would call UMKC School of Medicine admissions just to make sure. Ms. Mary Morgenegg: 816-235-1783.

Blegh…got my rejection letter in the mail today. Oh well, it’s all good.

Yea, got my rejection to…

Hello Happytograduate,

<pre><code> My high school does not rank the students. How UMKC treats these kind of students? will it be disadvantageous for me? Also, I see on several posts people ask to PM them for any questions. How can I PM a person?

i just got my interview…it’s on the 23rd. anyone else going on this day? are there any tips you would like to offer? and what kinds of questions did they ask? btw, how many are interviewed this year?

Crazymed, if you click on someone’s username on the left side, a bunch of options drop down, if there is an option to send a private message to that person then you can do that.

According to the FAQs: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

“What if my school doesn’t rank its students?
We understand that not all schools rank their students. If your school does not rank, it is not a detriment to your application. Your transcripts will be reviewed by the Admissions Office in the medical school.”

So you should be fine.

Hey, HappytoGraduate. Thanks so much for your comment. I really appreciate your encouragement.

Would you be able to list a few universities in the East with the program? Also, do you think I should apply to californian universities? or do I need better stats for them?

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I think you should apply for the Californian universities as well. Check and see what the requirements are for BS/MD programs and BA/MD programs and start researching and filtering which ones would interest you. Keep on expanding that CV - get involved in research if you can.

Few Programs that I know of in the Northeast:

Several listed:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Farmington, CT
[B.A./B.S&lt;/a&gt;. and M.D. Program at the UConn School of Medicine](<a href=“]B.A./B.S”>

Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, MA
[Early</a> Assurance Program - School of Medicine - Tufts University](<a href=“Homepage | Tufts University School of Medicine”>Homepage | Tufts University School of Medicine)

Newark, NJ
[NJMS</a> – Education – Admissions](<a href=“]NJMS”>
[NJMS</a> – Education – Admissions](<a href=“]NJMS”>

UMDNJ - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Piscataway, NJ
[RWJMS</a> Prospective Medical Students- Special Admissions Programs](<a href=“]RWJMS”>

Albany Medical College
Albany, NY
[Albany</a> Medical College: Special Programs<a href=“Rensselaer%20Polytechnic%20Institute,%20Union%20College%20and%20Siena%20College”>/url</a>

Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University
New York, NY
[url=<a href=“]Mount”>]Mount</a> Sinai - About Us](<a href=“404 - Page Not Found”>404 - Page Not Found)

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Rochester, NY
[University</a> of Rochester : Learning : Combined Degrees](<a href=“]University”>

Drexel University College of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
[Health</a> Professions](<a href=“]Health”>
[Drexel</a> University: College of Engineering: Special: Accelerated: B.S./M.D.](<a href=“]Drexel”>
[Drexel</a> University | Undergraduate Admissions | Academic Programs | Academic Programs Overview - Drexel Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Drexel”>

Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA
[Premedical-Medical</a> Program](<a href=“]Premedical-Medical”>

Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Hershey, PA
[Early</a> Assurance and Early Decision Programs - Penn State MD Program](<a href=“]Early”>
[Penn</a> State Eberly College of Science](<a href=“]Penn”>

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA
[University</a> of Pittsburgh: Undergraduate Admissions & Financial Aid](<a href=“]University”>

Temple University School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
[Temple</a> University School of Medicine Office of Admissions: Special Admissions Programs](<a href=“]Temple”>
[Temple</a> University School of Medicine Office of Admissions: Special Admissions Programs](<a href=“]Temple”>

The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Providence, RI
PLME: [Brown</a> Program in Liberal Medical Education](<a href=“]Brown”>
EIP: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Eastern Virginia Medical School
Norfolk, VA
[Prehealth</a> Professions: Prehealth Advisory Committee](<a href=“]Prehealth”>
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Richmond, VA
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Happy, I have been rejected from UMKC. Do you know of any early assurance programs in the northeast, and how difficult they are t get into?

The Early Assurance Programs in the Northeast is included in the list above also I forgot DC’s programs:

Georgetown University School of Medicine
[Early</a> Assurance Program (EAP) - Pre-Medical Studies at Georgetown - Georgetown College](<a href=“]Early”>

George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
[BA/MD</a> Program - GW Doctor of Medicine Admissions](<a href=“Welcome | School of Medicine and Health Sciences”>Welcome | School of Medicine and Health Sciences)
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Howard University College of Medicine
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

thanks again, HTG(happytograd).

I live in Canada, but I was born in California.
Would I be considered an “international” student or an “American” student?
Some bs/md programs don’t accept “international” students.

Do you know any bs/md programs where they don’t ask you to do interviews?