UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program


I am a first year here in the program at UMKC. If you ever have any questions about your first year here, I would be happy to try to answer them. I remember reading the college confidential blog about this time last year, and I found it very helpful.

Let me know!!!

hoping–I was at the feb 23rd interview too.

when do decisions come out?

hey pinktennis, I think around March 15th - April 1st looking from previous threads, however I am not too sure. I am little nervous though…
what did you think of ur interview?

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Well according to above:

“Interviewed applicants are notified in March whether they will be offered admission.”


I am fairly certain that they don’t let MD-Only students interview perspective six year students, or even MD-Only students. We get hit up for the tours for perspective MD-Onlys, but not interviews. I think hoping1991 was talking about an actual Doctor that was interviewing him.

It’s now required that MD Onlys have to take Biochemistry and Cell Biology before enrolling as an MD Only, though neither are requirements at most AMCAS schools.

I know this thread is focused on 6-year students, but just thought I’d clear that up.

I was wondering that too, as where he said, “In fact, my interviewer warned me about it. He said that he himself went through an 4+4 traditional program, and when most med schools spend like 6 months on Biochem, UMKC spends 6 weeks…”

I thought he was either interviewed by an MD-only student who was nominated, ran for, and voted onto Council on Selection (there are 2 student positions in which those students DO interview applicants) or the interviewer was a doctor who had done 4+4 with the MD part having being done at UMKC. Definitely, not a glowing evaluation of the program, if the interviewer (who is a docent and is thus familiar with the program and its students) told that to an applicant. Actually, it speaks volumes.

They must have changed those requirements, but I guess they really have no choice, as by the time MD-onlys enroll they’ve already missed Anatomy (undergraduate level), Microbiology (undergraduate level), Cell Biology (undergraduate level), Genetics (undergraduate level) and Human Biochemistry I - Medical.

It’s amazing how someone who graduated in the past from the program knows more about it, than someone WHO IS ACTUALLY ENROLLED in the program. It definitely tells about the caliber of applicants.

[Council</a> on Selection](<a href=“]Council”>
<strong><em>Under Student Physicians</em></strong>

^Big whoop. He didn’t know the ins and outs of every facet of the med school. Don’t you have anything better to do than take potshots at everyone who disagrees with you? Chill out, man. No need to go around antagonizing everyone. We’re all just offering our views as medical graduates, medical students, college students, or high school students (in your case).

Isn’t that pretty much what you do norcalguy? Giving advice in a combined degree forum when you have not been in a combined degree program yourself? Feel free to look at your prior post on board scores in this thread:

“But, many of UMKC’s students aren’t going to have offers from Northwestern or Brown. They’re stuck choosing between UMKC or going to college and getting into med school the normal way.”

“So, UMKC has below average USMLE scores. Do you expect it have above average USMLE scores? It certainly doesn’t have above average students.” — When you haven’t investigated the program yourself and you don’t attend there either.


Radracer- its always good to have a devils advocate to look at the situation from another perspective. I’m sure norcalguy’s input has helped many students.


I took it to be an actual doctor who had gone to a more traditional Med School and was now here in some capacity. I glanced through the link that radracer was gracious enough to provide and recognized a few of the doctors and know they aren’t UMKC grads. However, I was unaware that students interviewed perspective applicants, so who knows. I agree, it’s not a good thing to for an interviewer to bad mouth the school to an interviewee.

They must have. If I remember correctly, I was required to have taken cell biology, biochemistry, and genetics on top of the usual requirements (however, not required to take physics I and II as is the norm for most med schools, as well as the traditional two semesters of organic chemistry).

Yes, apparently a competent medical student is now expected to learn, not only the basic medical sciences, but the administrative ins and outs of their particular institution as well. To not know the administrative mumbo-jumbo is a definite reflection on the “caliber of applicants” to any school.

I admire the work and research radracer put forth in making a sound decision. I don’t admire the immaturity they continue to show in their posts here. It won’t serve them well in their future endeavors.

Going through the traditional application process, I was surprised at the ability of admission’s councils to see through the facade of an applicant during an interview and deny them admission, despite their stellar numbers.

I think the interviews went as well as they could have. I guess we’ll see what happens…I’m nervous too!!

Oh, also to correct my post, as I realize there are only 2 docents on that Council, it may not have been a docent doctor, it could have been another MD/DO employed through UMKC as well.

Yeah it would have been so wrong for them to require you to have taken physics I and II and two semesters of organic chemistry, when most six year students doing the BLA don’t take those courses.

anyone know the specific date we get decisions? and will it be by mail, email, or phone call?

prbly around the end of this month to early april…and it should be an email for our decision

For those PMing me about finances, I will be honest with you. UMKC is a HECK of a lot of money. Starting from Year 1 in the Fall, you are classified as a School of Medicine student and thus charged at the Medical School rate from the beginning even though most of your classes are undergraduate courses. If you extend, that is one more year in tuition and fees. If you were an out-of-state student, you signed an agreement in your acceptance papers that you agree to pay out-of-state fees for all 6 years or longer (I don’t know if this is still true).

Also, the first 2 years for financial aid purposes - you are classified as an “Undergraduate” and the last 4 years you are classified as a “Professional” (Grad).

Monetary Decisions for Medical Doctors: [AAMC:</a> (MD)2- Monetary Decisions for Medical Doctors](<a href=“]AAMC:”>

Changing your Residency status (if you qualify): [University</a> of Missouri - Kansas City Admissions Office](<a href=“]University”>

Cashier’s Office: [UMKC</a> Cashiers Office - Fee Structure](<a href=“Cashiers Office | Cashiers | University of Missouri - Kansas City”>Cashiers Office | Cashiers | University of Missouri - Kansas City)

Scholarships: [UMKC</a> Financial Aid and Scholarships Office :: Scholarship Opportunities](<a href=“]UMKC”>
Research scholarships to see which University scholarships you would qualify for as a six-year BA/MD student. Many UMKC scholarships have criteria excluding UMKC med students from applying. See how much financial aid you will get from the FAFSA.

See here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; and calculate how much tuition, room, and board would be for 6 years. Realize this does not include the increase in tuition annually due to inflation.

Make sure you are ENTIRELY comfortable with the amount of loans you are willing to carry for attending the UMKC program. Even if you end up leaving or failing out, bc of the speed of the program, you will still have to pay back those loans.

As far as getting a loan now, I don’t know how hard it is to get one now (as I got mine when the economy was still good) or the interest rate you would be charged as that is decided by the bank (based on your credit), and with the way things are looking in the economy (it has been like this since about Aug/Sept 2008), banks are less likely to extend credit and increase lending of money for anything, even if it is an education.

However, do your homework and research, so you know how much you and your parents will be forking over, how much in loans you will be taking and how much interest will accrue, as well as how long it would take you to pay off all your loans after residency (as you most likely will not be able to pay anything with a resident’s salary). This is serious business - do the legwork now.

2009 UMKC Match List
[UMKC</a> School of Medicine](<a href=“]UMKC”>

Did anyone else get a handwritten letter today from UMKC asking if they had any questions?

Kevluigi- Sounds extra promising for you!!