UNC Philosophy??

<p>Anyone here know much about philosophy at UNC? Majoring in it, taken classes...?
I got accepted and UNC is really high on my list, but I just realized how little i know about philosophy @ UNC (what I plan to major in).
great experiences? bad? amazing professors? small program? big (for phil)? lots of TA's? Class sizes? etc!! any comments would be appreciated :)</p>

<p>UNC has the 10th best philosophy program in the US, 3rd or 4th best for a public. </p>

<p>On my tour I heard it was a very small major, which is a HUGE HUGE HUGE plus for me.</p>

<p>I applied and was accepted EA as a philosophy major, so I, too, would like to know the answers to these questions.</p>

<p>I’m a Phil and Chinese double major. :)</p>


<p>All phil classes, I believe, are in Caldwell, which is this old building that when you walk in the smell of coffee freaking smacks you in the face. A lot of characters are always walking around, because, well, they’re phil majors! :)</p>

<p>You know, I’m new to the major so couldn’t tell you how large it is in the sense of how many people major in it, but the department has a very intimate feel. The professors I’ve had have been so energetic and helpful.</p>

<p>I’m really interested in the interplay between Psych and Phil, and this summer will probably be helping out with research on campus on the topic. The perk of UNC, I’d say, is that because it’s a research university you can take advantage of the more empirical phil research that’s going on. For instance, in a Self Knowledge seminar I took, we learned that UNC and Duke have a consortium with Self Knowledge - we were able to visit a lab and see some of the research being done. </p>

<p>I’d recommend checking out the website for more information. philosophy.unc.edu - email someone! See what happens!</p>

<p>Cloying… I vote you 100% most helpful person on the UNC forums. </p>

<p>I’ll definitely email a professor or something. I’m really interested in research and the like (I’ve got my eye on ivy-league grad school).</p>

<p>The intimate feel of the department is really important to me. I want to be able to get to know the professors and my peers very well. </p>

<p>How big have your classes been so far? </p>

<p>Are there any interesting study abroad opportunities? </p>

<p>How is Caldwell as a building?</p>

<p>haha signitblank, i was thinking the same thing. cloying is the bomb. and yeah - intimateness is pretty important to me, too. i applied to a handful of liberal arts colleges, because i really like the idea of smaller class sizes, less TA’s, that whole deal. </p>

<p>i’m also really interested in a lot of interdisciplinary stuff related to philosophy - specifically psychology stuff also!! :slight_smile: i’m really interested in the mind and am definitely thinking of doing a neuroscience concentration wherever i go. any comments on the psych/phil path ya doin?? </p>

<p>@ signitblank - ive only looked at study abroad stuff at some LAC’s, but it seems the trip that corresponds most with philosophy is usually the ancient world study abroad (egypt, turkey, greece, italy). most include a philosophy credit or two with sextus empiricus and aristotle and stuff.</p>

<p>also, any comments on Parr center for ethics?? ive looked at it before but couldnt find out that much. im also pretty interested in ethics, so it sounds pretty awesome - but i have no idea how/if it relates to undergrads. also are all the speakers that come pretty interesting/ attended at all?</p>

<p>haha so many questions</p>

<p>UNC also has the top Religious Studies dept in the country. Many classes are very much like philosophy classes. My son took an honors class his freshman year taught by the RS dept that was called something like Visions of the Apocalypse in Literature and Film. After one other RS class he decided to add a second major in Religious Studies.</p>

<p>eadad - Good to know. I’ve always found RS intersting. </p>

<p>TTWhite - haha, I promise I’m not copying you, but I’m also interested in the psychology side of things. </p>

<p>As for the Parr Center for Ethics… the website is pretty useless. What exactly is it?</p>

<p>Does UNC offer a bioethics concentration or course?</p>

<p>haha its all good, we might end up seeing each other if we have this many similar interests lol
don’t think there’s a concentration, but phil 165 is bioethics</p>