unc vs university of miami

<p>Help me decide between university of miami, honors program with scholarship and unc neither scholarship nor honors program. I am from Texas and my goal is medical school.</p>

<p>UM, you'd be insane to choose UNC with no scholarship. Not only are you at a private university that will offer you more chances for research, but you are also in much nicer weather (besides the fact they are predicting high hurricane activity lol) but besides the point, the important thing for med school is grades, mcat and research. There is no point in paying more to to to UNC because you will just be in more debt!!</p>

<p>What did you decide to do? Did you go to UofM or UNC? How did things turn out</p>

<p>Well, I don’t know how UNC’s pre-med program is, but I know that UM has an excellent pre-med program.</p>

<p>I’m deciding between UM and UNC right now, also. I’m in state for NC, though.</p>

<p>Follow the incentives. UNC is a prestigious school (and so is UM) but you should think twice about putting yourself in debt.</p>

<p>In order to get into medical school you are going to need very high grades and mcat’S. Two of my friends are both Doctors they both went to the same high school. The one who went to Yale ended up going to Mexico and the other who went to Rutgers made multiple US schools. UNC is very hard to get into OOS, but 85% come from NC. Do you think that UC has smarter students (no)??? I would pick UNC.</p>