Uncapped UC GPA question

Is there any scenario that would give someone a 5.0 uncapped UC GPA? Is 10th grade English weighted anywhere? Do some high schools allow students to take AP Lang or AP Lit in 10th grade?

Of course it is possible. Every single class that you take in 10th and 11th grade would either be an AP class or a qualified a-g dual enrollment class, or if you are a CA HS student, Honors classes as well. Of course you’d have to get an A in all of these classes.

@ProfessorPlum168 Thank you for your reply. Let’s say a student did get all As and took all (California) honors and AP classes. Wouldn’t 10th grade English still not be a UC weighted class?

My understanding is that math and English aren’t UC weighted until pre-calc honors and junior level English classes. I know some people take pre-calc honors in 10th grade. Do some people take a UC weighted English class in 10th grade. Is that possible in California schools?

Before I forget I have some wrong info. Apparently in 10th grade you’re only allowed to use up to 4 AP/Honors/DE weighted points only. Since most students take 6 classes, that would make it almost impossible to get to 5.00. The only way to get around that would be if the other 2 classes in 10th grade were non a-g classes, ie PE and say Robotics.

actually now that I read more it’s more confusing. I guess in 10th grade the max points is 4 semesters, not 4 classes. So I guess it’s pretty much impossible to get an uncapped 5.00.

Thanks again. For capped you can only use 4 semesters in 10th grade. I don’t believe that restriction is in place for the uncapped UC GPA (not sure).

I’m all confused…I thought that say 10th grade English Honors would count as an extra point but when I looked at my kid’s HS listing on the HS articulation website on ucop.edu it is not marked as UC Honors, so I don’t know anymore…anyhow we were more concerned with that capped UC GPA number which is fairly non-manipulatable.

I do not know of any CA HS that has a UC approved 10th grade Honors course. AP Languague and AP Literature if they are available would be the only 10th grade UC weighted English courses for the UC GPA. Since only 2 of the 9 UC’s do state they consider the Uncapped Weighted UC GPA, I think the capped weighted UC GPA is your best source for comparison. All UC’s do consider HS course rigor so even if 10th grade Honors English may not be weighted, they still consider it a rigorous course.

The weighted uncapped GPA may reflect availability of honors courses more than anything else, although it does seem to be rare that a high-school-designated honors course on material that is normally 10th or lower grade* gets the UC honors designation.

*e.g. math below precalculus, foreign language below level 3

Thanks to all for your responses. I understand rigor of course schedule regardless of whether the UCs give it a bump or not. I was just trying to figure out if a claim of an uncapped UC GPA of 5.0 is even possible. Thanks again.

Perhaps it is theoretically possible if the high school has the courses available to 10th grade students arranged just right (“honors” meaning UC accepted as honors), and the student earns all A grades:

a. An honors English course is available to 10th grade students.
b. An honors or AP science course is available to 10th grade students.
c. Student’s math level in 10th grade is precalculus honors or higher. (+2 track)
d. Student’s foreign language level in 10th grade is 3 honors or higher. (+1 track)
e. Student chooses an AP history or social studies course.
f. Student chooses honors courses for all other a-g electives (e.g. AP art history, AP computer science, AP psychology, AP statistics, etc.).

It does look from UC Doorways that honors English courses available to 10th grade students are offered by a few high schools, but not by most high schools. In math, the student needs to be two grade levels ahead, which is probably less common in real life than on these forums.