<p>UNCSA is my top school and I'm hoping to apply to its Wig and Makeup Design program.
I am aware of the academic requirements, but I have some portfolio and other admission questions. If any current UNCSA students can help me out, please do! :)</p>
<p>If they like it, can my portfolio be a big part of me getting in?</p>
<p>What is the interview like?</p>
<p>Do portfolios need to have only high quality images?
- I have photographed so many of my makeups, but a lot of them are iPhone quality images..I didn't realize they'd be useful down the road!</p>
<p>Are rough makeup sketches good to include in my portfolio?</p>
<p>I struggled with my grades on and off throughout high school, but this year I've maintained straight As. Will this increase in grades and improvement go noticed?</p>
<p>Any artistic statement advice?</p>
<p>Thanks a lot. This whole college application progress is scary and overwhelming, and I really do appreciate any help.</p>