Undeclared or Non-impacted major UCSD?

<p>Hi! I been doing my UC application and it seems I come to a few problem along the way. Basically my major is Mechanical Engineering which is a IMPACTED MAJOR at UCSD. I don't have a lot of hope to getting this of this major since my GPA is not very high.</p>

<p>So I just wanted to know:</p>

<p>Should I choose both of my major and alternate major to IMPACTED MAJORS so that if I am not going to get in either of the major they would declared me as Undeclared major so I would have better chance getting in my impacted major later on.</p>

<p>Or select a NON-IMPACTED Major so I would get in and then switch to IMPACTED MAJOR later.</p>

<p>I am not sure which one should I choose?</p>

<p>Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!</p>

<p>would you mind to share what kind of GPA do you have?
my school’s counselor told me that a 3.4 should be fine…</p>

<p>Also, are you sure you can switch major after transfer (especially an impacted one)?</p>

<p>Mechanical Engineering applicant here applying to UCSD as well. I’m a bit in the same position as you are; Currently I have a 3.57 and I’m guessing that by the end of fall, I’ll either have a high 3.4 or a low 3.5. What really make me nervous is that I’m going to be missing one prereq by the end of Spring 2011 (waves and optics) and with ME now being impacted, this really isn’t making my chances all too good.</p>

<p>What I plan on doing is, since we have to pick an alternate major anyway, is to pick another major that has similar courses to ME (I think Civil or Structural Engineering are pretty damn close) as an alternate major.</p>

<p>Sucks that they had to impact ME the year we were transferring.</p>

<p>@dominicfhk, let say the highest GPA I can obtain after FALL is 3.20</p>

<p>@Anonymousity, you probably be fine. </p>

<p>What I trying to ask here is how hard for each of these categories to change into Mechanical Engineering if I don’t get in Mechanical Engineering.</p>

<p>Undeclared to Impacted Major or Non-impacted (also engineering) to Impacted Major.</p>

<p>Those scenarios are only happen if I don’t get my first choice.</p>

<p>First choice: Mechanical Engineering; Alternative: Aerospace Engineering (impacted, pretty close to Mechanical)
Second choice: Mechanical Engineering; Alternative: Engineering Science(non impacted, under same department, i try not to choose this because it doesn’t sound very good at all)</p>

<p>Dude, just plan on doing engineering science. If you get in as that major, you might be able to change and even if you can’t, you can just go with it. Half the time employers don’t even care about your major… sure you want to be an engineer, guess what you major still has the word engineering in it… noone should care too much, just take on a relevant minor.</p>