Undergraduate business program at Lehigh

Any first-hand experiences with the current program from current students and recent alumni? Would you choose it again and why?

I don’t have any direct knowledge, but know a number of people who attend/graduated from Lehigh business with very good outcomes. I also was impressed by the campus and facilities. See business major outcome specifics for class of 2020 here: Success After Graduation: First Destination Outcomes | Undergraduate Admissions | Lehigh University


Agree; very impressive. Thanks!


Hello I am a senior in Lehigh’s undergraduate business program. I have no regrets about choosing lehigh. I got a very sought after internship and was able to secure a great job. Most of my friends in the business school also have secured great jobs.

I think it’s important to know what you are getting into before you enroll at lehigh. A business program can range from great to bad relative to what you are comparing it too. If you are comparing Lehigh to the Ivy leagues’s then I can say pretty confidently that Lehigh’s business program is a significant step down. Coming from lehigh you will have a lot of trouble getting into IB/PE/MC. People at lehigh are able to get into high finance jobs but it takes a lot of networking and hard work. Even with networking and hard work, most lehigh grads who want IB end up in boutiques. If your goal is BB Investment banking or management consulting then Lehigh probably is not your best bet. You are better off working harder in high school and getting into an Ivy League tier school.

The above paragraph only really applies to the top 0.1% of students who are reaching for the most elite, highest paying jobs. If you stop comparing lehigh to ivies, the picture appears to be much better. Lehigh Is an amazing school with amazing opportunities in some of the best companies. Lehigh alumni are represented across all the Fortune 500 (including the fortune 50) companies and are heavily recruited by the big four. From what I’ve seen, lehigh might as well be one of the largest targets for the big four. Lehigh alumni are represented across all the service lines and get paid very well. Each of the big four hires about 25 lehigh students per year. I know people who go to well known state schools and the numbers don’t look anything like that. They have to compete amongst each other to get a big four / Fortune 500 job. If you consider Fortune 500 and big four to be the safeties coming from lehigh, then you can get an idea of the kind of jobs lehigh grads get.

Obviously take what I say with a grain of salt. From my experience lehigh places very well and has a very safe path to a great career while still having options for over achievers to break into the most competitive jobs.


thanks for info… when you say alot of graduates get jobs with the big four, are you referring only to accounting jobs? And if so, what types of jobs do other Lehigh business grads get?

See the link I posted above for Class of 2020 placement results

My DS Lehigh ‘20 is BB investment banker; a solid Finance major with people skills. I think Lehigh does an exceptional job of producing grads who can bring solid academic credentials, and successfully navigate a dynamic, fast paced and demanding work environment. Sure, Lehigh doesn’t love the “work hard, play hard” reputation but Wall Street seems to embrace — and recruit it.