I know Lehigh’s claim to fame is supposed to be their high employment rates for grads. But its hard to tell how accurate they are since they include things like people doing volunteer work in their 6 month post graduation rate employment. I’ve heard accounting majors get good jobs and a select few get IB jobs. What about the rest of the business majors? TIA
Can only speak for my S and his 4 closest friends. 3 employed before they graduated, one is currently pursuing their masters at Lehigh and doing an internship, one was working at an internship (he continued to work remotely during the school year into the summer) when he graduated but was pursuing employment at a different company and received an offer from 3 months after graduation. 2 of them were CSB and the other 3 were IDEAS.
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Both kids Finance majors with IB offers from
Junior summer internships; Lehigh is highly successful with deep alumni ties to Wall Street. Career services is outstanding; recruiters know Lehigh for its rigor and graduates who bring intelligence, an enormous work ethic and EQ to the table.