<p>I am not french actually, but, anyways, I would like someone to help me get a list of perhaps 10-15 colleges I could consider when applying to undergrad-comp sci universities.</p>
<p>SAT: 2260 Combined (770 Reading, 780 Math, 710 Writing)
SAT II : 800 Math II, 800 Physics
GPA: 4.0 UW
AP courses senior year: 4
Rank: 4/300 something (maybe not exactly right)
Ap courses junior year + sophmore year: 3 -> all 5s
Only 2 Foreign Language Courses =(</p>
<p>-Novel Writing/Short Story/Whatnot 9,10,11,12 ~18 hr/week
-Philosophy/Ethics Journal 12 President+Founder
-Community Service 12 (make computer programs for city, about 7 hours a week)
-Peer Tutoring 9,10,11,12 <---as I look back, probably my proudest activity
-Computer Programming/Study 9,10,11,12
-Robotics Org. 12 <---program robots
-Cross Country 10,11 <-could not do at 12 since community service interfered timing</p>
Honor Roll =)
Calculus Bc award
Pre-Calculus award
Some random distinctions like for writing</p>
<p>I am certified for Visual Basic by Microsoft, and for Oracle 8i by Oracle (it took 5 tests!!!)</p>
<p>So, what universities should I apply to? Do I have a chance at Carnegie or Stanford? Any good safety or match computer science undergrad schools? Is Texas undergrad computer science really good? They dont advertise it in their main site, and that worries me. What about Chapell Hill's comp sci department. I want to peruse extensive research, either in AI or perhaps in how we can use computer programs to help society, meaning solving world problems.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for all the help</p>