Undergraduate Economics?

<p>Did anyone here major (undergrad) in economics?</p>

<p>I'm concerned about the difficulty of economics - i'm planning on majoring in either philosophy or economics.</p>

<p>I would appreciate any feedback - thanks</p>

<p>As if philosophy perhaps is somehow not as much of a concern when considering difficulty? I recommend taking the courses...that's really the only way to know how it will work for you.</p>

<p>Actually, I am currently majoring in economics and philosophy. Each one can be difficult in its own right. I took classes at the London School of Economics this summer and it was moderately difficult, but if you like math, equations and models, (and are good at them) you will love econ. Philosophy can be difficult because you have to analyze complex arguments and give intelligent (not simply regurgitation) arguments for or against a theory. I find that the two are very related and precise in nature, especially since I focus on economics phil, political phil, and logic.
Hope that helps.</p>

<p>I'm an econ major and I love it. I'm at CCC though, and I hear it'll get harder once I transfer. I took a philosphy course and I absolutely hated it, for some reason I couldn't contort my mind around the concepts. It was just one course though, so I really shouldn't talk...</p>

<p>but Econ is awesome. I love it.</p>

<p>lookinf4aschool: wow! how did you get to take courses at the famous london school of econ? is there a summer session or something?</p>

<p>how was it? i think your econ/phil is a smart move. when & where to are you hoping to transfer?</p>

<p>I am looking at cornell, UVA, Rice, and CMC. I want to transfer but I will have to wait until finaid comes through. My families EFC is 17000 and they wont pay any so we will se how that goes. </p>

<p>But I digress. Yes I took 2 clases this summer (Public Finance and Political Economy) at the LSE. I really enjoyed it, espescially coming from a school where no one gives a damn. If you have the ability to go I would highly reccomend it.</p>

<p>I think that phil and econ is a great match. I dont know about you, but I am particularly interested mathematical logic and political philosophy. Econ teaches you to quantify and find results while phil teaches you how to think.</p>

<p>How difficult will econ classes be at UVA?</p>

<p>I did fairly well at my CC. I thought 99% of my classes were easy mainly because I almost never encountered cumulative finals. </p>

<p>How difficult will it be for me to adjust to a 4-year institution, like UVA?</p>

<p>Depends on the Professor. Some are interesting. Some are very difficult. Others just can't teach the subject very well. I had a Economics Professor who was very difficult and couldn't teach the subject very well, and he has his BA, MS, MBA from an Ivy League College. He recently got his PhD in Finance from a local university that is not well know outside the State of Florida.</p>

<p>The Economics program at my school is part of the Business Dept. So there was a lot of Business Majors who were quite arogant and unhelpful outside of class. A class is only as good as the professor who teaches it. Choose your teachers wisely.</p>