Undocumented Volunteer Hours

I have volunteered for about 75 hours at an Indian school. However, this activity is not affiliated with the school, so my school does not know that I did them. I do not believe that the Indian school documented my volunteer hours. So should I still report the 75, or should I not even report my volunteer hours.

They do not even have a phone number, as the school is in a village. They are also monolingual, so they can not even speak english if a college some how establishes contact with them.

What should I do now?

It os totally fine to include the volunteer hours in your application. ECs do not have to be connected with your school and it is not likely that a college will need verification.

That said, if you are there volunteering again you might ask if there is a name (if anyone speaks some English)/contact number (someone may have a cell) or address you can use in the event verification is requested.


I think it is fine to put down the 75 hours if accurate. I would not worry about verification. What did you do there during your volunteer hours? I don’t think any college will check up on this but I do wonder if there is someone who can vouch for you, more for future jobs perhaps.

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