Uni. of Arizona vs Uni. of Utah

<p>My niece got accepted into UA and UU. For UA, she is accepted into College of Science for a Pre-Computer Science. She applied for computer science major. Does she have to compete for the computer science major sometime later? when can she declare the major. How competitive is CS program at UA?</p>

<p>For UU, she is accepted as undecided in Letter and Sciences. Anyone here has any experience with UU? She also wants to major in CS, but for some reason when she applied, she put undecided.</p>

<p>Appreciate any input about the two schools. From ranking standpoint, they are really comparable.</p>


<p>UA’s comp sci program is on the up and up - great place to get involved in research and expand your education. I have a friend who is in CS and I think he should be declaring the major at the end of his sophomore year? </p>

1.Must have completed the following core courses with a grade of C or better: CSC 127B or CSC 227, CSC 245 and CSC 252 or CSC 335.
2.Must have at least a 2.4 cumulative UA GPA.
3.Must have at least a 2.4 GPA in the best attempt of the core courses: CSC 127B or CSC 227, CSC 245 and CSC 252 or CSC 335.
4.Must have taken at least 2 of the core CSC courses at UA.</p>

<p>As an overall school, I highly recommend UA, it’s a beautiful campus, great weather year round, awesome community and lots to do. Everyone here is happy all the time! I’m sure Utah is lovely as well - really great for radical outdoor enthusiasts but Tucson is great for outdoorsy people as well. </p>

<p>From an academic perspective the two schools are similar. Culturally SLC and Tucson are quite different, however SLC isn’t your average Utah community. There is much diversity. Does your niece like winter??..SLC has four seasons including a cold, snowy winter. Although my screen name (ASUforus) implies, we WERE ASU bound, my sone has chosen the UofA. I can’t speak to the CS program comparitively. **Special note: I’m a BYU grad…so the Utes aren’t my favorite people! However, its a strong school. Your niece’s choice is much more about location from my perspective. </p>

<p>Thanks for the input. She will attend U of A the coming fall. </p>