<p>I am lookin to transfer out of the University of Colorado. Before attending UC this year I attended the United States Naval Academy but dropped out due to personal issues and instead of taking this year off decided to apply to UC as i had a connection that could get me in at such a late date (early august '05). My grades at UC have not been to stellar however as I currently have a 3.1 gpa. Highschool however is a diff story:</p>
<p>4.1 weighted gpa
3.7 unweighted
top 10% of class
1240 SAT</p>
<p>Varsity Hockey 3 years, captain 1
Varsity tennis 4 years, captain 2</p>
<p>President National Honor Society
Writer for School newspaper
Organized Blood Drive
Member of interact (school service organization)</p>
<p>Boys State Attendee
Junior Statesmen Attendee
Granite State Scholar/Athlete
Marine Corps Service Award
Principals all-academic team</p>
<p>Received nominations from senators and congressmen to United States Naval Academy and West Point (of which I was also accepted into both)</p>
<p>I applied as a transfer student to: Boston University, Boston College, Univ Southern Cali, New York U, Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, Columbia.</p>
<p>1) Would it be wise to mention my acceptance into the academies and my subsequent resignation?</p>
<p>2) Do I have a chance at any of these schools?</p>
<p>Thanks a bunch</p>