<p>Hey guys. I just transferred to Emory U after one year at a small LAC (not much of a reputation). Anyways, at my first school I was playing football but Emory U doesnt have a team. I thought Id be fine without playing and that I would just get over it. But I REALLY miss football. I want to go to a school with a good focus in humanities and with a football team. I know I havent been here (emory) long and this may seem like a rash decision. But I want to consider transferring to Davidson. My HS stats arent great (27 ACT, 3.6 GPA) but I had a 3.85 GPA in my freshmen year. Anywyas is Davidson a possibility? Could I use profs from my first school to write LOR's? I dont think the profs here would know me well enough. Would you recommend transferring after fall or spring semester? Aslo, if any1 has any general info on davidson that would be great. Fin aid/ academics, chances whatever. Thanks.</p>