
<p>how many units are you taking your first semester at USC?</p>

<p>16 prolly.</p>

<p>I'm taking 18 units.</p>

<p>16 for me...</p>

<p>16! it's first semester, just have fun =D</p>

...but only because i got moved up from an entry CSCI class.</p>

<p>I'm signed up for 18</p>

<p>17 units. 4 classes and a tennis class</p>

<p>18 units. I'm told it's possible to try out classes and then drop one if you don't like it. Is this easy to do? I wonder if you can actually get a reasonable feel for the difficulty of the class in the short time you have to make that "drop" decision.</p>

<p>We would be able to register again for the class next semester, right?</p>

<p>18...might as well use the two extra i paid for...right?</p>