Univ. of Alabama system moves its Stocks to Cash recently

<p>Did anyone else see the article that came out recently which stated that the Univ. of Alabama system had pulled its investments out of stocks and into cash, at least till this level of uncertainty in the market decreases? Looks like a smart move now! Anyone have a link to it?</p>

<p>Too bad we didn’t put it in Gold last year. We’d have an endowment equal to Harvard :-)</p>

<p>I’m not all that surprised to hear that UA pulled its money out of the stock markets. I wonder if this also affects the University Investment Club as they get to invest a portion of UA’s endowment however they wish.</p>

<p>*Too bad we didn’t put it in Gold last year. We’d have an endowment equal to Harvard :slight_smile: *</p>

<p>LOL …now if that had happened, wouldn’t have that ruffled more than a few feathers.</p>

<p>Decent move- it’ll cut the losses that would’ve been had this week, and it’ll better position the University for a mass stock buy-up in the next few weeks/months. The next few weeks will be messy ones, but I think a rebound will occur eventually. (and, btw, Senate Banking is about to start an investigation into S&P and make their lives hell, more or less)</p>

<p>"(and, btw, Senate Banking is about to start an investigation into S&P and make their lives hell, more or less) "</p>

<p>They should have done that after the whole mortgage meltdown…I guess they did not want to rock the boat. Too bad S&P did not feel the same sense of caution.</p>

Yeah. I’m old enough to remember S&P getting a free pass on Enron, etc, haha.</p>

<p>Too bad our august Senate will never investigate their own failure when they submitted to the Banking establishment and made “Too Big to Fail” the nation’s key policy.</p>

<p>Agreed Atlanta. The Senate needs to investigate themselves as well as Greenspan, Bernanke, and that dolt currently running (ruining?) the Treasury, Geithner.</p>