University Fellows Experience Phone Interview

<p>Hello everyone! I was selected as a semifinalist, and I know that the phone interview is very brief. Does anyone know what the interview is like? How much does demonstrated interest in the University of Alabama matter? Thank you!</p>

<p>“How much does demonstrated interest in the University of Alabama matter?”</p>

<p>Reread what servant leadership is all about and then honestly ask yourself if you see yourself there.</p>

<p>ND2017, congratulations on being selected to interview. I would suggest taking some time to read about the program online again as a refresher, doing a little online research to see what the program has done in the past, and familiarizing yourself with the essay your prepared for your UFE application. Other than that, it’s important that you be yourself and answer honestly, saying what you believe and not what you think someone might want to hear you say. </p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>All, obviously … and I mean that sincerely … if you’re not able to show enthusiasm for UA generally as part of the interview process, then that will not serve well for moving on. That should be obvious and would be true for virtually any interview process. Why hire or pick someone that appears to be on the fence?</p>

<p>I would also add, that unlike other programs that may take the “highest” achievers (at UA or otherwise), I would offer per experience over the last 2 years that often it’s NOT just the highest academic achievers that make the cut for Fellows. As posted here many times, sometimes candidates with “slightly” lower academics or fewer powerful ECs move on in the Fellows process because of particular service experience or perhaps because they are just really good fits for this program.</p>

<p>So, please go into this with eyes open. It is VERY competitive, and often times the most seemingly qualified may not have even been selected as semifinalists, let alone be selected as finalists. It is NOT a mark against you if you’re not selected. Often times those not making it, quite frankly, are not used to rejection as they’ve achieved so highly in their previous activities.</p>

<p>My D was not selected as a finalist for Fellows, but is doing quite well, and is very happy with her experience in CBHP and cannot imagine having done anything differently.</p>

<p>Good Luck!!!</p>

<p>Congrats ND2017. I agree with all of the previous suggestions. I would also remind the semi-finalist that Fellows are not guaranteed to receive ANY additional scholarships. Some seem to have the notion that UFE=Academic Elite scholarship. This is not the case for many.</p>

<p>Congrats ND2017! Two years ago, my D applied to both Fellows and CBHP. She made it to the phone interview for Fellows. At that point she was still unsure which direction she really wanted to go. It was during the phone interview that she realized that she was probably not a great fit for Fellows (she was not selected). She was selected for CBHP and I can tell you that that has been a great fit. She loves what she is doing and has met some incredible people.</p>

<p>Actually, I was told that all of the University Fellows receive the Presidential Scholarship, if they have not already qualified for one. That would apply for those students with an ACT score of 28 or 29 that manage to make it into the program.</p>



<p>Or 30/31 for those OOS!</p>

<p>Thank you all for the advice, and for not thinking too harshly about my username
:slight_smile: I made this account a few months ago (before I went to Bama’s business camp) and now there is a good chance that I end up at Bama.</p>

<p>Welcome and good luck! Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Tell everyone it stands for “NoDoubt”, ND!</p>

<p>Well ND, you could say you were now going to Bama due to the superior football program!</p>

<p>I’ve heard usernames can be changed… ;)</p>

<p>Did you get invited to do the phone interview by mail or by email?</p>

<p>The phone interview invitation comes via email to your Crimson account.</p>

<p>I have my interview tonight! Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Has anyone received a letter concerning the finalist weekend yet? I heard they come tomorrow but wasn’t sure if someone got info early.</p>

<p>According to this thread <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; notifications were mailed out today… so not much chance of getting it tomorrow, though I don’t know how long mail takes!</p>